Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

  • Yes, I am.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I am not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Is coupe always say sorry to his wife after being caught run lion.
Is effective he says.

I say sorry must back up by sacking of wks, Vivian and TPL.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

its interesting to know who voted "yes". the lone ranger. perhaps can share with us how are you moved and what aspect of the speech is moving.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Its a dire straits situation in PAP camp now... I believe there is no certainty even with their strongholds. Else PM will not apologize tantamount to admit that they (PAP Gov) has made some mistake which is not expected from the best and the highest paid servants in Spore.

It would have been ideal if WKS&MBT&Vivian/TPL is running for Aljunied. Then PAP would loose 1 or 2 GRC and safeguard the rest....Everyone's happy...Heads of WP go to Parliment and kow beh kow bu, Nicole and the rest become NCMP and the 4 Papies go back to their hideout... I still feel Opps have no means to run the gov today and take the next 5 years to built up a formidable team like what MM said "A Shadow Gov"

Dont flame me..."Rome is not built overnight"
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

If Opps take over Gov, I don't expect immediate improvements in every areas. I expect good changes in some areas, and so negative changes in other areas. Economy will slow down, but I think the people wont mind that, the people are panting and going out of breath right now. If PAP take the Gov back after the Opps run it for 5 years, I believe the PAP will be a much better PAP as compared to the current one.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Do agree that Opp cant take over government at the moment. What I liked to see is PAP to lose more seats than the prev 2 only.,. The opposition will be in parliament to help keep them relevant and on the toes.. if opposition can grab about 15 seats in total, that will be a good start..
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

When opp are placed into question, papies will said 'Sorry? I slap you already said sorry can or not??!'

When papies being questioned, then 'it's just a honest mistake, let's move on'

CCB Pui!
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

hitmee;637545 said:
Confirmed s is coupe.

Pls thank me

now i konw where u got so many thanks from liao! u 2.5 bao toh kia!
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

If our forum and this poll result is a representation of the opinion of the middle class and also the middle/young age group, then PAP was wrong to think that only the poor and/or the young generation are going to vote against them......

Pls feel free to take part in this poll!
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Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Got this somewhere else..

PAP Admirer said...

This is in their handbook under the topic "How to apologize publicly”. The basic steps are :

1. Never say you are wrong.
2. Say it was a misunderstanding or some freak accident (like a meteorite crashing only on your car on the CTE during the peak hour).
3. Use the sorry word only with the words about feelings, grievances, how the freak accident should not have happened.
4. Use regret word with you being hurt.
5. Always end the apology with “Everything’s resolved” and “Lets move on”

See, its so simply. When in doubt look at point number 1 again.

If need to, add words like “the basic points cannot be faulted and sometime the brutal truth is difficult to be accepted”.

Oh, if you are offended, we regret that you feel hurt but its over, lets move on.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Remind me again, who in 1995 said Singaporeans should "remember your place in society" before engaging in political debate? That commoners like Catherine Lim should not be "boh tua, boh suay."

"You must make distinctions - what is high, what is low, what is above, what is below - and then within this, we can have a debate, we can have a discussion," he added.

Which minister was it?

EDIT: Oh and some 10 years after those words, he said: "If you are not of a certain economic class, you should not even think of going there (IR). You should confine yourself to 4D, Toto or horse racing."
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Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Oilman;637633 said:
Remind me again, who in 1995 said Singaporeans should "remember your place in society" before engaging in political debate? That commoners like Catherine Lim should not be "boh tua, boh suay."

"You must make distinctions - what is high, what is low, what is above, what is below - and then within this, we can have a debate, we can have a discussion," he added.

Which minister was it?
And ".....anybody who decides to take me on needs to put on knuckle-dusters. If you think you can hurt me more than I can hurt you,try." A challenge for the future: Democratising the Lee Kuan Yew model of governance?
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Actually, the minister in question is the same chum who made that pathetic video appeal this week to young voters.

His haolian past has come back to haunt him :silenced:
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

2 ppl from PAP signed up bmwsg to vote YES.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Wa ha ha Nic, u damn funny.

Seriously, we need a more balanced outcome, cannot be 95% vs 5% right. No one knows who vote what, this is only asking u whether u felt moved or touched by the apology. So just join in the poll to express your opinion. I'm sure there are more than 2 person who felt something right?
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Updated my first post for the benefit of those who can read Chinese.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

This was taken from a contributor in Yahoo. It about sums up the chronology of events in this election which I'm sure many of you will agree:

Can you trust this party?

At the beginning of the election campaign, this party

1) use upgrading plans to entice voters to vote for them, hundreds of millions dollars (coming from where?? dare not answer, could be your CPF because they intend to raise the retirement age so that they can keep huge sum of your money for more years, could be a raise in GST, could be doubling the intake of foreign workers hence making Singapore very competitive, with workforce for example security guard is of age 25, willing to work permanent night shift, drawing salary of S$900 per month, etc..thereby more worker levy, company make more money, government land sale continue to rise...etc..)

and IF YOU DONT VOTE FOR THIS PARTY, NO UPGRADING FOR YOUR ESTATE, your HDB will de-value quickly......THREATENING YOU....and members of this party even say it EXPLICITLY ...LOUD AND CLEAR

2) senior member of this party EXPLICITLY WARN voters will have 5 YEAR TO REPENT should they vote in the other party....

3) party head can arrange exclusive TV programme (more than an hour) to have casual chat with selected voters on TV, still sound very confident, very assertive that thus far everything done is for the GOOD of the citizens, not giving in anything, not sorry for anything, no major mistakes, no apolo----, the country is steering in the right direction, JUST THAT Singaporeans DO NOT UNDERSTAND, and that Singaproeans being short sighted, NOT PATIENT ENOUGH to wait for the true benefit to be revealed to them...

4) selected hawker food stalls promised that they will not RAISE in selling price for 6 months....

THEN, few days later, somewhere along the campaign (in the midst of the campaign and towards the end of the campaign)

This party starts to offer
1) NO GST HIKE for 5 years (please note that it is conditional: should there is surplus, economy is doing well,etc....)

2) Will SERIOUSLY address the cost of living issue after election

3) Will SERIOUSLY address the selling price FIRST TIME HDB Buyer in the form of higher incentive after election..

4) Assure public that GIC and Temasak fund IS NOT ABUSED, not offering any concrete measure of its transparency and auditability that will be revealed to the public

5) Head of party starts to tell all its party members and grassroot leaders that they are "servants" and voters are "masters"

6) Head of party publicly apologise for anything perceived by the public as mistakes, or wrong doing, still not sure EXACTLY WHAT the APOLO---- IS FOR...just very vague and general, aim to soften the public's resentment and negative image of the party.....

(this apolo---- comes immediately a day where opposition party candidate on behalf of THIS PARTY APOLOGIZED for senior member of this party making comments hurting the malay muslim community, but don't get it wrong, the party head's apolo---- could be on any issue, or on any non-existing issues (that the head of the party feels), because it is targeting at addressing the perception of the voters, because some voters perceived that this party has commited serious mistakes in the past 5 years)

Clearly, this party might have some concrete statistics or surveys done showing that swing voters have more or less decided to vote against this party, that's is why you see a 180 degree change in attitude....

The last thing is, can you trust this party?

Think carefully before you vote....
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

for point 4, can someone also tell PAP, not to ABUSE town councils' piggy banks also..
if in doubt, can consult MP for Hougang on how to manage these funds.

And also, to re-visit the current foreigners and transportation issues?

another follow-up point which PAP did few days back was:

National Wages Council recommended employers to give a one-off special lump-sum payment to help low-wage employees to cope higher cost of living.

That also came only after Opposition raised this issue...yes, when Election approaches.
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Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Why nobody ask how come COE quota keep increasing yearly in excess of projected car growth and yet the scholars could not adjust it down until half a decade later when we are swimming in cars and ERP gantries are everywhere?

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