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  1. marko-polo

    ATF - is prevention really better than the cure?

    JHLim, I changed the ATF on my previous ride an E46 318iA when the clock showed 89,000km, the experience was anything but good. After the oil change, I started to encounted "knocks" which I previously never experienced, the down shift also become noticeably jerky.
  2. marko-polo

    Delicious Thought

    JHLim, give it a miss cause it's really not worth the hassle and more so to be on the wrong side with the law here in Singapore.
  3. marko-polo

    Fuel consumption for E39

    Re: Fuel consumption for E39 That's probably because the engine hasn't really yet settle down, give it a couple of thousand clicks more and you should see some improvement
  4. marko-polo

    Fuel consumption for E39

    Re: Fuel consumption for E39 Hey! That's pretty good, I'm getting between 12.6 to 13.2L/100km with about 50% Highway-50% City use
  5. marko-polo

    PML Car Grooming vs ---

    PAK, next time you decide on sending your ride for a grooming session, gimme a buzz and we go driving range to shoot some balls or do something more "constructive" than flipping magazines from front to back to front :lol:
  6. marko-polo

    Radar Detector

    used to use of those radar/laser detectors and I guess it did serve some use, for a while at least. The cops have gotten wiser over time so instead of beaming their speed traps in wait of passing traffic, they have adopted a hide, point and shoot tactics. What this effectively means is that the...
  7. marko-polo

    HID conversion for E39

    Bro......what you mean by florescent lights????? More machiam stadium lights you mean.
  8. marko-polo

    HID conversion for E39

    Ah-ya, if ever kenah stopped by white nicely to him and explain that you suffer from night blindness and that the xenons are there to help you see better in the dark and as such, minimise the risk of an uncalled for accident. :laughlik: .....and if it so darn happens that...
  9. marko-polo

    HID conversion for E39

    CONGRATULATIONS can go dark dark place
  10. marko-polo

    My Feedback on Obit and UUC Pulley

    sounds like you've got a good fix
  11. marko-polo

    reverse sensor.

    Got mine done @ J4C for S$280 all in. Reverse sensors are fully concealed, no holes to drill and works just fine.
  12. marko-polo

    E46 Exhaust Box to give-away

    it's stock
  13. marko-polo

    HID conversion for E39

    Arsenal62, Whereabouts did you get your brackets made? Or did you crafted it yurself? Sure looks really professionally done and not surprised that the folks at BVO actually thought it was original! Got my mess cleaned up today, a pretty simple set-up, nothing comparred to what you have...
  14. marko-polo

    E46 Exhaust Box to give-away

    it's for the pre-FL 318iA
  15. marko-polo

    servicing time....any non PML garages

    T6, How's BVO? I serviced my previous ride, an E46 @ J4C and literally watch them grow from strength to strength, naturally follow suit with my current ride, but these days, they seem to be too busy, and understandably, taken its toll on their level of attentiveness, thinking of finding an...
  16. marko-polo

    HID conversion for E39

    Arsenal62, Many thanks!! Owe you a beer!
  17. marko-polo

    HID conversion for E39

    T6, no problem man, next time there's a meet-up I'll let you in on my messy engine bay. Will give Nick a buz, really need help to sort the mess out. Share a joke, just came back from the basement car park - was trying to adjust the beam - think I broke something cause teh entire headlight...
  18. marko-polo

    HID conversion for E39

    T6/ Arsenal62 Got my HID fixed @ autobacs over the weekend........lights look great and no "error" code. Only grouse....wiring is in a mess and guess I'll have to fabicate a holder like the one you have installed over the cluster assembly. Any chance you have a JPEG photo I could refer to...
  19. marko-polo

    What is the profile of a 520 driver ... in general

    Spidy25 Congratulations! Hope your new ride isn't keeping you in the garage through the wee hours of the morning with a terry cloth in tow. Cheri-O
  20. marko-polo

    HID conversion for E39

    arsenal & T6....all that hard work gone into polishing my ride for nothing...... tell me when the next informal e39 meet is on, I'll mark it in my calendar.