BMW.SG Invitation to BMW World 2014 01-03 August : Tickets to be given away

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Re: BMW.SG Invitation to BMW World 2014 01-03 August : Tickets to be given away

FINAL numbers and a small mistake. I realized I only passed 28 tix to AC323 and I have one more.
As such, the total is 29 tix.

removing am3thyst and collating the final numbers.
Please collect your tix from AC323 at the monthly meeting this coming Sunday from AC323. :)

I'll be passing the one tix to another member (either achee, DerrickZ4 or tyt as they only need 1 tix)

Members who wants the tickets
1. Alvin AC323 (2 tickets)
2. Starman ( 2 tickets)
4. rhkl (2 tickets)
5. Welch (2 tickets)
6. sportmotor (2 tickets)
7. simville (2 tickets)
8. achee (1 ticket)
9. A.loh (2 tickets)
10. Tamo (2 tickets)
11. sbc55 (2 tickets)
12. Clarencelee77 (2 tickets)
13. nemsis (2 tickets)
14. Mattlow (2 tickets)
15. KeithC (2 tickets)
16. DerrickZ4 (1 ticket)
17. tyt (1 ticket) - I know my request will be the 31st ticket. Hope the sponsors will spare me 1! :)

For the members who can't make it due to any last minute appointments, do pass on to another member to share the love.
Let's not waste any resources by our kind sponsors. :)

=== no more addition ===
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