Continental Sport Contact I tyres..

tompat said:
Thanks for your feedback !

The funny thig is, that our accident happened in moist conditions (it rained the night before), however there was no standing water and no aqua planing..My wife simply approached the bend at Bayshore turnoff
and shifted down from 5th to 4 gear., when the entire car suddenly felt wobbly and skidded almost as "being on ice", slamming into the road divider, etc.. We are still puzzled, how it could happen and the tyre could be one of the reasons, as confirmed by your feedback..thanks !


Agree totally that CSC 1 are really bad in the wet. Can even slide less than 2okm/h in Ngee Ann City wet carpark!

Btw moist conditions when it first rains makes the road surface more slippery as the surface has numerous contaminants that when mixed with some water producea slippery mixture. The road is better after it has rained for a while - washing away this layer. So be extra careful when it first rains and more importantly - Pls CHANGE your tyres. I have complained to pml before as these tyres may cause serious accidents and spoil UDM's name. You may consider the new Pilot Sports 2, SO-3 or PS -

Cheers :)
Tanzy said:
Actually, I think 2.5 year old tyres are considered to be 'expired'. Did you slide on one of those white road markings?

Now that u mention the age of tyre, it starts to shed lights now !

The tyre needs a replacement ! like it or not, the tyre, with it's age, would have hardened up quite a bit by now. Your car might be 2.5yrs old but the tyre might be older than that since production is always earlier than car delivery.

Just to share an incident that i think some might know here..

Someone here is also on Conti and after driving a 2 years or so, the CSC still looks pretty good with all the threadwear still intact. One day, the car pick up a flat and on the advice of the tyre shop, he decided to patch the tyre from inside rather than outside and voila, the guy saw that the tyre actually crack into 2, along the circumference of the tyre... Now imagine if u r travelling on the NS highway at 150kph... :verysad:

If i were u, i would have changed the tyre, ur live worth more than the 4 pieces of tyre...

thanks friends,

this gives me plenty of fod for thought and it's now very clear to me, that I'll have to change tyres much more frequently in future..Will also get rid of the CSC1...

Thanks for all your input !


thanks friends,

this gives me plenty of fod for thought and it's now very clear to me, that I'll have to change tyres much more frequently in future..Will also get rid of the CSC1...

Thanks for all your input !


Hahha my dad could use the advice on this thread. He'll run tires till they're almost completely bare and start hydroplaning. :screwedu: I've tried to tell him it is unwise, but have failed.

You know it has gotten really bad when old tires in the rear lead to a FF car getting nothing but oversteer on a hot dry track, even under power.
my 2 cents worth (used them all)

CSC1 - very noisy at 20k, poor grip overall
SO3 - quiet new, sound starts at 15K, dry 9/10 wet 8/10,light tremline
050 - v.quite new, dry 8/10 wet 8/10. no tremlining
sp9000 - low noise new, 10k getting loud. dry 8/10 wet 9/10
ES100 - thundering noise at 5k, dry 6/10 dry 5/10. Junk ! give up at 8k

don't ask me about thread wear cos i change them at 25k at most. like new rubbers. :)
What I have heard from friends (never been 'fortunate' enough to use any of the Contis yet) is that most have

1. Horrible experiences with the CSC1s

2. Good experiences with the CSC2s.

Note that the two tyres do differ quite a bit in terms of thread pattern and apparently even compound.

What I found unusual was that the CSC1 was one of 2 (other was PS1) standard spec tyres for the E46 M3. Although the M3 tyres were apparently slightly different and this was demarcated with little M3 logos on the sidewall of the tyres.


I think in your case, it was the combination of a tyre that does not have the best wet weather performance, a tyre that was too old (vulcanised already resulting in loss of grip) and a wet/oily bit of road. As others have pointed out, it is when it first rains that our roads are most slippery. All the loose dirt is still there cos the rain had only just started but there is enough water to bring the layer of oil to the surface = very slippery road.

If you are now paranoid about wet weather grip, try the S-03s. They are pretty heavy and are not progressive at the limit but wet weather grip is very good.
In general, you should change your tyres at about 1 year regardless of whether the threads are still there or not... after a year, the rubber in the tyres will start to harden and hence, you will lose traction.

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