Re: Civic beats X3
Hi all,
For the benefit of all viewers and to avoid member "migrating" pls see below abstract from Honda club forum(full story).
New marketing strategy, admin can take note.kee kee kee
Bro, be a good cyber citizen. You have all the right to prove yr "majestic win "but probably not in this Bimmer forum.
BTW, he mentioned he listening to Zhou Dong music, probably he dream his way to Initial D....
As follow:
I was waiting at the traffic light enjoying my zhou dong's music, when it was overpowered bassing music coming from a car stopped on my right. Because of the annoying bassy music, took a glance at my right.....I saw a young chap driving a BMW X3 2.5, enjoying the music with a window wind this time he also took a glance at me.....(with the high stance of a X3 he was looking DOWN on me).......
It was past midnight and the road infront of the traffic lights were clear....signal me that this may be a potiental sprint.....Looking at the traffic lights turning amble for the perpendicular traffic, I gotten ready for a show down between a BMW X3 2.5 and a Honda civic.......
Once the traffic lights turns green, I ease off my clutch with a 50% throttle car move forward.....sensing the X3 also surge forward, I floored my engine roared and as soon I glance a my rpm, it was approaching 6800 rpm. Staring at my rpm, I power shifted maintaining a 50% throttle once it touch 6800 and I half depress my clutch good enough to shift into 2nd gear. I floored my acclerator and throw my clutch sending my car on a skeeching spree.......after a tenth of a second my the tyres quickly bites on the newly paved car jumped forward maintaining the pull. The corner of my eye sense the X3 is still side by side.....thinking of that, I tought to myself that my manual shifts are as fast as a BMW autos.....kee kee Twisted Evil
However, at the same time, I entered into a tunnel vision where I only concentrate on my rpm, my speed and things infront of this trance, things seems to be going very slow around me.... as soon as I felt that, I glance at my rpm showing 6800, my quick reaction prompted me to shift to third gear, maintaining my rpm and my vtec range I power shift into third.......sending my car jumping soon as I entered into third gear, I sense that the X3 was falling back.........with his engine roaring away.....maintaining my full throttle my speed climbed quickly to 160km/hr.........looking at my rear mirror I could see the whole X3 behind me.......(good guess about 3-4 car length) this time, my car was like mario brothers jumping up and down (as I'm on coilovers)......I ease off my throttle and tap on my brakes to slow my car about 90km/hr......
The X3 tailgated me all the way to adam's road hawker centre traffic lights (under the flyover)......where we waited for the traffic lights (he was behind me) this time, then I realised that my air-con is still ON!.......thinking I have proven my point, I moved off normally.....and turned into bukit timah road/serene centre junction.....looking at the rear mirror...the X3 followed closely, I signal left to let him pass me....suddenly he surved to my left and cut closely to the leftside body of my car and full throttled sending his car foward towards coronation plaza..........knowing that there's lot of road blocks along bukit timah road, I drive normally observing traffic infront of me.......
Looking at the speeding X3 going for the fliter out lane infront of coronation plaza he had a near miss with two with a car at the same lane and one with a car coming up from the underpass......knowing he was in a bad position he acclerate and squeeze through a merging car on the right and a stopping car infront of him.......At the spit second, I though I gonna to witness an serious accident......lucky he made it.......
Wink Wink Wink
call this a ego boasting post or a potiential flaming post......but one word i must say "I LOVE MY HONDA".........