Evo crashed killing taxi driver

Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

A real tradegy. Seems to be a mix of information in that forum. Anyone got exact news report? In any case. Taxi Driver poor thing.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

well, sometimes taxi drivers are a pretty reckless and irresponsible lot as well. I guess got to know the real story to judge whos right whos wrong.

still..my condolences to the victim.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

As quoted from Deplphiforums

"my friend was with thier group. my friends point of the story is like this...
that grp was playing.. den that evo opened @ LOVE traffic light.. den when approaching that traffic light.. it was red.. whilst his car already too fast to stop.. driver tried to stop but brakes not good enuff... crashed onto the turning taxi and the taxi flipped a few times before landing roof first onto the pavement.. there's a passenger in the taxi... both of them died on the spot.. while driver of the evo had slight injuries.. total 3 guys 1 gal in the evo.. the gal was in shocked and kept crying thats all...
p.s heard the car frm Garage R and the driver was wearing a east team shirt.."

Dont know how true is it though..Condolence to taxi driver...
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

astrosky;355703 said:
well, sometimes taxi drivers are a pretty reckless and irresponsible lot as well. I guess got to know the real story to judge whos right whos wrong.

still..my condolences to the victim.
Very sad story. RIP to taxi driver and chilling reminder on to drive safe and, to drive fast only at track.

Looking at this case, this was a real issue of an evo speeding and losing complete control of a car.

Despite how reckless taxi drivers can be, i don't think that this was the cause of the accident...if everyone stuck to their speed limits, vehicle impact shouldn't be that violent.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

Hope the Evo driver gets his just desserts and bear the full brunt of the law... wanna be an idiot, dunt be selfish and endanger other pp. :mad:

Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

There was another fatal accident less than 2 months ago involving an Audi cabriolet and a pedestrian, at the same spot.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

so guys beware, i'm sure theres gonna be alot of tps ard that area in the future.
wateva it is, drive safe. no one in this world wants accident to happen.
pity the taxi driver.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

see what happens AFTER the fact, everyone say be safe this and that, in reality we have young inexperienced drivers driving way overpowered cars. Brakes not good enough? Meaning was going 150kmh at the junction

what a waste
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

I learnt from my accident, that, even though when your lights are green and you have the right of way, do check that the other traffic junction that the cars have come to a stop before moving off, you never know some joker racing down and intending to beat the lights. So the evo driver is at fault, but the taxi driver should have been more careful. I have since learnt to be more careful too. See really stop already then turn. Else will die die stay there to make sure. Live is more important than that extra few seconds.

RIP to the Taxi Driver and the Passenger.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

sad story..just a reminder to us to be more careful and lookout for otehr road-users!!

RIP to cab driver & passenger....

Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

After the fact people tell each other to be safe, yet before and while friends engage in reckless driving, nothing is said. Why we always wait till it happens is beyond me. There's a lot that goes on that is much closer to pure recklessness than it is to sane and lawful everyday driving - to the point that there are some friends whose cars I plain will not ride in, and others who I am extremely wary of getting in. It's ridiculous this punk ego thing. 95% of these drivers wouldn't even be able to turn a decent lap at a proper road course.

No matter how often it is mentioned, many people still don't have the slightest idea of the amounts of energy involved and the responsibility that comes with it. I think the laws are too relaxed in this area and that they should look at speeding offence history going pretty far back, type of car, severity of current offence, degree of hurt to innocents, and then increase harshness of punishment very quickly to the point of possibly an eye for an eye in terms of maiming or killing someone, taking into account factors as listed.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

The other thing is that these reckless morons are spoiling things for others who would just like to enjoy their sporty cars in a responsible manner, while also using them for commute since cars are expensive in Singapore. It is no good to have cops breathing down your neck about the state of your car, speedcams everywhere, people making assumptions about what kind of reckless person you because of the car you drive, etc. Better to screw all these morons before the screw it up for everyone else. One of these days the govt. may just get pushed over the edge on this issue and then it'll be too late. Want GPS speed monitoring enforced early?
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

This is clearly the fault of young reckless drivers with overpowered cars that they can't handle. More often than not, they don't understand how bad "damages" can be... Including death and which in this case, shows it all. Agree that as much as taxi drivers are reckless, they are not out to kill. Speed monsters like teh Evo was out to kill, just a matter of whoever is in the way, cabbie or not. The cabbie's just making an honest living, what makes you think that they like to be sitting in that miserable cab for 12 hours a day endangering their life every moment of that couple of hours they work. Singaporeans always plainly complain about things around them that they see without analysing the situations. Cabs are everywhere and they are extremely common in Singapore which increases the probability of you running into them, both reckless and careful ones. Say 40% of cabbies are reckless... I' m sure an equal percentage of drivers out are are equally reckless. Just my 2 cents...

My condolences to the deceased.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

This is going to be a landmark case. I wish the driver get sentenced as heavy as it can ever ever get and make him remember and feel the pain of the taxi family.

May his conscience be haunted forever.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

Crufty Dusty;355721 said:
There was another fatal accident less than 2 months ago involving an Audi cabriolet and a pedestrian, at the same spot.

my wife and i saw the accident. she filed the report. another case of speeding...but the man cross illegally too.
Re: Evo crashed killing taxi driver

dumbass racer kid.

condolences to the deceased.

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