ERP up up and away~!!!

Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

hoks;585932 said:
Because non scholars will device long term solution that will stop the $$ from flowing :D

Yeah....them bastards don't know how to do the job 'properly' like us scholars.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

Well well well...looks like our fellow ministers have just finished their Christmas wishlist.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

kenntona;585767 said:
Our way of solving problems - as and when all alternatives failed, charge more !!!

I am actually ok if charging is the last resort, where road improvements and other measures are exhausted.

What I can't accept is when charging is the default position. It's just too lazy and convenient. It is not aligned with public interest.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

They always claim ERP price adjustments are based on average speed. Wonder how they collect data when there's a traffic light right in front of the gantry, like that one infront of Cathay.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

hoks said:
They always claim ERP price adjustments are based on average speed. Wonder how they collect data when there's a traffic light right in front of the gantry, like that one infront of Cathay.
Same, as with CTE northbound near Jalan Bahagia, with left two lanes clogged up for PIE (Changi) exit....

Or the gantry outside Fullerton. Traffic lights ahead, plus left 2-3 lanes clogged up by cars stopping at Hitachi Towers to pick up passengers (there is a taxi stand there too) or cars entering Battery Road......

Where are the brains?
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

It is easy to be the top man in any Government dept, the collection must be better than previous year, period...

-Reduce COE to increase bid price
-Increase ERP and add gantries
-Shoddy road works to reduce spending (traveling on KPE feels like water skiing)
-Add cameras to reduce speed than claim its traffic jam (just like the one at Fort Road before uphill Sheares Bridge)
-Put up news on car park charges comparison with other major cities, S'porean driver paying peanut for CP, so charges increase means they tax more
-Clamp down private sector providing free bus service b'cos indirectly affected their revenue (RWS case)

-Increase electricity charges when crue oil crumbling down but they never reduce
-Increase water bill b'cos less rain, now Sg flooding almost now and then, water price no change.
-Water conservation tax to invest in so-called "new technology" desalination plant when Middle East have used this system for the last 30 years
-Built Marina Barrage for "flood control"??? recent flooding??????

Hands very tired liao....anyone wants to add..???
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

OT a bit, who re-design the taxi's roof-lights?

It used to be TAXI light on when empty, and if occupied, the lights are off. So much easier to distinguish at night.

Some MOFO tried to be smart, changed the lights to show HIRED when occupied. KNN how to tell HIRED from TAXI from 50 metres away?

Talk about re-inventing the wheel......

Kiang tio ho, mai kay kiang.....
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

When hired/on call, colour red la deh
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

kenntona;586181 said:
Some MOFO tried to be smart, changed the lights to show HIRED when occupied. KNN how to tell HIRED from TAXI from 50 metres away?

Talk about re-inventing the wheel......

Kiang tio ho, mai kay kiang.....

Kenn, I heard calories affect eye sight. I can see the wordings from 50metres away leh. You can't? Time to shed some pounds, don't always juice up :lol2:
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

Carcinogenic said:
When hired/on call, colour red la deh
For what? Off the lights better, right?

Especially at night, where's the value-add of this mod?
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

hoks;585932 said:
Because non scholars will device long term solution that will stop the $$ from flowing :D
Scholars create employment.
Non-scholars does not create long-term employment.

kenntona;586151 said:
Where are the brains?
Brains are left at home when body goes to work.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

LED la dey! Must show off mah! LED everyone turn on during daytime also right? Show off more important! HUAT AH!
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

ACS6 said:
Kenn, I heard calories affect eye sight. I can see the wordings from 50metres away leh. You can't? Time to shed some pounds, don't always juice up :lol2:
Nonsense lah...... you can see Lorong 18's red lights from far away I believe.....

What's wrong with previous system? Got passengers, off lights.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

kenntona;586203 said:
Nonsense lah...... you can see Lorong 18's red lights from far away I believe.....

What's wrong with previous system? Got passengers, off lights.

That system is for old birds. Now new birds smarter, they want more info. That is why we have electronic road sign boards at almost all expressway exits telling us now the time taken to travel from point A to B or if there is a jam along CTE. IMO, the electronic signboards can go fcuk themselves coz CTE is ALWAYS JAM.

The messages should change from "CTE jam after AMK Ave 5" to "WHATS NEW?" or "No wait long long!"
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

My favourite electronic signboard is the one from Chin Swee into the CTE tunnel (towards SLE). Its always lighted up and it says something like "To CTE Tunnel". Very useful indeed. Might as well hang a normal signboard with the same wordings.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

C3P0;586218 said:
My favourite electronic signboard is the one from Chin Swee into the CTE tunnel (towards SLE). Its always lighted up and it says something like "To CTE Tunnel". Very useful indeed. Might as well hang a normal signboard with the same wordings.

Chao Robot, you missing the point again. LED la dey! Must show technology. Signboards even Iraq and Somalia also have. We have LED! Must show off before Msia catch up.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

Your BMW old model liao. New ones got LED....hiaz.....time to upgrade. Ask Kenn for loan.
Re: ERP up up and away~!!!

i think these are some reasons why they change to led display with 'wordings'

1. when they don't want to pick up customer, they off the light but when people see no passenger and taxi light is off, they complain

2. they put a On Call display card on the windscreen with light on, when people flag and taxi light is on, people complain the taxi refuse to pick up

3. gone are the days of using card and paper. change for the sake of change (just to show got improvement)

back to erp thingy, is it good or worthwhile to invest in satelitte erp and abolish current erp gantries ? if government really doing an excellent job, we could have 3 roads - 1 flyover, 1 above, 1 underground and super efficient and space saving carpark, etc. if that really happen, why still need ERP ???

kenntona;586203 said:
Nonsense lah...... you can see Lorong 18's red lights from far away I believe.....

What's wrong with previous system? Got passengers, off lights.
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