CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

sszone;840944 said:
this is what u get with commercialization of religion.....tsk tsk

This is the misdeed of a few people. I wouldn't say it's commercialisation of religion. And not all megachurches are such. Besides, when you give, you give with your eyes and heart open. I have my doubts on some people as leaders of some religious houses hence I do not attend these temples.

I don't have qualms giving the church money if the pastor is absolutely honest. I know of one who said yes I spent this money on this and this. He didn't need to justify. We want to give. In this case, it's a very elaborate effort of a few people with exact intentions to launder the money and call it theirs. Very shameful...
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

damage control?
like nkf case, it's durai problem and how nkf operates and internal process no problem?

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean has stressed that the charges filed by CAD are against the five individuals from the City Harvest Church regarding the use of church funds
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Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

At the centre of the inquiry by the Commisioner of Charities (CoC) is the City Harvest Church's Crossover Project and the misrepresentation on the use of the charity's fund.

The project was set up in 2002 purportedly to use Sun Ho's secular music to connect with people and reach out to non-Christians.

By 2003, it had drawn flak. According to the CoC, an individual alleged in the media that the charity was funding Sun Ho's music career.

This attracted public attention. Although the person eventually issued a public apology and retracted his allegations, the church faced media scrutiny. In response, it issued press statements and made several representations to its members to state that they had not funded Sun Ho's music career.

However, unknown to the executive members of the board, the church's funds were used to run the project, said the CoC.
'Over a period of 3 years, at least $23 million was used. However, during this period of time, the executive members were not told of the actual purpose of the use of these funds,' the spokesman said.

Giving an idea of how this was done, the CoC said the funds from the church were diverted to finance the project under the guise of donations to its affliated church in Kuala Lumpur between December 2007 and May 2010.

The church - City Harvest Church Kuala Lumpur (KL) - then transmitted the monies to support the project in the United States (US). During this period, at least $2.1 million was transferred from the Singapore church to the one in KL to fund the project, the CoC said.

It added that its inquiry revealed that pastor Kong Hee and his deputy, Mr Tan Ye Peng, executive member Kelvin Teo Meng How, church finance manager Tan Shao Yuen, Sharon and executive member Serina Wee Gek Yin were aware of the true purpose of the donations to the KL church.
Donations and tithes to the church were also transferred into a private fund known as the multi-purpose account, administered by Ms Wee and pastor Kong's former personal assistant, Ms Jacqueline Tan Su Pheng.

Monies in this account were in turn used to fund the project. The CoC said that between April 2007 and March 2010, the funds used for purported expenditures of pastor Kong and his wife amounted to approximately $600,000 and $3 million respectively. Selected donors were asked to transfer their contributions originally meant for the church's 'Arise and Build' project to the multi-purpose account.

It added that the existence of the account was not known to the church's members. 'There was even an attempt to conceal the existence of this account by closing the joint bank account and dealing only in cash transactions, which was kept in a safe at the charity,' the spokesman said.
About three years ago, a plan was conceptualised by Mr Tan, Mr Chew, Ms Wee and Ms Tan to divert a $600,000 donation to the multi-purpose account. The donation which was meant to be for the church's building fund, was diverted via a purported 'refund'.

The amount apparently went some ways to meet the financial needs of the project - which included US$100,000 (S$128,000) to finance a media team from Singapore to publicise and write about Sun Ho's music career in the US.

The CoC said that between 2006 and 2008, pastor Kong's company sold over $3 million worth of merchandise to the church, but did not disclose his interests in these related transactions in the church's financial statements.

In 2008, he 'refunded' royalties to the church amounting to approximately $770,000 from the sale of his merchandise. The CoC said this was probably motivated by concerns that the church's auditors would require them to be disclosed.

The purported refunds were concealed as a 'sales discount' given to the church, and later, reimbursed to pastor Kong from the multi-purpose account and the KL church.

'(The) refund of royalties to the charity was therefore cosmetic and he was instead never 'out of pocket',' the CoC said.
It also found evidence which suggested that certain members of the church's board had been less than prudent in the discharge of their duties toward the charity and its members.
Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean has stressed that the charges filed by CAD are against the five individuals from the City Harvest Church regarding the use of church funds
I think not really damage control but rather to avoid religious tension which such news will inevitably generate
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

BlackCookie;840957 said:
This is the misdeed of a few people. I wouldn't say it's commercialisation of religion. And not all megachurches are such. Besides, when you give, you give with your eyes and heart open. I have my doubts on some people as leaders of some religious houses hence I do not attend these temples.

I don't have qualms giving the church money if the pastor is absolutely honest. I know of one who said yes I spent this money on this and this. He didn't need to justify. We want to give. In this case, it's a very elaborate effort of a few people with exact intentions to launder the money and call it theirs. Very shameful...

hi jas, sorry for causing any misunderstanding.
what i meant is with the commercialization of churches, there are some bad hats who tends to misuse that for their own ends. the money is meant for the church and to pursue causes that would benefit the church itself, its believers and charities in some cases.
unfortunately, as it grows big, there are ppl who lose their direction and use it as if its their private piggy bank or some company that they own.

for most of us giving money to our own religion, charities...actually we won't even bother to really check where it goes cos in our hearts we believe it will be used for good causes. when such cases happened, majority of us are saddened when the ppl we trust and entrust with the responsibilities turned out otherwise. just like the case of money which could have been used to pay for more dialysis equipment or subsidies, end up paying for a gold tap for Durai. thats the shock, disbelief and disgust which alot of ppl would feel when we discover the truth.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

turbocharged;840956 said:
Money by itself has no moral value....its the love of money that develops into an insatiable and burning thirst that can't be slaked :thumbsup:

The actual verse from 1 Timothy 6:10 : "For the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

Ah ok :) Sorry I must have been distracted by the other actual verses:

Ezekiel 23:19-20 "Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose GENITALS were like those of DONKEYS and whose emission was like that of horses."

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 "If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her."
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

snowmanyee;840872 said:
Buying properties in Hollywood is no farking joke... where the money conmes from a 'father'.... i got many friends with city harvest and one of them has to make compulsory contribution to the church on a monthly basis.... thats why he not enough money buy BMW.

please do not knock a tenet of christianity if you do not know what you are talking about.

admin, i think better close this thread...
Yea.. Really sad if the religious leaders are found guilty.. So many ppl trusted them.. Trust is built over the years of going through ups and downs together..

I always believe religions are meant to guide humans to live good and right..
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Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

My faith and my religion are actually quite separate issues.

Faith is my own relationship with my God - ultimately, it is my God that will judge me.

Religion is something man constructed to put structure to one's faith - and since it's a man-made construct, it's also susceptible to man-made failings.

To the Bible-totting ones here, please don't flame me - I'm probably the main course in the great BBQ in hell already anyway, complete with apple for the complete suckling pig look :lol2::lol2::lol2:
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

the purpose of this thread is not to discredit the church or the religion.
the important aspect of it is to let ppl know and remind us the "what ifs" if its run by undesirable ppl

eg. like a listed co run by the majority shareholders and daily managed by its directors, mostly themselves again.
anyhow spend money, left pocket right pocket.
end up money all gone....all the shareholders can go suck thumb
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Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

sun ho - 40 years (June 2, 1972)

who disagree she is NOT a milf
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

ipoh-horfun;840985 said:
sun ho - 40 years (June 2, 1972)

who disagree she is NOT a milf

See this pic also don't have abit of to qualify to be MILF
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Enhanced headlights? 8000K HID?
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

sapience;840973 said:
admin, i think better close this thread...

Why need to hide? Face the world. Face the people who trusted them. Face the religion who has shielded them.

The people who preaches the core of moral values should be subjected to the highest measurement of righteousness.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

When there is a safety breach in the workshop, the company business is suspended:

When the MRT breaks down, SMRT takes the blame;

When WP member strayed, the party was whacked.

And now you (DPM Teo) are trying to convince us that the 5 seniors members and the Church are separate entities?
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Shaun;840890 said:
"Money is the root of all evil! GIVE IT TO US!"

turbocharged;840956 said:
Money by itself has no moral value....its the love of money that develops into an insatiable and burning thirst that can't be slaked :thumbsup:

The actual verse from 1 Timothy 6:10 : "For the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

All wrong! Thr real answer is....
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

It's the LOVE of money and not money that is the root that leads to all kinds of evil. Don't blame the inanimate object that has no intrinsic value. It's always the human heart that needs to be examined.

Teach and urge these things. If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

(1 Timothy 6:2-10 ESV)

I've left City Harvest Church more than a decade ago because of disagreements with their teaching, theology, doctrine, church governance, and car parking.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Tanzy;840925 said:
I should have been a Pastor. :drool:

what physics theory u going use if you are a Pastor?
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

iScoupe;841022 said:
what physics theory u going use if you are a Pastor?

I have a hypothesis that when sound waves are tuned to a particular frequency, it has the ability to alter the behavior of gravitons resulting in money flowing out of your wallets. Further experimentation is required to ascertain if that applies to fluctuation in reality where even electronic money can be transferred. I will need funds for the equipment. Please give generously. Praise God!

How hard can it be a Pastor? Say something, sing a song, bang a songstress, go spa, buy a car, say more thing, clap a bit louder, ask for money, buy a Hollywood mansion, ask for more money, buy another car, bang songstress in spa/car, more money.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Tanzy;841025 said:
I have a hypothesis that when sound waves are tuned to a particular frequency, it has the ability to alter the behavior of gravitons resulting in money flowing out of your wallets. .

This.... you are referring the difference between the iL4 and iL6?

The strawberry and the lemon?
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Are u a Physics lecturer?

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