~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

SHAMELESS;352403 said:
i'm here leh, u looking for me? jab1 tonight rite? i know......! got sore eyes lah.....u saw yesterday mah....today worst still.....zcheng like fark......and i damn bad mood also....... :p next week then i cheong with u lah...swee boh???

swee la~ Fri or Sat also can.. Sat will be more happening.. lolx~
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

heyjudd;352356 said:
Thank gal!!!....think i really need to go on city tour bus...dnt know alot of plcs in spore....:oops:

once u guys confirm then c how lah.....I will be out anyway

Ok i'm equally clueless. Just passed by Shin and realised they have moved and that was quite some time ago. They are near Law Society now... Er... well if we ever go, give me a buzz and I'll guide you there. If i don't get lost myself that is...
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

milk15;352342 said:
53 South Bridge Road........... somewer further down from JAB1........

fiercepink;352348 said:
Boat Quay. Near Mag's Wine Kitchen and Archipelago. Same region...

heyjudd;352356 said:
Thank gal!!!....think i really need to go on city tour bus...dnt know alot of plcs in spore....:oops:

once u guys confirm then c how lah.....I will be out anyway

fiercepink;352723 said:
Ok i'm equally clueless. Just passed by Shin and realised they have moved and that was quite some time ago. They are near Law Society now... Er... well if we ever go, give me a buzz and I'll guide you there. If i don't get lost myself that is...

:furious: :furious: :furious: I gave the full address.... nvr thank me... instead thank FP for giving wrong info..... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

FP........ now Shin is just located opp hongkong st.............. :nehnehhh:
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

sonya626;353447 said:
hey i wanna go too! damn bored... but i dont know where leh. i'll get lost!

no problem.. you can get the address on the previous ktv outing or you can just pm me and i will tell u where is it...

add you name to the list ok?
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Date : 4th July 2008 (Friday)

Time : 9pm onwards til late

Venue : JAB1 @ Circular Road

Hi guys, its been a long time since I organise any outing. FP is not planning to organise anymore KTV outings, therefore I am doing the organising now. I have heard some feedbacks from other forumers about holding it at Jab1, but as I am working there, I am organising it there. As for expenditure, if I am not wrong, that night on our last KTV outing, we spent about $950 (with some change) for 4 bottles of Martell and 2 bottles of Chivas excluding some beers which was on seperate bills.

Just hope that I can have a good turnout this round, if turnout cannot have at least 19 to 20 pax, then I will cancel this session because I am looking at per person maximum of paying about $50.

1. morphisis (working there so confirm there that night.. :nehnehhh: )
2. fiercepink
3. babe
4. judd
5. DK
6. Jian Ming (morphisis's friend)

Currently all tentative 1st due to getting headcount.. :)

*bump bump*
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Babe and myself will be late... We're going to have our romantic date first...
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

BobbyTay, Roasty, Bmer, Guni, hitmee...

you guys joining? think its going be just a normal get-together session...

actually wanted to see Gayvin and Bobby hugging again... this time must video.... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

*Bump Bump*
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

we have quite a bit of people going but frankly, may not be heading down to jab, could be else where. whoever wants to come, can call me. i'll confirm tomorrow around 9 plus where we'll all end up.
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

fiercepink;355062 said:
we have quite a bit of people going but frankly, may not be heading down to jab, could be else where. whoever wants to come, can call me. i'll confirm tomorrow around 9 plus where we'll all end up.

Mai ke la...... FP planning to go Sar Lau.......... :lol2: :lol2:
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

I'll call you again later then, Karaoke or chilling is fine for me~
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