Re: Anonymous: Message to the government
A Singaporean man was charged on Tuesday with hacking the Ang Mo Kio town council website in October. James Raj , 35, was charged under the Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act.
His lawyer M Ravi said that Raj was charged for defacing a portion of the Ang Mo Kio town council website, adding the image of the Guy Fawkes Mask, displaying a statement addressed to Member of Parliament Ang Hin Kee and signing of with the name “The Messiah”.
The Straits Times reported that Raj was also charged for hacking The Straits Times blogs, the PCF website and Sun Ho's website.
Today reported that Raj had told the court that he has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is currently taking medication, claims to be suicidal, suffering from hallucinations and seeing things flashing randomly. The report added that he is being remanded at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) for a psychiatric evaluation.
M Ravi told Yahoo Singapore that he had been denied access to his client since Monday.
“My client faces serious violation of his constitutional rights of not only having access being denied to him yesterday but also the police denying him access to his counsels… I was denied access to speak to him for even five minutes [in court]," he said.
M Ravi added that he will “file an urgent application to the High Court to seek access to him” if the access is still not granted when court stands at 2:30pm.