can my bmw last 10 years ?

Darth Vader

Well-Known Member
my bmw is now 5 years and 80,000km!!!
can it last another 5 years and 80,000km??
i never owned a car past its 5 years mark, but thanks to high coe i lan lan no choice.

any feedback ?
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

I say yes it can because of 2 basic reasons below;

1. Care with regular maintenance and servicing= 10 years should be chop chop curry pok, no problems :p
2. Careless and treat ride like a slave = Even on 1st day collect new car, the car can up the lorry :lol:
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

sounds good,if can last 10 years i buy you curry pok.

Baby1M;934669 said:
I say yes it can because of 2 basic reasons below;

1. Care with regular maintenance and servicing= 10 years should be chop chop curry pok, no problems :p
2. Careless and treat ride like a slave = Even on 1st day collect new car, the car can up the lorry :lol:
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

bmw can last 10 years
itchiness to change car can't

once passed 5 year mark, the darkside will grow stronger by each day ... may the force be with you ... lolz
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Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

Baby1M;934669 said:
I say yes it can because of 2 basic reasons below;

1. Care with regular maintenance and servicing= 10 years should be chop chop curry pok, no problems :p
2. Careless and treat ride like a slave = Even on 1st day collect new car, the car can up the lorry :lol:

I totally agree. Decent care and maintenance should suffice.

Cars at ten years of age is not old; in other countries, twenty or more is common.
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

wt_know;934674 said:
bmw can last 10 years
itchiness to change car can't

:lol: :lol: but true, itchiness to change car can get the better of any individual.
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

yes I agree..the itch comes fast and furious once new model is out and no matter how much you complain how ugly the new model is and justify keeping ur current "most beautiful" car, you will one day succumb and buy new model..

I never say its me
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

By the way, one of my bmws was 7 years old. It EASILY kick asses....

I loved that lao pok car.... Brings tears to my eyes now even! I miss it!!!! :very sad :very sad :very sad

New may not always be better.....

Treasure your ride....
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

BMW strawberries, cannot last 10 years dare to call German technologies?
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

BMW rock!

Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

the force is strong within me cause money not enough.
owning a car past its 5 year mark is totally uncharted territory,i am afraid maintenance costs will be a time bomb.
real dilemma.....
buy new car die,dont buy also die.

wt_know;934674 said:
bmw can last 10 years
itchiness to change car can't

once passed 5 year mark, the darkside will grow stronger by each day ... may the force be with you ... lolz
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

Darth Vader;934729 said:
owning a car past its 5 year mark is totally uncharted territory,i am afraid maintenance costs will be a time bomb.
real dilemma.....
buy new car die,dont buy also die.

i was in the same predicament months back. kept mine for 6 years - first time ever. the fear of maintenance costs, real or surreal, took the better of me
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

my bmw is heavily modded, i spent a lot of time and money on it thus it is unique to me and so there is an emotional attachment that is difficult to let go.
if my ride was stock,maybe it will be easier to let go.

gadgets;934768 said:
i was in the same predicament months back. kept mine for 6 years - first time ever. the fear of maintenance costs, real or surreal, took the better of me
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

u have a point. mine was stock so e emotional attachment was not high.
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

Darth Vader;934772 said:
my bmw is heavily modded, i spent a lot of time and money on it thus it is unique to me and so there is an emotional attachment that is difficult to let go.
if my ride was stock,maybe it will be easier to let go.

Then stage a "my car is stolen at jb" then keep it there :(

I wonder why SG need to scrap cars after 10years :confused: (or extend ...)
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

SapphireSpite;934801 said:
I wonder why SG need to scrap cars after 10years :confused: (or extend ...)

keep environment cleaner n roads free of breakdowns due old age - garmen say one
Re: can my bmw last 10 years ?

Actually, it's only partly true as new cars do come with better exhaust control technologies and pollute the environment less.

However, that's only looking at one variable in the whole equation and guess who's talking - the government, policy maker and regulator LTA in this case.

Someone highlighted the fact that Porsche is one of the most sustainable car companies in the world. Are they smoking pot or what, really? They make sports cars with high output, that pollutes and bad fuel efficiency (probably one of the worse). So how are they sustainable? Well, you see still 20 year old, 30 year old, maybe even 60 year old Porsches being kept on the roads (except maybe less in SG due to the COE regime)? Well building cars require alot of energy, i.e. steel, glass, electricity etc. Cars that are well built and used longer actually have a lower "overall" impact on the environment.

In Singapore context, with the high COE environment, most people will scrap the 10 year old car and buy a brand new one, or give up driving all together. The government congestion pricing and ownership tax policy with ERP and COE, while some would say effective in curbing car population, make us one of the most wasteful car consumers anyway in the world (from this viewpoint).

Just look up north, they still got plenty of 20/30 year old or older BMWs still running around. Older cars do need more maintenance, and if well kept, can run on the road for a long time. We have been "conditioned" to think that cars can only last 10 years in SG. Elsewhere rest of the world, the majority are driving older cars, not new.

Given if we have a choice, some of us would prefer a lower COE, newer cars, maybe a 2nd car, some even a 3rd car, and the option/choice to keep them beyond 10 years haha.

Can we petition LTA we only pay COE once, and not like for every 10 years :) Maybe before next election

gadgets;935052 said:
keep environment cleaner n roads free of breakdowns due old age - garmen say one
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