funeral convoy

Re: funeral convoy

ok stick to convoy...dont think anyone likes to be in the "welcoming committee" 8)
Re: funeral convoy

1. totoseow (of cos...its me in the damn coffin)
2. pilotsnoopy (might be driving black lambo, can ar? *big cannon*)
3. hitmee
3. Kenntona
5. TripleM
6. kelvin( ride bicycle can)
7. Breyton
8. nytemare
9. gadaffi
10. camel
11. jawzsg
11. niteblu
12. fp
13. bobbytay
14. benchmarc
15. eggz
16. Oilman
17. benji ben
18. SILVER[/quote]
19. iScoupe (i dress in the big head doll)
20. cabdriver
21. adsnx

i help u fix a date, 08 august 2888, u okay? but i need to check my flight schedule, hell shd be quite crowded by then.
Re: funeral convoy

everyone on this list cannot tua, this is toto wish...
Re: funeral convoy

saturday morning also wake up so early.........toto quite excited....
Re: funeral convoy i know i got many hia tees here. all steady one. later i come out with my song lists...u all ask DJ play. no need coilovers ls...but DPE will be swee.
Re: funeral convoy

1. totoseow (of cos...its me in the damn coffin)
2. pilotsnoopy (might be driving black lambo, can ar? *big cannon*)
3. hitmee
3. Kenntona
5. TripleM
6. kelvin( ride bicycle can)
7. Breyton
8. nytemare
9. gadaffi
10. camel
11. jawzsg
11. niteblu
12. fp
13. bobbytay
14. benchmarc
15. eggz
16. Oilman
17. benji ben
18. SILVER[/quote]
19. iScoupe (i dress in the big head doll)
20. cabdriver
21. adsnx
22. Terry ( might be driving ferrari by then or white picanto with airbrush your face on it green colour like the hulk)
Re: funeral convoy

totoseow;369296 said:
roy, i m very normal...but there r a lot of other strange people lurking here. i was just having a conversation with a few others..n it hit on me that there r many them lurkers whatever...who will ask for convoys when they hv not met anyone or participate in any discussions or events or meet ups....hence this thread.

end of the day i do recognise that its if i dun wanna volunteer i shud shut my trap. anyway treat this as a joke of a thread if u like....or perhaps a discussion.

there r many types. my mate argued that this is part of the community. which brings me to ask...lurking here asking for volunteers when u need help or when u need to buy cheap parts that part of the community? what do u offer back? what does being part of a community mean? driving a kia or piccanto or gti and contributing.... to me that someone is more part of the community than someone who drives a bmw and yet do lesser.

dun get me wrong...i m a funny guy as most people tell me. if nothing else...i try to inject some this case at my own expense..

Different ppl have different thoughts, come really funny I guess. I agree with you on the part where ppl come in, lurk around, only when they have any needs then they post and there are some saw newspapers then come here post and request for help on the same thingy. It all boils down to what they are thinking. Some maybe thinking wa, my wedding, I wanna a BMW convoy, some maybe Maserati or even ferraris.

Well moi cousin owns a Picanto and has done up the car on the aesthetics part quite a fair bit but IMO is fugly done up. Too ah beng IMO. On his wedding day, he is thinking of renting a SLK, SL, or some other cars like a Maser, etc.

My first vehicle was a renault kangoo, I also did it up quite a fair bit which to my opinion is nicely done up. I had dreamed on my wedding, I would use my kangoo as my wedding car as Im really proud of it. My hiadees are also part of the kangoo gang and we meetup pretty frequently so I guess there isnt any problems.

As I mentioned at the starting of my thread, different ppl have different tots, so I cant insist on my own but its just sharing of my tots on this forum.

toto, your opinion is why ppl only post to ask for favours and keep quiet and not helping others all the time and mine is why during wedding, why ppl need to have big big and nice nice cars?

Paiseh used ur thread to share my views also.
Re: funeral convoy

Breyton;369300 said:
1. totoseow (of cos...its me in the damn coffin)
2. pilotsnoopy (might be driving black lambo, can ar? *big cannon*)
3. hitmee
3. Kenntona
5. TripleM
6. kelvin( ride bicycle can)
7. Breyton

Remember to order the coffin painted with chopstick stripes hor....

People of the community, quick sign up!! This is Toto's convoy, must be bigger than lurkers' convoys!! :lol2: :lol2:

One of my client's business is western casket... Maybe I can order for him... Cheaper some more...
Re: funeral convoy

the thing about these kind of people.... they got self esteem problem one...

got bigger car = eh sai...

big car convoy... = sibe eh sai

want face in front of relatives during wedding... kiasu mah... typical...
Re: funeral convoy

delrosa81;369469 said:
Different ppl have different thoughts, come really funny I guess. I agree with you on the part where ppl come in, lurk around, only when they have any needs then they post and there are some saw newspapers then come here post and request for help on the same thingy. It all boils down to what they are thinking. Some maybe thinking wa, my wedding, I wanna a BMW convoy, some maybe Maserati or even ferraris.

Well moi cousin owns a Picanto and has done up the car on the aesthetics part quite a fair bit but IMO is fugly done up. Too ah beng IMO. On his wedding day, he is thinking of renting a SLK, SL, or some other cars like a Maser, etc.

My first vehicle was a renault kangoo, I also did it up quite a fair bit which to my opinion is nicely done up. I had dreamed on my wedding, I would use my kangoo as my wedding car as Im really proud of it. My hiadees are also part of the kangoo gang and we meetup pretty frequently so I guess there isnt any problems.

As I mentioned at the starting of my thread, different ppl have different tots, so I cant insist on my own but its just sharing of my tots on this forum.

toto, your opinion is why ppl only post to ask for favours and keep quiet and not helping others all the time and mine is why during wedding, why ppl need to have big big and nice nice cars?

Paiseh used ur thread to share my views also.

which also brings us to Kenntona's (he has made it clear he refers to sports arena only) and other bros views on this thread...but which I feel applies to our views here too.

I qoute from Kenntona's line

"Now, "importing" foreign talents and thus winning sports medals has a very different philosophy altogether. I am sure I will be happy if a Singapore soccer team of 22 Brazilians can make it to the World Cup Final, but I cannot say I will be proud. It is just a sense of nationalistic pride built on a superficial level, where true patriotism is really in doubt (in fact, few of us have joked about Li Jia Wei's ability to even sing our National Anthem, but hey, she is the flag-bearer of our Olympic Team, is she not?)."

what pride is a convoy made up of people that you do not know and have not met, or even acquaintances whom you barely know and hence have no true sense of belonging?
Re: funeral convoy

totoseow;369296 said:
roy, i m very normal...but there r a lot of other strange people lurking here. i was just having a conversation with a few others..n it hit on me that there r many them lurkers whatever...who will ask for convoys when they hv not met anyone or participate in any discussions or events or meet ups....hence this thread.

end of the day i do recognise that its if i dun wanna volunteer i shud shut my trap. anyway treat this as a joke of a thread if u like....or perhaps a discussion.

there r many types. my mate argued that this is part of the community. which brings me to ask...lurking here asking for volunteers when u need help or when u need to buy cheap parts that part of the community? what do u offer back? what does being part of a community mean? driving a kia or piccanto or gti and contributing.... to me that someone is more part of the community than someone who drives a bmw and yet do lesser.

dun get me wrong...i m a funny guy as most people tell me. if nothing else...i try to inject some this case at my own expense..
toto, you r rite. I feel so weird that people who from nowhere come and request convoy, at the embarassment of a lot of people who rightfully think `I don't know you from Adam WTF are you asking for now???'

The excuse I make for them internally, is that this is a wedding and weddings for some people is a matter of doing some pretty crazy things (which I don't understand myself but think that it's acceptable practice). So things like the fact that `people honor you by joining the convoy because you are a brother' don't really count for weddings with my excuse in place.
Re: funeral convoy

+1 only convoy wedding if the married couple my friends if not stay home surf bmw-sg better...

wow beside so many comment , the furneral convoy still on bo.. ?
toto must keep the list & get us inform ok, want to see ur nice butt for the last time before the oven...
but see how la, maybe i jalan earlier than u, i will tell all the ang mo gui' there' that a nice butt man coming..
Re: funeral convoy

Re: funeral convoy

pilotsnoopy;369528 said:
shld be beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeppppp...................................................
Re: funeral convoy

Re: funeral convoy

delrosa81;369469 said:
Different ppl have different thoughts, come really funny I guess. I agree with you on the part where ppl come in, lurk around, only when they have any needs then they post and there are some saw newspapers then come here post and request for help on the same thingy. It all boils down to what they are thinking. Some maybe thinking wa, my wedding, I wanna a BMW convoy, some maybe Maserati or even ferraris.

Well moi cousin owns a Picanto and has done up the car on the aesthetics part quite a fair bit but IMO is fugly done up. Too ah beng IMO. On his wedding day, he is thinking of renting a SLK, SL, or some other cars like a Maser, etc.

My first vehicle was a renault kangoo, I also did it up quite a fair bit which to my opinion is nicely done up. I had dreamed on my wedding, I would use my kangoo as my wedding car as Im really proud of it. My hiadees are also part of the kangoo gang and we meetup pretty frequently so I guess there isnt any problems.

As I mentioned at the starting of my thread, different ppl have different tots, so I cant insist on my own but its just sharing of my tots on this forum.

toto, your opinion is why ppl only post to ask for favours and keep quiet and not helping others all the time and mine is why during wedding, why ppl need to have big big and nice nice cars?

Paiseh used ur thread to share my views also.

ok i wud like to refrain from saying driving bmw is a big deal...or bmw owners hv the 'i hv arrived!' mentality. no this thread is not about bmw is better so some non bmw owners come here and ask for borrow backside skin stick on own face. this is not my point.

in fact bmw owners here...knn r the most beng across the car clubs i hv been to. n thats why i lurk here despite no longer driving a bmw. many people here r real...this thread cud well hv been posted in a kangoo club or a WISH club....i m just a little annoyed. and i din wanna make a big deal out of victimizing anyone. at the end, i acknowledge that people are seeking 'volunteers'....

anyway for those of u who think u r a lurker....maybe u can try ur best to come down at the next meet up....most people here dun bite. they only kiss n squeeze ur balls.

muak. love you all.....let the funeral begin...but first i hv to die. ai race mai?
Re: funeral convoy

if this is bigger...can be funeral car sia...

Re: funeral convoy

If I ever need a bridal car, I'll get a Lambo but make sure it's spray painted ALL white first... Teehee...

Well I supposed it's alright to seek help for convoy but there are just some people who don't know how to do it swee swee. More often than not, they forget that these are volunteers and they are using their gas and more importantly, time, to help out. So at times, some level of appreciation will be appreciated.

Not too long ago, I joined a wedding convoy from another forum. It wasn't huge but the groom was incredibly nice and bothered to have a chat with us before the convoy started off although it was his big day and he'd prob have alot on both his mind and agenda.

Toto has a point but to ask for a convoy is almost like a double edge sword. If you can't muster enough enthusiasm, you will be stuck with few or no turnout. Even to have them on your wedding day can make or break the day. I have seen convoys gone bad on the big day itself...

As for Toto's list, most of the hia tees here who put their names down, IMHO, although taken as a joke, will turn out should one day, Toto had to go before us. The only exception would be ignorance or an even earlier departure.

I think it's important that friends turn up for your funeral. Says alot about how you fare as a person... Hope you guys come see me at mine!
Re: funeral convoy

fiercepink;369540 said:
If I ever need a bridal car, I'll get a Lambo but make sure it's spray painted ALL white first... Teehee...

Well I supposed it's alright to seek help for convoy but there are just some people who don't know how to do it swee swee. More often than not, they forget that these are volunteers and they are using their gas and more importantly, time, to help out. So at times, some level of appreciation will be appreciated.

Not too long ago, I joined a wedding convoy from another forum. It wasn't huge but the groom was incredibly nice and bothered to have a chat with us before the convoy started off although it was his big day and he'd prob have alot on both his mind and agenda.

Toto has a point but to ask for a convoy is almost like a double edge sword. If you can't muster enough enthusiasm, you will be stuck with few or no turnout. Even to have them on your wedding day can make or break the day. I have seen convoys gone bad on the big day itself...

As for Toto's list, most of the hia tees here who put their names down, IMHO, although taken as a joke, will turn out should one day, Toto had to go before us. The only exception would be ignorance or an even earlier departure.

I think it's important that friends turn up for your funeral. Says alot about how you fare as a person... Hope you guys come see me at mine!

choy...see you at your wedding first lah...
Re: funeral convoy

jialat...i dun even have class 3 license , lurker to the max liaoz la :(

Your convoy i will be sweeper as long as convoy speed is below 100km/hr. Will be nice if you can be more convoy's sweeper too when my day comes. Pure white Lambo only thanks.

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