Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

  • Yes, I am.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I am not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Is apology at "gun-point" sincere? think about it.

Let's hope tonight result won't be a disappointed one, just like 2006...........
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

C3P0;638685 said:
My poll is objective one la. I cannot sway the votes or use fear tactics, otherwise in the end I will have to say sorry to the forummers. Ke ke.

:mad: ... say sorry may not get us to "move on"... depend on if you are in or out of the party....Hitmee say one
[ame=]YouTube - Untitled 89.wmv[/ame]
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Thank you everyone for posting your comments and taking part in this poll.
Let me conclude by quoting the words from our PM and from Hitmee's idol Nicole Seah. These represent my sentiments and I believe for the majority of Singaporeans too:

Prime Minister:
"Summing up, Mr Lee said it is time to heal and move forward -- not just for the parties, but for all Singaporeans.
"The political contest goes on in every country in one form or another. But in Singapore, we must make sure it's harnessed for the good to make Singapore stronger and never to divide us. We are all fellow Singaporeans, so at the end of the General Election, let us close ranks to secure our future together," said Mr Lee.

Nicole Seah:
"Ms Seah said Singaporeans may not always agree with the government, but it is the people's responsibility to engage it in intelligent debate so that policies made would serve the common good.

She also congratulated Mr Low Thia Kiang and the Workers' Party for making political history in Singapore.

She also paid tribute to outgoing Foreign Minister George Yeo for his statesmanship and being "a perfect gentleman".

Ms Seah expressed gratitude to Mr Chiam See Tong of the Singapore People's Party, saying Singaporeans salute him and owe him a debt of gratitude."

With this I will end my past 3 weeks' role as C3P0's administrator. I have been using his user name to post.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

Hi I'm Robot here and I want to clarify that those stupid posts for past 3 weeks were made by R2D2, my chao administrator! It's not me!
It was a honest mistake, R2D2 thought it's using his own username to post! Let's move on yah?

Crap. Phui.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

C3P0;638844 said:
Hi I'm Robot here and I want to clarify that those stupid posts for past 3 weeks were made by R2D2, my chao administrator! It's not me!
It was a honest mistake, R2D2 thought it's using his own username to post! Let's move on yah?

Crap. Phui.

i will ask leica give u one red card
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

I m more keen in a petition to get tpl out. We are paying for her $15k/mth allowance.
And all she did to start off her mp career Is with an honest mistake. What's next then?
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

naan1974;638852 said:
I m more keen in a petition to get tpl out. We are paying for her $15k/mth allowance.
And all she did to start off her mp career Is with an honest mistake. What's next then?

or maybe they should start first term MP salary lower and work their salary way up. It will be even lower or worst still if they are not contested type, salary only like never take examination....only study plus some term test here and to get the real Cert..................?

* should serve with the heart and not the money.....................
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

naan1974;638852 said:
I m more keen in a petition to get tpl out. We are paying for her $15k/mth allowance.
And all she did to start off her mp career Is with an honest mistake. What's next then?

It's not going to happen via a petition..............
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

The newspapers are not even talking about the TPL saga. They're gonna simply ignore the whole episode.
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

that south park video is funny

like the part where he first appeared in all white

Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

blackknight88;637443 said:
of course not, that's a honest mistake, let's move on........:biggun:

I feel strongly about this:

1. Honest mistakes get you fired
2. Dishonest mistakes get your jailed

So all the Temasek/GIC losses, Mas Selamat escapes, floodings, YOG cost overrun/under-publicised, SingTel/IDA tax screw-ups fall under at least category 1...
Re: Do you feel anything about "I'm Sorry"?

coolya;637555 said:
Do agree that Opp cant take over government at the moment. What I liked to see is PAP to lose more seats than the prev 2 only.,. The opposition will be in parliament to help keep them relevant and on the toes.. if opposition can grab about 15 seats in total, that will be a good start..


This is the problem with First-Past-The-Post electoral system, which is winners-take-all. That's why opposition, with 40% of popular vote, gets 8% parliamentary seats.

If we follow UK's move towards Alternative Vote, then there would be more proportional representation...

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