Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

I read from strait times today, some of the distributors / dealers say there is no point rushing in now, As next year COE will have more quota so price might drop even with the new rules ???
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Reeve said:
I read from strait times today, some of the distributors / dealers say there is no point rushing in now, As next year COE will have more quota so price might drop even with the new rules ???

2005's COE quota was self-explanatory.........
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

from your graph it looks like there are 2000 to 3000 more COE quota avail in 2014 ? hahha
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

cannot use OMV la

AD OMV = $22K = CAT B
PI OMV = $20K = CAT A

it's not due to currency exchange but more due to PI strip down the options to lower OMV

same currency exchange, same car, same engine, same performance , different options, one in Cat A and one in Cat B?
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Actually whats wrong with it huh?

As it is now the same car also priced differently in different month due to COE fluctuations.
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

hoks;1035623 said:
Actually whats wrong with it huh?

As it is now the same car also priced differently in different month due to COE fluctuations.

but in the same bidding, both pay the same coe and sit in the same category and price same. so being all things equal, it is equal comparison.

if use omv, just because PI use smaller idrive, it falls into Cat A and all variables change even in the same bidding.
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Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Yeah sounds abit messy....but then it oredi is...
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

COE is already in a mess when the quota floodgate was opened in the name of ERP control usage relax buying. now up COE and also up ERP like kena slapped twice ...

those who want high coe low traffic kena screwed

those who want low coe also kena screwed now ... unless they die die renew high coe and eat bread for lunch
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