6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight


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Get paid so much still dunoo... nnb... still say "NEXT TIME".... why don't say "NOW"???

PM Lee admits govt lacked 20/20 foresight - Channel NewsAsia


SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has admitted the government did not have 20/20 foresight, resulting in problems with inadequate infrastructure in the country.

He was speaking at the "Singapore Perspectives" conference on governance organised by the Institute of Policy Studies on Monday.

Acknowledging the problems of insufficient housing and inefficient transportation network, Mr Lee pointed out that the government was blind-sided by the outcome of some international events.

He elaborated that in 2000 and 2001, the 9/11 terrorism attack on the United States plunged countries into recession. Singapore dealt with a slow economy with minimum population growth and local housing prices went down.

But by 2005 and 2006, Mr Lee said the mood changed and the economy started picking up.

So, he said, the government did what it thought would have been appropriate then. It decided to make up for lost time by growing the population and boosting the economy.

He acknowledged that infrastructure like housing and transport didn't keep up with that growth.

Mr Lee said: "I decided that we should try and make up for lost time because you want the economy to grow. You want Singapore to make progress and you don't know how long the sun is going to shine. As it turned out, the sun remained shining for longer than we expected. So the population grew faster than we expected, our infrastructure didn't keep up.

"Should we have given ourselves more buffer and said let's build and be ready? I think in retrospect, clearly we could have done more. Could we have predicted that we would have five years where the economy would grow brilliantly and our population would increase so rapidly? I don't think we could easily have said that.

"Should we then have said, 'I didn't plan for this infrastructure, let's tell the businesses to go away and let's forget about the growth, we don't need the IRs, we don't need these extra jobs, we just stay where we were'. I think that would be very risky. So we went ahead.

"The strains showed up. It's quite instructive how they showed up. They didn't show up gradually, progressively but quite suddenly. When the global financial crisis came at the end of the decade, 2007/2008, we expected to go for a very deep dive.

"In fact in one quarter, we had minus 10 percent growth. Nobody talked about house prices, there was no shortage. HDB - we watched the market every day, the resale market was dead but we did the right thing with our Jobs Credit and other measures. We avoided a bullet, the world economy recovered faster than expected.

"In the middle of 2009, the wind changed...those of you in business, you would remember that in the course of two weeks, during one or two private property launches, somehow the wind changed. It's like the spring breeze touched your face and the market was off. By August, we were thinking of measures to cool things down and we've been trying to cool things down ever since.

"So we lacked that 20/20 foresight. Next time, we will try to do better, certainly to have a bigger buffer and not to cut things so fine. But I think it's very difficult to know, 10 years from now, how many you will need.

"Even if you know how many persons there will be in Singapore, you can't say how many houses they will need. Will they buy it? Or will they say, 'oh, I'm not certain because the economy is not looking good or the politics are not certain, well, I'll hold off'? But when the market goes up, it goes up with a vengeance and we've paid the political price, we learn from it."

In the 90-minute question and answer session, Prime Minister Lee also tackled a number of issues which included whether the wide-ranging social nets in Singapore would encourage citizens to become more dependent and if Singapore needs more space for discussion.

Mr Lee is of the view that the government needs to do more but he wants the government to be helping from behind the scenes, as opposed to Singaporeans expecting the government to jump in all the time.

On why there is still a need to moderate social space involving social media, for example, Mr Lee said the online community in particular is not moderating itself.

Extreme views are put out and responses and disapprovals are also extreme. So this cannot be left to itself.

Mr Lee said: "We don't believe the community in the social space, especially online, moderates itself. It doesn't happen anywhere in the world.

"You have views going to extremes and when people respond to their views, they may respond in an extreme way, and when people decide to disapprove of something which was inappropriate, the disapproval can also happen in an extreme way.

"It's in the nature of the medium, the way the interactions work and that's the reason why we think it cannot be completely left by itself."

- CNA/ir
Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

Softer stance....... a politican should never ever say he does not need sympathy votes....
Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

Well weight the pro and cons. No growth or no congestion, which one you choose?
Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

the post of prime minister should be limited to 2 election terms, its the best fail safe mechanism.
Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

It is all about the stats like GDP that PAP is obsessed with. It had blinded them. It was a 0/20 foresight.
Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

Darth Vader;950941 said:
the post of prime minister should be limited to 2 election terms, its the best fail safe mechanism.

Can't agree with this more. But Sparta will not allow this. How?
Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

Singapore's population could hit 6.9m by 2030, with a Singaporean core

next time dun say not expected hor.... (now u know y build so many MRT lor... sure not enough one lor... pui)

Singapore's population projected to hit 6.9m by 2030, with a Singaporean core

30,000 PR a year hor


By 2030, Singapore's population is projected to reach 6.5 to 6.9 million based on a government White Paper released on Tuesday.

This will comprise a resident population of 4.2 to 4.4 million, of which 3.6 to 3.8 million are citizens and the rest Permanent Residents. Non-residents will make up about 2.3 to 2.5 million by then. (true blue born in SG SGreans sure outnumbered liao)

To keep Singapore's citizen population from shrinking, Singapore will need 15,000 to 25,000 new citizens each year, assuming the current total fertility rate (TFR) of 1.2.

About 30,000 new Permanent Residents (PR) is needed to keep the PR population stable at 500,000 to 600,000.

These figures were unveiled by the National Population and Talent Division in the widely-anticipated White Paper, which sets out Singapore's population and immigration policies for the future.

The paper outlined three pillars for what it calls "a sustainable population for a dynamic Singapore":
1. A strong and cohesive society
2. A dynamic and vibrant economy
3. A high quality living environment

This will be achieved through efforts to support the family unit, create good jobs for Singaporeans and build a liveable city for all ages, said the paper.

It noted that Singapore is at a demographic crossroads - with more than 900,000 people from the 'baby boomer' generation turning 65 from now till 2030.

This means that while today two citizens enter the workforce for every citizen exiting, this ratio will drop to 0.7 citizens entering to one exiting by 2030.
The recommendations set out in the paper are the numbers needed to keep the citizen population from shrinking, said the report.


Current one already picha all over liao still want to tok so much....

Can pass mi my CPF now? so i can leave SG
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Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

u see? They are still not listening
Re: 6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

Darth Vader, lemme know when/where you're leaving... maybe I can chope the flight seat next to yours & chit chat along the way....
Re: 6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

confirm wont see 6.9 mil in 2030.
because somewhere along the road ,the PAP got voted out of power.
reason being they just never listen to voters.
Re: 6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

i am building a star destroyer, ready in 10 years.
you wanna be in waiting list ?

wobbles;950959 said:
Darth Vader, lemme know when/where you're leaving... maybe I can chope the flight seat next to yours & chit chat along the way....
Re: 6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

Population growth to 6.9M, COE growth 0.5% per yr. Did they take maths?
Re: 6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

all of them scholars leh....
only einstein's maths better than them.

hoks;950963 said:
Population growth to 6.9M, COE growth 0.5% per yr. Did they take maths?
Re: 6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

...haven't taken into account casual travellers like the tens of thousands of Malaysians who come to work in SG everyday, the business travellers and also the hundreds of thousands of tourists and gamblers who come here.

We are one pressure cooker by 2030..and when economy stagnates at 6.9M, our dear Leaders will then say need 10M to be World Class economy and high quality living.
Re: 6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

You don't vote white never mind.

I can bring in my own voters. I called them foreign talents.
Re: 6.9mil population in 2030 / PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

OT abit...i thought PM said they put in a lot of effort etc and time to draft up the white paper......so the whole white paper only got this few lines and is THE END???
Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

detach8 said:
Well weight the pro and cons. No growth or no congestion, which one you choose?

Hang on.

Have you been to Switzerland? They import human capital to grow?
Re: PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight

i was told less than 10 become new citizens every year if you are outside EU countries.
germans have higher chance than the rest, and after at least 10 years of residence.
the people living in your community have to vote whether to give you citizenship based on whether you have assimilated.

kenntona;950992 said:
Hang on.

Have you been to Switzerland? They import human capital to grow?

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