Futsal 23rd December

Re: Futsal 23rd December

thanks for the game~
Re: Futsal 23rd December

Today was 1 of the most un-enjoyable game ever for me...

I didnt get tackled or wat but i felt there was no fun......like dementors from azkaban were around ..

Re: Futsal 23rd December

thanks for the game guys.. sorry bout my poor play, hope to get better.

merry christmas!
Re: Futsal 23rd December

wahlau...u all seem happening down there...

i down here kena traffic jam for 3 hours in the rain... haiz...

life is so unfair... :(
Re: Futsal 23rd December

Macham THA vs VIE final lor, very "passionate."
Re: Futsal 23rd December

i concur with Kenn...'Singapura' dio whacked...
Re: Futsal 23rd December

^ That's because the court jester.. aka ME dint make it! :nehnehhh:
Re: Futsal 23rd December

axl;403170 said:
^ That's because the court jester.. aka ME dint make it! :nehnehhh:

Count yourself lucky u didnt make it :laughlik:
Re: Futsal 23rd December

axl;403170 said:
^ That's because the court jester.. aka ME dint make it! :nehnehhh:

play next week leh...dont have you around damn boring game :nehnehhh:
Re: Futsal 23rd December

ZhiMing;403162 said:
Today was 1 of the most un-enjoyable game ever for me...

I didnt get tackled or wat but i felt there was no fun......like dementors from azkaban were around ..


haha you sure is a fan of harry potter
Re: Futsal 23rd December

ghimpheng;403193 said:
Thanks for the game guys we will come down again next week.

Ghim Pheng, I'ld rather none of you came back to play actually.

I too did not enjoy the game at all.

I think that some of the challenges, passionate or not, could have caused a more serious injury than we care to have, considering we're all people holding full-time jobs. However they were repeated time and again. This is not something that you and your friends obviously were concerned with considering how "passionate" you were to win every game. Some of the fouls were blatant and tad too obvious. Some elbows were put in places not meant for our game.

The amt of times we had to call for ppl to "chill" shows just how off their usual game they were.

You obviously have your own style of play. You and your friends. Because the whole night while we were telling our guys to relax, you kept quiet to your team and argued with Kenn that they were not rough they were passionate and fast. So it was a normal style of play for you guys. It wasn't until Kenn started shouting that I saw u get up and tell your guys to relax.

At midpoint thru the evening, i just grew tired of watching. Everything looked like a potential accident. Shoulder charges, late tackles. Leaving my friends injured.

Nothing showed how different we were than when your friends were juggling the ball with each other while the gang crowded around BM when he was lying on the floor injured. The absolute lack of concern was deafening.

We've only met u once and on your 2nd trip you brought such a large group of friends. I think it's not every fair to the other members to suddenly have to play with a group of complete strangers. Worse still, there's no tolerance with challenges cos you guys were purely out to win. Even tho some of us could, the gang actually holds back our strikes, our tackles, choosing purely to run alongside and not go in for the tackle. Why? Cos we don't want to injure our friends. This did not look the case at all with your guys. Maybe cos, we are not friends at all whatsoever.

I look forward to the game every Tuesday. But after what I saw last night, I hesitate to think I would even bother to come back if you guys kept playing.
Re: Futsal 23rd December

ghimpheng said:
Thanks for the game guys we will come down again next week.
Ghimpheng, hold your horses.

"WE" as in ALL your friends?

Few of us had a discussion last night, and we came to a conclusion that it is not a good idea for all your friends to simply show up this way. You see, we were playing all these years as a work-out game, non-competitive nature, no-touch football because we are all friends. We had no point to prove ourselves. When we see our friends in front of the goal mouth, we don't shoot the ball into him, at the risk of injuring him. When we tackle, we commit only 50% of the force. So most of us, if I dare speak for them, are not comfortable to change all these into a competitive game overnight. The mood on the court has never been so serious before.

We welcome newbies. We love new people. But I think there is a serious fundamental problem here, on the futsal court. No friendship was felt. No introduction was made. No one had the impression that your friends came in to mixed and mingle around. Upright there was competition. What's the point? You felt friendship? You felt we were friends? Some of your friends called me a hooligan last night - was I even rough? They told one of my players that I keep holding the ball at the corner and "who does he think he is?" Tell your friends if they think I played like a hooligan, then there is no need to play at Alexandra Hopsital. I have played with the BMW forumers for the last 4 to 5 years, and I seriously do not recall anyone calling me a hooligan on the court. BTW, your friends should be talking in my face, not behind my back. Tell them that.

This court is not open for public. It is booked under a forumer who works in Alexandra Hospital. We are open to BMW forumers. But we do not work to turn up to see two teams of your friends enjoying yourself at our expenses. While this is open to forumers, this is an invitation, not a right. Please ask us before inviting your friends. Know who is the host, and who is the guest.

I will leave the rest of the thoughts to the rest of the players.
Re: Futsal 23rd December

Playing last night reminds me of my teenage yrs of playing in the field/futsal court in the weekends...minus the brawl .. ~_~
Fix Ps3
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Re: Futsal 23rd December

Re: Futsal 23rd December

I'm not a futsal player but a mere bystander. Everyone has their disagreements on and off the court but because everyone are friends, things solved by themselves after a while. I agree with Kenntona that none of you made the effort to introduce yourselves and I can't help but feel that you guys needed a place to play and didn't had one. I might be wrong. I know nothing about futsal, not the rules nor strategies but I know if you play within friends and injuries are bound to happen, whether if it's a foul, you hold back because you do not want to hurt anyone on the court. Even as a bystander, I gasped everytime someone bumps into another whether if it's the fault of people from your side or ours. Someone even mentioned if I was watching a horror film because I was hiding behind my piece of throw all whole time.

When BM fell, none of you came over and showed any form of concern. I know it wasn't the fault of your teammates but even as the pedestrian by the street might lend a helping hand if someone fell, I expect someone to at least ask "are you ok?" instead of kicking the ball amongst yourselves oblivious to whatever that was happening.

Passion and overzealous should have a clean line drawn from dangerous and reckless play. What I witnessed was not passion, it was out to kill.

Just my 2 cents.
Re: Futsal 23rd December


Have you ever watch a game of futsal? If there is a ref all your players will have been sent off. Go read up the rules on the rules.

Like what Ken said, this is not a public court. Please do not invite your friends for future sessions. They are not welcome. The whole group of us do not enjoy playing the games with your friends. We are there to have a nice workout and enjoy a game of futsal, not playing street soccer.

Even if your friends doesn't have bad intentions, I am afraid that some of my friends cannot hold back their anger and a brawl will be the end result. So it is of the best interest to everyone that you do not bring your friends in future.
Re: Futsal 23rd December

ghimpheng;403193 said:
Thanks for the game guys we will come down again next week.

ghimpheng, i saw the calmest friends on court got pissed off yesterday.

i am surprised to learn your team mate can even utter "who does he think he is?" about Kenntona.
how will you feel when that is directed at you? and not even in your face?

There was respect and restrain accorded to you and your friends even after repeated calls during the game yesterday to hold off and be gentlemanly.

Do you think this privilege and goodwill extended to you and your friends can last for even another game given the current circumstances without esclating to something else?

This better be a one off affair.

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