Z4: So close yet so far...


Dear all,

This is my first post here, hence a big hello to everyone. I am finalising a deal on a Z4 which i'm sure some of you have already seen before. And i just can't wait for it to happen.

But I am shocked by the amout of insurance i potentially have to pay...NTUC (which some of you say is cheap) actually quoted me 3991 with a 2000 excess. Does it really cost so much... i am over 30 and have a 20% NCB. Does anyone else in this forum fit this category...if so what is the premium you guys are paying.

Thanks in advance for any comments and fingers cross on the Z4

Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

3991 is a bit on high side for 20 pct NCB and over 30 yrs old
Is it 2.5L or 3L ?

I paid 3.8k for 0 NCB with AXA and it's 3L one.
Age is over 30-35 group. Job nature is desk bound
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

hi picard,

thats quite a norm for soft top cars... i have had 3 different softtop cars in my life and all has high insurance coverage and excess...
i am 31yrs old, got my Z last year and payin around the same as u mentioned...

Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

Thank you guys for the quick reply... is a 2.5l Z4 and i am really keeping my fingers crossed and waiting for the insurance broker to revert!

Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

is ur new ride steling grey( black interior ) wif after mkt rims ?
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

Cool man...congrats!
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

picard said:
Dear all,

Does anyone else in this forum fit this category...if so what is the premium you guys are paying.

Thanks in advance for any comments and fingers cross on the Z4


Welcum bro!! Congrats on ur new ride!! Post some pix of ur awesome ride soon ya!

Insurance thingy, I am 26 years old so paiseh does not fit into the category. Gd Luck!

Din noe Geoff Ang is 31??? thot he is 26 too? Chow Lau.. hahahha

Jack, dun just congrats, say that his new ride is "Boh Bey Zao"!! kekekekke
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

HH is gone.........:(
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

TripleM said:
HH is gone.........:(

huh??? HH??? what u mean???

as for daniel... KNN... u like gal sial.... so obessesed abt age.... hahahhhaa!!!
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

No wonder he always plays the song "Forever Young" by Alphaville
Normal and Re-Mix version he got..
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

My two cents worth... I have always gone through a broker and he has never failed to offer lower rates than the insurance companies (NTUC, AXA, AIG, etc.). He got me slightly more than 5% off premiums quoted by insurance companies for my E60 last month. PM me if you need contact of my insurance broker. He recently helped my friend with his 4 year old boxster.
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

Dear all,

Really appreciate the info given...those insurance companies are really scams!!! From the first quote of 3.9k, now i've been given a quote as low as 2.1K...

thanks again!!!!
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

picard said:
those insurance companies are really scams!!! From the first quote of 3.9k, now i've been given a quote as low as 2.1K...

thanks again!!!!

Whahahahaha..... 2.1k is a steal!!

1535 last eveing starter... whahahahah..
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

1535 last eveing starter... whahahahah..

Stop that will ya.....? :(
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

TripleM said:
Stop that will ya.....? :(

U r still alive???? whahahahahahhahah

Picard, do join us this mth end meetup ya!!
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...


would luv to man... but will be out of town next week end!!! and i still dun have the zeddie yet.

but soon i hope! ahhhh. can't wait!

so, how is you bad ass mafia 7 coming along... the rims are black as night now?
Re: Z4: So close yet so far...

Damn..this ride looks and sound familiar. Anyway, the Zs a good ride to have Picard. Good choice!!

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