COE quota issue

Re: COE quota issue

SpyVeilside;533180 said:
A (1600CC & BELOW) & TAXI $34,001

B (ABOVE 1600CC) $45,501

E OPEN $49,000

Wat do u predict for next round? Bull run sia..

When you go to the LTA website, they show that there are some COEs as "unused". For example, in Cat A, a total of 1,379 bids received for a quota of 705 with 597 successful, 782 unsuccessful, leaving 108 unused.

Have they changed the bidding system? I didn't realise that there can be unused COEs when the number of bids far exceed the quota.
Re: COE quota issue

rab;533673 said:
When you go to the LTA website, they show that there are some COEs as "unused". For example, in Cat A, a total of 1,379 bids received for a quota of 705 with 597 successful, 782 unsuccessful, leaving 108 unused.

Have they changed the bidding system? I didn't realise that there can be unused COEs when the number of bids far exceed the quota.

Unused means, eg in cat A, unused 108, but next lower bid,eg $34000, has 120 bids, more than that remaining quota. If they set the bid at the lower level, it would exceed the quota. So they keep at the higher bid and carry over the unused bids to next round.
Re: COE quota issue

rab;533673 said:
When you go to the LTA website, they show that there are some COEs as "unused". For example, in Cat A, a total of 1,379 bids received for a quota of 705 with 597 successful, 782 unsuccessful, leaving 108 unused.

Have they changed the bidding system? I didn't realise that there can be unused COEs when the number of bids far exceed the quota.
clearly ppl r stocking up on coe's.

maybe they shld impose a rule whereby coe's bid vs number of cars sold by dealers.
Re: COE quota issue

Slater;533678 said:
clearly ppl r stocking up on coe's.

maybe they shld impose a rule whereby coe's bid vs number of cars sold by dealers.

think the dealers can only keep Open Cat COEs... correct?

Cat A and Bs are specific to the bidder, and not transferrable, else, becomes the 2nd owner.
Re: COE quota issue

SuperChargeMe;533676 said:
Unused means, eg in cat A, unused 108, but next lower bid,eg $34000, has 120 bids, more than that remaining quota. If they set the bid at the lower level, it would exceed the quota. So they keep at the higher bid and carry over the unused bids to next round.

This is quite unusual for this so called transaparent "OPEN AUCTION SYSTEM". Normally, in an open auction system, where equal bids are received, the bids accepted as successful would be determined by the time/date order in which they are received. So in this case, the first 108 of the 120 bids received for $34,000 should have been allocated a COE.

This must be really frustrating for the bidders, having gone to so much trouble and being forced to try their luck next time.
Re: COE quota issue

from wat I know.. this is correct.. unless they found some grey area? if have must teach leh.. :thumbsup:

etan1;533680 said:
think the dealers can only keep Open Cat COEs... correct?

Cat A and Bs are specific to the bidder, and not transferrable, else, becomes the 2nd owner.
Re: COE quota issue

etan1;533680 said:
think the dealers can only keep Open Cat COEs... correct?

Cat A and Bs are specific to the bidder, and not transferrable, else, becomes the 2nd owner.
was told that they can keep for 6 months. whther the coe is for a specific buyer/car i am not too sure
Re: COE quota issue


Cat A and B can hold for 6 months but not transferable but Cat E (Open) can hold for 3 months and fully transferable like share/warrants..

So if you want to trade Cat E is the course Cat A and B also can but you need to pay transfer fee and car get another owner...

Buy me coffee and i give a 5 mins overview of COE trading...

Slater;533757 said:
was told that they can keep for 6 months. whther the coe is for a specific buyer/car i am not too sure
Re: COE quota issue

what happen if dealer bid for owner cat a/b based on his/her nric
then the buyer back out or loan not approved or lose job cannot buy car liao
the cat a/b coe still can be transferred right ?

i think dealers got invisible hand to use 'shadow' IC to bid coe ? nothing is impossible and make impossible possible ... kakaka
Re: COE quota issue

If you bid Cat And B and chicken out you loose your deposit and after 6 months the COE is considered lapse and will add on to unused more of this as a donation to Gov and free up the COE for the rest of the motorist and i will nominate you for Best Citizen Awards

wt_know;533761 said:
what happen if dealer bid for owner cat a/b based on his/her nric
then the buyer back out or loan not approved or lose job cannot buy car liao
the cat a/b coe still can be transferred right ?

i think dealers got invisible hand to use 'shadow' IC to bid coe ? nothing is impossible.
Re: COE quota issue

When dealer collects 10k deposit for a new car purchase, the dealer can use the money to bid for a COE on behalf of the car buyer plus an open cat COE for a future buyer, since deposit is only 5k for the period from Sep 2009 to Sep 2010.

A speculator just need 5k to long COE and at worst the loss is capped at 5k but he/she has a 3-month window period to profit from COE increases. The odds are very attractive.

If the govt wants to stop the spiralling costs, they could immediately revert to 10k deposit or even up it to match the actual bid price. If a person bids 100k, 100k should be deducted from his/her bank account. After bidding, full anount is refunded if he/she is unsuccessful or if successful, the difference between bid amount and premium is refunded. This will eliminate frivoulous and speculative bids and allow prices to settle more quickly at a level that reflects the real demand.
Re: COE quota issue

ktnpl;533789 said:
If the govt wants to stop the spiralling costs, they could immediately revert to 10k deposit or even up it to match the actual bid price. If a person bids 100k, 100k should be deducted from his/her bank account. After bidding, full anount is refunded if he/she is unsuccessful or if successful, the difference between bid amount and premium is refunded. This will eliminate frivoulous and speculative bids and allow prices to settle more quickly at a level that reflects the real demand.

do you think the govt wants to stop the spiralling COEs?
Re: COE quota issue

etan1;533794 said:
do you think the govt wants to stop the spiralling COEs?

They have a major role to play in the increase and it is not true that COE is determined by market forces. We will know through their action (or inaction) in the next few months...
Re: COE quota issue

there are many feedbacks and suggestions to tweak COE system to control car population minus spiralling COE prices but whether any of these suggestions will be heard ..... :shakehea:

there is always one policy to solve all problems. YOU WANT YOU PAY ....THE MORE YOU WANT THE MORE YOU MUST PAY
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Re: COE quota issue

If they actually use the money collected to build more tunnels / flyovers to alleviate jams, it would be great. It's a pity that they collect money upfront (COE) and use ERPs to collect more money when using the car. Don't think drivers are getting a fair return on their contributions.
Re: COE quota issue

our core infrastructure / expressways is not built to support the current vehicle population, it needs to be improved. Hope the $$$ collected will be put to good use.

Of course, the other arguement that YOU WANT, YOU PAY also works.
Re: COE quota issue

with COE going up steadily, more ppl forced to take public transport.
i say buy shares for public transport companies. their profit should be going up
Re: COE quota issue

zorro;533764 said:
If you bid Cat And B and chicken out you loose your deposit and after 6 months the COE is considered lapse and will add on to unused more of this as a donation to Gov and free up the COE for the rest of the motorist and i will nominate you for Best Citizen Awards

u can start the ball rolling.:shoot::shoot:

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