Flames on engine, 320i.Much help/advice needed. Cost saving options


New Member
Good day.

Car's make: Oct 2005, 320i, e90 Auto-transmision.

Cruising at 80km/h, car lost power. At tht point of time, whilst looking at my rear view mirror, a big bunch of white smoke appeared. Managed to pull over to the road shoulder. Open my bonet, only to find flames from the engine, and they were growing, manage to put it out with the water i had in my car.

Have towed car to a frens place, awaiting for better options.

Reason as to why i did not tow to a shop, as i do not know which shop to have my car trusted to. I have been to 3 workshops that specializes in BMW, recommended by various. And before this incident , i had just collected my car from a workshop, with an amount of 3k++.

Pls advice, in need of my car ASAp. I just need some rcmendations/advice. Anyone with similar incident?

Re: Flames on engine, 320i.Much help/advice needed. Cost saving options

Goto r2d - sorry to hear about your car being in flames .......
Re: Flames on engine, 320i.Much help/advice needed. Cost saving options

most probably your fuel line or some part of the fuel preparation system leaking.
go j4c or r2d
Re: Flames on engine, 320i.Much help/advice needed. Cost saving options

Thank you. May i have the address for R2d and J4c.

Re: Flames on engine, 320i.Much help/advice needed. Cost saving options

they are one of the site sponsors. check them there.

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