116d kakis

Hi, is there a whatsapp group still that i can be added?

Also, is anyone else's 116d especially jerky when you are braking to a stop? My car jerks forward a little whenever im coming to a complete stop - Any idea why?
There is a main whatsapp group for all F20 as well as a dedicated group for diesel, whatsapp me @ 84990403, will add you in.
hi guys, thinking to buy a used 116d. is it reliable? can share the common problems? thanks in advance
Hi currently driving a 2015, F20 116d
Like to know hv any kaki here change their mass air flow sensor?
Is there a apps group that I can b added to?
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Hi ! Anyone facing ABS sensor failure issues on the 116d. I own an 2016 model year 116d. Lately I have experience error message indication stability issues requiring check by service center and asking to "drive moderately." Surprisingly my friend bought a similar unit at same time and took delivery 1 week before me also had the same problem 1 week ago. Hard to believe its a coincidence...
Most likely it’s the speed sensor cable that’s attached to every individual wheel. I had it replaced and all the error messages disappeared.


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Hi, I’m an owner of a 116d and would like to join the whatsapp chat! My number is 82007367.

Just got my 2017 116d earlier this month and hope to join the party.

How to join the Whatsapp group for 116d Kakis?
hi guys just brought a pre owed 116d. any kind soul can invite me to any chat group =) tia ya. 88688188

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