Re: 335i alternatives
Hi everyone!
Many thanks for all your suggestions and special thanks to four4s for a detailed comparison of the TT vs 335!
I gave up my hope of getting the new car by CNY and finally signed up for a 335i coupe today.
I decided against the TT and 630i as their rear seats were a little small. (Yes, the 630i is smaller than the 335i.)
Anyway, delivery is tentatively Feb/March 08. I figured that I can still change my mind if something better shows up before factory date in December/January -- such as the new S5.
Here are some new cars info for those of you interested:
- 630i is due for face lift in September
- 730i is being phased out next year and now going for $268k
- There are 70 outstanding orders for the 335 pending delivery. With demand going up, I don't suppose 335 will be a rare breed..
- X5 preview coming
- M3 will be priced around $360k
Starting my count down timer:
T - 8 months and waiting.. :juggle: