Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!


Well-Known Member
I have been waiting for this, finally get to collect my 523i F10 on 4th March.

Needless to say I'm all excited, new toy to play with!!

Its a Friday and weekend is around the corner, can't wait to drive this baby around.

I take a few hours off work and head down to the BMW showroom, its been raining for a few hours but has stopped....Wonderful!!

I reach there at around 5pm and 2 of my friends tag along.

Get there and meet my sales guy who brings me to the handover room where the car is parked. Beautiful!!!

Get through all the paperwork, followed by the car orientation.

We finally get done by 6pm.

My friends and me drive to a place near my home for some dinner. My home is only 10km from the showroom.

Enjoying every minute of the short drive.

We finish dinner and I drive home(just about 1km away) at around 7.45pm.

I did not tell my wife I'm buying a new car, thought I would suprise her. Call her and ask her to come to the carpark. Needless to say she is surprised and of course loves the car.

She asks me if we can go for a quick drive, of course I said!!

So we get in and we drive out at around 8.10pm.

We reach the first traffic light which is about 2km away, red light so I stop.

As soon as I stop, the engine DIES!!! :wtf:

Try re-starting but engine is not turning over!! Call my sales guy and he tells me to get out, lock the doors and then unlock them again. Do this and try starting the engine but nothing is happening.

It is now 8.18pm, I have had the car for less than 3 hours and not more than 15km on it!!

My wife walks back home, how embarrasing!! :verysad:

Service technician arrives at the scene at around 9.15pm and can't figure out the problem, says they will have to tow it back and have a look at it on Monday. :helpp!:

My sales guy arrives at the scene at 9.20pm with another loaner F10 523i, have to take my hat off to him for great customer service.

Not how I planned this day. :sickinbe:
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

Sad for your encounter. But u put it in a funny way. Kudos to you.

Suggest your request for a new car. High potential s a lemon.
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

hitmee;619330 said:
Sad for your encounter. But u put it in a funny way. Kudos to you.

Suggest your request for a new car. High potential s a lemon.

Weird thing was that I was not pissed off, I half expected something like this to happen but not so fast though.

It was nobody's fault except the plant that manufactured it!!

The salesman was actually suprised that I was still joking around with them and not fuming mad.

Luck of the draw I suppose. :thinking:

I'm going to see what they say and take it from there, seems that getting a 'lemon' when buying a BMW is not that uncommon as compared to other brands!!
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

All the best to you.

At least you get to enjoy collecting your car twice. hee
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

hitmee;619332 said:
All the best to you.

At least you get to enjoy collecting your car twice. hee

Never thought of it that way. LOL!!
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

Yes, agree w Hitmee. Request for a new car.
Best of luck! F10 is one cool ride w so many nice gadgets.
The white LED DRL angel rings makes me green with envy.
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

pretty impress that you took this lightly .....
i accept that shits happen and things can go wrong. but, 1st day of car collection ... engine dies ... that's boomz
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

goodness... engine dead on 1st day... hopefully pml can give u a new car...
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

jamier9;619331 said:
Weird thing was that I was not pissed off, I half expected something like this to happen but not so fast though.

It was nobody's fault except the plant that manufactured it!!

The salesman was actually suprised that I was still joking around with them and not fuming mad.

Luck of the draw I suppose. :thinking:

I'm going to see what they say and take it from there, seems that getting a 'lemon' when buying a BMW is not that uncommon as compared to other brands!!

You are a very good customer.....good man! 8)
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

yeah, if it's a lingmong :shhhh: :eek: :furious:

Centurion9990;619343 said:
goodness... engine dead on 1st day... hopefully pml can give u a new car...
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

Will keep you guys posted in a few days as to the outcome.

I doubt requesting for a new car is as simple as it sounds, PML will probably want to see if they can find the problem and fix it first.
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

yeah. keep us posted and hell no to their excuse "that's normal" when it rains and because spore road is lopsided

jamier9;619347 said:
Will keep you guys posted in a few days as to the outcome.

I doubt requesting for a new car is as simple as it sounds, PML will probably want to see if they can find the problem and fix it first.
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Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

jamier9;619347 said:
Will keep you guys posted in a few days as to the outcome.

I doubt requesting for a new car is as simple as it sounds, PML will probably want to see if they can find the problem and fix it first.

You are right. Its not easy to a new replacement. My friend's E90 got engine failure aft 3mths of driving... Bang table insist of a new replacement... PML die die don't give... Only replace a new engine and parts... Fingers and toes cross for u and myself... Collecting my F10 next week 8)
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

Worst is they can't even identify the prob. Sounds serious.
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

this problem actually happens in the old 2003 first batch E60....

F10 also happen again ah...

just ask for new car..... when technician dont even know the problame usually is electronic and electronic problem is super headache..

make sure u get same specs and options for ur new car
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

Congrats and hope everything is in good hand ya.......

Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

Bro sorry about ur new ride. N I take my hat of to u...i would have been hopping mad if this happened to me...brand new car dies on 1st 3 hrs.

I also have absolutely no faith in PML service. I dont know if this is ur first BM but for me i gave up on them and bought my next e92 from a good PI...and the car runs beautifully...absolutely no problems at all..

any way keep us posted. One possibilty is that the F10 has waaaay too much technology and some of it is still in the beta stages so i doubt its a problem with the engine itself...

jamier9;619347 said:
Will keep you guys posted in a few days as to the outcome.

I doubt requesting for a new car is as simple as it sounds, PML will probably want to see if they can find the problem and fix it first.
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

I'm wondering if this happened buying from PI... What will the PI do??? I understand from a close source that PI usually pay a workshop $300 a year for 3 years to cover the warrenty... $300 a year how to cover in this sticky situation???
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

Bro u are one cool dude. Hats off to u for taking it all in your stride. Anyway I do hope they will resolve your problem soon.
Re: Finally!! Collection day of my 523i F10..BUT!!

Thanks to all for your kind words and support, really appreciate it.

Of course I really want my car back in good shape but I also know I cannot personally do anything to solve the issue, I will only step in if PML cannot fulfill their end of the bargain. :fineprin:

I have better things to do with my time, like worrying about my business and making money. :dance:

I really want to see how this plays out and I'm sure many of you'll are keen to find out as well.
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