BMW.SG Topless Club

1. Mixmaster
2. SMYuen - 325 FL Cab steel blue with blue canvas
3. Tanzy
4. Alvin666
5. CyberTron
6. Alainc
7. RB
10. ACS CAB3
11. Lecabrio
12. Hackzi
BMWSG Topless Club roll-call:

1. Mixmaster - BMW Z3 2.2 sapphire black with black canvas
2. SMYuen - BMW 325 FL Cab steel blue with blue canvas
3. Tanzy
4. Alvin666
5. CyberTron
6. Alainc
7. RB
10. ACS CAB3
11. Lecabrio
12. Hackzi

As the protem president of the BMWSG topless club (but only until someone more worthy takes over), I think we should adopt a "mascot" for our topless club. I vote for a topless Pamela Anderson or Anne Nicole-Smith. Can the BMWSG admin please give me permission to post a pic of a topless Pamela Anderson or Anne Nicole-Smith? If cannot, then I vote for a pic of Fiona Xie in bikini ;)
ACSCAB2 said:
1. Mixmaster
2. SMYuen - 325 FL Cab steel blue with blue canvas
3. Tanzy
4. Alvin666
5. CyberTron
6. Alainc
7. RB
10. ACS CAB3

OT: Hi Alvin666, is yr car number 666? if it much did u bid 4 it, may i know? tks
Yup my number is 666! I got it either 3k or 5k(either 1 cos quite sometime ago n i own a few carplate numbers previously so abit mixup,keke) :)
The Mixmaster,

DJ, how come only I answer your questions leh? The others neber comment??


Tks bro for the advice.........but err, 3K n 5K a lot of difference leh, kekeke. Ok, hav to try luck then.

Ok, quite free 2day so I try to ans Master's qns:

1. How to prevent pussies from sleeping on our soft-tops?
I never allow my pussies to sleep on my ride's soft-top; I bring them to hotels like Gallery (budget) n Meritus Mandarin (act klass).

2. Do our topless cars actually help to attract pussies or is it a myth?
Refer to qn 1

3. Which carparks in Singapore to avoid parking our topless cars?
the usual philosophy applies; all dark places is a no no. All lots beside a walkway, also no no. bright corner/individual lot the best. If not, go 5-star hotel, park in valet lot in front n tell valet cannot touch yr car as ins no cover.

4. When are the best or most comfortable times of the day to go topless?
Anytime on a highway when it is not raining.

5. What tyres to use on our topless cars to reduce road-noise?
Quiet n Cheap? Aspec DB loh. but lousy performance. Usin Pilot Sport now.......ex but I feel damn good leh.

6. What are best cleaning products to use to clean or maintain our soft-tops?
There is a BMW cleaner for hoods; but try to avoid using tis as tis takes away the water proofin. Most stains are easily removed by using juz plain water....When water beads no long form on the hood, it's time to use the impregnator again.

7. Where can we go in Singapore to replace our plastic rear window?
Tis one cant la; I did read on the web there r OEM pple doin it in Europe. But Spore mkt so small, how to convince anyone to do it for us?LL loh, go bac PML.

8. What is the best insurance company to insure our soft-top cars and to insure our soft-tops itself?
Not many companies here; but I tink some use AIG. Mostly use AXA n lately I know of some soft top friend usin SHC Capital (not sure wat company tis is).

9. Do people really buy a soft-top car when they have a mid-life crisis?
I am 21; wat do u tink?

10. How to look even more cool in a soft-top car?
DJ, 'coolness' comes from within.Muz b self confident loh.

11. Why it is that BMW is still adopting a soft-top approach when Mercedes-Benz is adopting a hard-top approach?
Hard top is heavy.....Hard top tak cool.........Hard top less pussies' problems.......

12. Would you go topless when driving in Malaysia?
where is Malaysia?

Hope tis helps.

Bro, new car coming oredi? See you are eyeing number plates..
ACSCAB2 said:

Bro, changin number on my Grandis to reflect its 'turbo' status. haha

Sir "Sexy" Lover, when can I hitch a ride in your turbo charged "Grandis" with the nice PB dashboard and foldable soft top?

Your humble servant,
the fat and sweaty one.
Mr. "The honorable" Pui,

How R u my lord? Long time no see. Looks like news of the 'turbo' Grandis has come to yr ears.......

ok sir. time to catcp up again........err, stil dating Angelik u?

ACSCAB2 said:
Mr. "The honorable" Pui,

How R u my lord? Long time no see. Looks like news of the 'turbo' Grandis has come to yr ears.......

ok sir. time to catcp up again........err, stil dating Angelik u?


Yes, it was through whispers in the forest that news of your turbo grandis had reached by wax filled ears and i look forward to taking photos of your oh so powerful MPV sir!

as for angelik u. i would love to date her if i only knew who miss u. was...

ok one free bottle of brylcreem when we meet sir sexy lover.
1. Mixmaster
2. SMYuen - 325 FL Cab steel blue with blue canvas
3. Tanzy
4. Alvin666
5. CyberTron
6. Alainc
7. RB
10. ACS CAB3
11. cab_driver
1. Mixmaster
2. SMYuen - 325 FL Cab steel blue with blue canvas
3. Tanzy
4. Alvin666
5. CyberTron
6. Alainc
7. RB
10. ACS CAB3
11. Lecabrio
12. Hackzi
13. Cab_Driver
1. Mixmaster - BMW Z3 2.2 sapphire black with black canvas
2. SMYuen - 325 FL Cab steel blue with blue canvas
3. Tanzy
4. Alvin666
5. CyberTron
6. Alainc
7. RB
10. ACS CAB3
11. Lecabrio
12. Hackzi
13. Cab_Driver

Ooi! El Presidente!
So do we get a membership card? What are the priviledges and places we can get discounts?
Tanzy said:
Ooi! El Presidente!
So do we get a membership card? What are the priviledges and places we can get discounts?


We need to agree on our club mascot first before we can print BMWSG Topless Club membership card. The main privilege from joining our club is the sharing of information that is relevant to our topless cars and discussions on why we enjoy driving open top cars.

If we can our topless cars together for a photoshoot, it would be quite awesome too. ACS CAB2 can provide some topless models - he's quite good with this kind of lobang.
Aloha Mr. Big Kahuna Dude,

That's easy! Any blond with big boobs and a decent face will do. but I'm more partial to the leggy Japanese race queens. I'm new to this topless driving thing so nothing to share but I know that if we can't outpace; we will outpose. Show them what it is like to catch a bug with your teeth at 90mph.
Photo shoot sounds cool. Especially if we can get a few of those 6 series yachts to come along.

What's the difference between ACS CAB1, ACS CAB2 and ACS CAB3 other than the numbers? Mahalo!


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