Car license number advise


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Guys, I have a car license number which is being retained after I sold my last car, which I intend to keep. The 1 year free retention period is coming up in july, after which it will cost me 1k every 6 months to keep it alive.

I'm thinking, if there is a cheaper alternative to keep the car plate for say another 2-4years, at less than 2k per annum. The cheapest car I can find on sgcarmart is a weekend picanto and it costs 8.8k already. not worth it. Are there any dirt cheap cars that i can slap the plate on and leave on my backyard? Perhaps also apply for laying up of the car from LTA?

any suggestions?
Re: Car license number advise

2013 coe cars?
Re: Car license number advise

U put on 2nd hand car also another 1300 on top of ur car's cost.. Best is to find ur steady friend who is buyng a car brand new.. And dun mind holding the nunmber for u.. Till u get ur next car

Some people don't mind random numbers
Re: Car license number advise

if its single digit i am steady too... but after transfer i might not be your friend.... i tell u first
Re: Car license number advise

Terry;651598 said:
if its single digit i am steady too... but after transfer i might not be your friend.... i tell u first

Very frank. I like :thumbsup:
Re: Car license number advise

knn terry...

did some more web searching.. seems like there may be a solution. what do you guys think.

buy a 2006 chery qq 0.8M OPC for say 6k. road tax is negligable, and so is transfer fee. 3rd party insurance is about 600-800. So, total cost is 10k for next 5 years. The car will never be serviced or maintained ever again. So cost wise, it is the same as me renewing my plate for another 5 years, plus, i get extra car to drive to sunday meetups. I will however need to spend $1300 x 2 to transfer the plate.

Also, I get to grow my ncd for the next 5 years to a full 50%. Which will help when I buy my 2016 Aventador LP-1000. If i wanna save more money, I can lay up my vehicle by paying $5.35 to LTA and be insurance and road tax exempt for a maximum of 3 years. I can also get COE rebate for this 3 years (but I'm not sure if OPC got COE or not. Got or not ah?) But this will only be feasible if I am holding onto the plate for a minimum 5 years, which is alright by me.

I will park the car in my garden and attempt to grow a tree in it. Anything I havent considered in this exercise? If not tomorrow i go buy the car.
Re: Car license number advise

during dinner just now i just had a eureka moment.

why dont i just swap my 2 existing plates on my 1 car now every year. So I just pay $1300 per annum instead of $2k.

dio bo????
Re: Car license number advise

Racebred;651991 said:
during dinner just now i just had a eureka moment.

why dont i just swap my 2 existing plates on my 1 car now every year. So I just pay $1300 per annum instead of $2k.

dio bo????

haha...steady man...

exactly what I was thinking of when reading through the posts just now....

Save a lot more and less the hassle of having an extra car lying around...

Unless you happen to have a big backyard....hehe..

Re: Car license number advise

eh why not u buy extra car the rent me... i need chery qq

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