Anonymous: Message to the government

Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

Does he have a 5 series?
Re: What?! O.O

Yea, True keyboard warriors who can hack :)
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

Damned cool man... Why Singapore? There are better things to do.
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

Is he/ Are they foreigners or locals?

If locals, then hong kan liao. Better wash back side clean clean and prepare to go changi chalet.

If FT, then ho sei liao. Government will replace the locals in their IT team with these FT.

NS for sinkies. Jobs for FT.
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

If they're the REAL "Anonymous" hacker group then its an international bunch.
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

Yups, the REAL "Anonymous" group are international with various races is an international network of activists and hacktivists with a decentralized command structure.

If they are serious about hacking into our government, I am sure they can do it because they have conducted cyberattacks on US government agencies before and with success... I doubt ours is harder to hack compared to US agencies... or maybe I just look highly on US agencies systems over ours.

What we don't know is whether this recent "anonymous", is really them or just a wannabe.
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

Baby1M;1046160 said:
Yups, the REAL "Anonymous" group are international with various races is an international network of activists and hacktivists with a decentralized command structure.

If they are serious about hacking into our government, I am sure they can do it because they have conducted cyberattacks on US government agencies before and with success... I doubt ours is harder to hack compared to US agencies... or maybe I just look highly on US agencies systems over ours.

What we don't know is whether this recent "anonymous", is really them or just a wannabe.

Yeah don't know if it is really them..... now just wait and see show. Wonder what he's going to do on the 5th of NOV.
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

Navi;1046191 said:
Yeah don't know if it is really them..... now just wait and see show. Wonder what he's going to do on the 5th of NOV.

so long dont hack this forum..........

Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

isit same as sun ho hacker?
how about serina?
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

I always arrive late on restricted video clips. Damn......
Video removed by violated contained nudity.....blah blah blah....
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

Anonymous is well known for hacktivism. Some people have called them the modern day digital Robin Hood. Read up on what they did to Westboro Baptist Church.

But I doubt this is the real Anonymous. This seems like an official Anonymous video dubbed over. Go and YouTube anonymous message to America.
Re: Anonymous: Message to the government

Aiya. Come Nov 5, we will all still be asking about FC and complaining about ERP. Predictably, life goes on for the BMW driver.

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