Futsal Tuesday November 21st


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Usual place:

Temasek Club, Portsdown Road, Carpark B
6.30 pm onwards

See ya.

Attending, Rain or Shine:

Kennavaro (will be late)
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

Oh, BTW, for those who are keen to join us for the first time, this is how we play.......

Joga TV Is A Dream Video
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

axl c(",)c

PS: Btw, can the old birds teach me how to improve at the game ar? I playing for so long.. still at the same level. Shall I practise ball-holding (hah!) and passing skills 1st?
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

axl said:
Btw, can the old birds teach me how to improve at the game ar? I playing for so long.. still at the same level. Shall I practise ball-holding (hah!) and passing skills 1st?
Bro, there are too many aspects on futsal that you could spend time horning your skills on:


Dribbling - takes creativity. Either you have it, or not. Some dribblers are inherently better than others. The key is quick (and unpredictable) turns with ball close to your control, and body feinting. Also known as dummy. Nuke & Arsenal62 epitomise the dribbling skills.

Touches, Ball Control - trapping, and dragging. Trapping - as in cushioning the ball when it is passed to you in any ways (with ankles, thigh, chest) - is required for both 11-a-side soccer and street soccer. But because of the small area (relatively close opponent), it is a more crucial skillset than anything on court. Dragging - using your sole to control/drag/dribble the ball - is one of the most important skillset on the futsal court. Totoseow and bmwf1 can show you this.

Shielding - always putting yourself between the opponent and the ball in tight situations. You need no size to be able to perfect this. But often, it the the mindset that makes players turn to face opponents too fast, instead of shielding the ball. Hellfire and Arsenal62 are 2 of the best shielders of the ball.

Running - not running blindly, but running into opening positions. As in 11-a-side soccer, you will also wanna pass the ball to someone unmarked, or in a favourable position to either launch an attack, or distribute from deep. That means you need to make yourself a favourable recipient of the ball. Even if a defender is smelling your ass, your running will pull him along, creating gaps for others to penetrate and run through. One of the most important aspect in futsal, since with a smaller playing area, active and relentless running around makes you and your teammates interact and faciliate fast and short passing, or which defending opponents are harder to track and man-mark.

Passing - basic skill. Getting the ball to where you wanted it to go, with the appropriate strength - not too hard, not too soft. If the pass is perfect, your teammate might not even need to trap the ball. He could turn or pass or even shoot immediately. Many players are good passers here, but not many are good runners.

And finally, the mentality of interative futsal. Often, we get so fixated with EPL that we think we add value by standing at the corners, playing as a winger to facilitate passing. Actually that means the distributor has one option short. Very passive play. The best futsal team (Brazil) have 5 players (including goalie) criss-crossing one another and doing all sorts of running that makes their 4 runners look like 7 or 8. You can never ever man-mark a team like that. This active running is the best futsal mentality of all. Not fixed position, no fixated strategy. Very dynamic.
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

axl c(",)c

i wanna improve too. :)
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

aiyo, if watching video can improve then we will all be ronaldino liao. ha

may be after every game, the experts can give some pointers during the cool down chat.
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

the main problem for the games we play seems to be the ability to move into space. so many times..we hv players standing still and expecting the guy with the ball to pass to them. no chance. the court is so small we cannot afford to lose the ball. so my first advise is to move into space... i will never pass the ball to a static player. cos i likely hv to work doubly hard if my opponent wins it.

remember...even if u r not going to get the ball...your running will create space for others.

the other thing i observe...often an attacking team tends to over-commit players up. its ok to push all 4 up to attack..but when u do that...be on the alert to sprint back shud u lose the ball.
and when u do lose the ball...fall back...instead of sighing or cry father cry mother...no energy to sprint back? then walk back fast...there is no more annoying sight then to see people who lose the ball not chasing it back.

finally remember one thing...the game we play...inside the D then u can score...i personally will not commit to a tackle outside the D unless i m sure i wil lwin the ball. no point chiong in n lose the tackle...only for the man to pass u. so i wud prefer to fall back to the D and let the opponents pass the ball and make a mistake...
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

I'll stop by tomorrow to watch.
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

Go and exercise la! Lose 3kg.. and you'll lose 0.3s at Sepang. :p
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

to lose 3kg so difficult in order to gain 0.3 sec, not worth it.......
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

As in every sport, it's all about watching the pros and then practising the moves. Practice makes perfect. Of course some moves will be easier to emulate but others will take longer..for example, shielding or trapping the ball as opposed to dribbling with the ball close to you at a fast pace. Running into space requires fitness. The fitter you are, the more willing to move.

Damn, I miss the sport.
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

Ok.. how about lose 3kg, makes you more attractive to an additional 3% of the female population?? :D

Toto and Kenn, thanks for all the tips, will keep in mind.

OT: So nobody else besides me and Papasan, Toilet shoots hoops ar? :|
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

can i join in??? what kind of soccer shoes is needed? the studded boots or turf shoes?
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

Kiddy M said:
can i join in??? what kind of soccer shoes is needed? the studded boots or turf shoes?
Come, join us. Turf shoes, or hardcourt shoes.
Re: Futsal Tuesday November 21st

ok... thanks! will come down then... never tried Futsal b4... :D
no need to wear Shin guard and stuff right...

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