Ge 2011


Well-Known Member
Looking at the way the arguments are being brought up by the opposition -

1. Release the monetary reserves becasue its being squandered by bad investments anyway...
2. Foreign Talent robbing our rice bowls
3. Housing pricing are too high
4. cost of living is too high

The only pro-locals policy that I have seen implemented are those in Malaysia - The Bumi policies. Notice how the parallels are being drawn -

1. Government uses reserves to subsidise essential items
2. Companies must have a local (Bumi) to be a shareholder
3. Foreign ownership of properties are restricted
4. See item 1.

If the opposition intends to form a government with these ideas - we have to leave Singapore.

1. Using the reserves to subsidise essential items so as to reduce the cost of living is like divesting your parents investment portfolio to pay your bills.

2. Pro-local policies would not attract foreign investment. You may say who needs foreign money but we do not have natural resources. Even water is a problem. Singapore started as a entrepot trading port and currently still is. Needs both buyers and sellers (trade) to survive.

Singaporeans back in the 60s-70s are hungrier. Today I find people "whinier" becoming less competitive. This would give foreigner who are hungry an opportunity.
How did the natives felt in the 1700s when Chinese immigrants flooded Singapura ? Pretty much the same thing.

If Singaporeans are going to continue to have a whiney attitude then expects either one of the 2 things -

1. Government to go Bumi to protect the locals
2. We get throughly overrun by the more hungrier foreigners

Too little focus on values in the education system - results in the current generation of whiners.
Re: Ge 2011

RedBeanBun, you hit the nail on the head.

Many people are clamoring for lower costs. Ok, can the opposition go to Libya to get rid of Gaddafi? He's the one causing the high oil prices. Can the opposition send rain to the farms in China? The shortage is causing the increase in food prices.

Many claim that HDB cost is too high. So, do we see a lot of homeless people on the streets? Do we see a lot of people who actually cannot own a flat even though they have a reasonable paying job?

And as for foreigners, has anyone tried hiring staff lately? When an advertisement for a lower or mid level job is put out, who applies? Only foreigners. Why? Singaporeans will whine about location too far away, job too dirty, don't pay enough. So, take away foreigners who is going to do the job?

Should we just pay higher for Singaporeans to take these positions? Great. Are the rest of us willing to pay 20 ~ 30% more in goods and services to cover the higher salaries? Nooooo...... Look at Japan where local people have to pay exorbitant prices for everything, negating the effects of their higher salaries.

Let's be honest. Look around at our neighboring countries. Are we in Singapore so much worse off? Last I saw, there were huge crowds at the Natas Travel fair. Average folk flying around the world benefiting from our "strong Sing Dollar". I don't see anyone in Singapore trying to survive on US$1 a day like in neighboring countries. Is our struggle for survival or struggle to attain luxuries in life?

How about transport? Tried taking public transport in a neighboring country? Or in a "first world" country like Australia and the US where the bus comes once every hour? Where there are frequent strikes and cost are much higher (to cover the higher local talent salaries)?

So, we want foreigners out but do not want to take their place. We want higher salaries but we don't want to pay more for goods and services to cover the higher salaries. And we want lower prices for new HDB without affecting market value of our current property.

MM Lee is right. These people want to live in Disneyland. Maybe rather than theories or proposals, the opposition should point to another country where these ideas actually work. Well traveled Singaporeans will know, they will be hard pressed to find one.
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Re: Ge 2011

thats one point to note though.....Bumis in Malaysia only cover the Malays, not the chinese, indians, eurasians or other local races.
as per your use of the term Bumi, i assume its covering all the races which is rather different from what is practised by our neighbours.

anyway, i don't think we will have that kinda stupid practice implemented.
its akin to self protectionism like japan in the good old days where the shoguns shut themselves from all external links or even the chinese dynasty where they banned people from going overseas.....not much progress if we go that direction.
Re: Ge 2011

Agree with most points.....I am rebuilding my house and I see a row of Banglas sleeping in the hall which I cannot imagine any Sporean are wiling to do it with the amount of dust circulating in the air.....and imagine if no FT I think my cost of rebuilding will shoot up 20%....

Having said that I think the gov can reduce the dependency on low skill FT by adopting better technology in construction industry which I think is very low in productivity like pre-fab, better materials and less red-tape from URA/BCA.... By improving productivity thru using more advance building/fabrication method you can increase the wages and make the job more glamorous and more Sporean will willing to take up the job.

If you look at Europe and US you can see how proud their police or their road sweeper (in mechanize vehicle) compared to ours.....

Generally PAP policies are pointing to the right path but I think some ministers have been staying in the job for too long and has been re-elected without any contest and having a good life in the ivory tower and forgotten that they are the servant to the people like what our PM trying to remind only during GE...

One point on the HDB pricing. If the gov especially Malboro Tan thinks that the property pricing is showing sign of bubbles or exuberance why is he still trying to peg the price to market rate which always overshoot and undershoot...If I am him, I will stop hiking the price of new HDB price to protect the first-time buyer and also not adding into the frenzy of hot property market...Trust me the bubble will burst one day and I am now staying at the sideline......

Is he a good friend of those property developer or he is not as smart as what a President scholar should be...
Re: Ge 2011

agree that we need and must have FT to do low level jobs.
the problem with cheap labour is lack of innovation and efficiency. cheap labour had made things worst in some cases.
countless time i have seen 1 person do and 2 persons stand and watch kind of situation
Re: Ge 2011

Look at Japan, their cost of living are higher but they didn't import FT
Re: Ge 2011

I am not saying the fried rice is lousy, I am saying the chef can do it better - because tastes, preferences and expectations have changed.

The chef must change - NOT CHANGE THE CHEF !!! Hear what the fried rice fanatics say, and change !!! That's just my plate of fried rice, perhaps.

Sure, most people can insist that the fried rice is good enuff, and do not purport a change in recipe nor the chef. But that's not my taste buds. We each have a plate of friend rice - one vote.

If you wanna change the chef, go ahead. As long as you are sure that the new chef can cook a good plate of fried rices as well......

If you want the chef to change the recipe and fine-tune the ingredients, let the chef knows.

If you are happy with the current plate of fried rice, need not be pissed with people who want some changes. You have your plate, others have theirs.

If you do not wanna eat fried rice, leave the restaurant.
Re: Ge 2011

A lot of Asean FT are working illegally in Japan,,,,This remind me of an article that I read recently...

One chinese guy from Nanjing vows to screw a Jap girl in his lifetime to take revenge for the millions of Nanjing girls that got raped by the Japs. He flew to tokyo and look frantically for a joint to sow his seeds and if you know in Japan many places only cater for the Japs only.

Finally thru some Japs friend he manage to sneak into a Jap Brothel and finally screwed a beautiful Jap girl.. He was in estacy and said,,,I have finally avenge the Chinese in Nanjing and screwed a Jap...

Before he can finished his sentence, the Jap girl happily says :


hitmee;634767 said:
Look at Japan, their cost of living are higher but they didn't import FT
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Re: Ge 2011

fried rice with eggs is fried rice first then put in egg nice or fried the egg then put in the rice?
How to tell which one fried first? Ta bao or dine in same taste & standard?

anyway i want some new changes.
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Re: Ge 2011

kenntona;634775 said:
I am not saying the fried rice is lousy, I am saying the chef can do it better - because tastes, preferences and expectations have changed.

The chef must change - NOT CHANGE THE CHEF !!! Hear what the fried rice fanatics say, and change !!! That's just my plate of fried rice, perhaps.

Sure, most people can insist that the fried rice is good enuff, and do not purport a change in recipe nor the chef. But that's not my taste buds. We each have a plate of friend rice - one vote.

If you wanna change the chef, go ahead. As long as you are sure that the new chef can cook a good plate of fried rices as well......

If you want the chef to change the recipe and fine-tune the ingredients, let the chef knows.

If you are happy with the current plate of fried rice, need not be pissed with people who want some changes. You have your plate, others have theirs.

If you do not wanna eat fried rice, leave the restaurant.

Re: Ge 2011

so many pro pap people here. gimme a butcher n i will vote the butcher
Re: Ge 2011

I had my reservations regarding both sides, but this is my opinion......

There is a small minority in PAP who are lagging behind in political maturity, but the majority is proven and had delivered.

There is a small minority in the opposition camp who are genuine leaders, but the majority is barking all over the place.......

So I would love to see some alternative views in the kitchen, but DO NOT CHANGE THE CHEF, unless, of course, his fried rice is so farked up the restaurant looks like closing down......
Re: Ge 2011

zorro;634780 said:
hahahaha so true... heard its quite common there la, they pass of PRCs@Jeepun prices. Even when i walk down the street the hustlers can speak chinese... dun pray pray
Re: Ge 2011

Mockngbrd;634793 said:
hahahaha so true... heard its quite common there la, they pass of PRCs@Jeepun prices. Even when i walk down the street the hustlers can speak chinese... dun pray pray

pay yen for prc? bo hua.

everybody loves the chef, but would love the restaurant to serve some other dishes too.
end of the day, may be 84 - 0
Re: Ge 2011

zorro;634780 said:
A lot of Asean FT are working illegally in Japan,,,,This remind me of an article that I read recently...

One chinese guy from Nanjing vows to screw a Jap girl in his lifetime to take revenge for the millions of Nanjing girls that got raped by the Japs. He flew to tokyo and look frantically for a joint to sow his seeds and if you know in Japan many places only cater for the Japs only.

Finally thru some Japs friend he manage to sneak into a Jap Brothel and finally screwed a beautiful Jap girl.. He was in estacy and said,,,I have finally avenge the Chinese in Nanjing and screwed a Jap...

Before he can finished his sentence, the Jap girl happily says :


Actually, you are right. There are a lot of FT in Japan, if you have been there and talked to Japanese. A huge number of Iranians are there doing the jobs that Japanese don't want to do, and they are treated worse. A huge number of Filipinos as well. So, same as Singapore, but their Bangalas slightly higher level.
Re: Ge 2011

I have stayed in Japan for 6 months and have some great Japanese weird buddies and have been to places that only cater for Nihon jin....Too many stories to tell......Japs think they are the best race in Asia just like the Nazi to Europe....especially those older generation....

GermanCarFan;634826 said:
Actually, you are right. There are a lot of FT in Japan, if you have been there and talked to Japanese. A huge number of Iranians are there doing the jobs that Japanese don't want to do, and they are treated worse. A huge number of Filipinos as well. So, same as Singapore, but their Bangalas slightly higher level.
Re: Ge 2011

My suggestion to the Opps..

Gather the best candidates from NSP/SPP/WP and fight one of the GRC and I have strong feeling that they will win and kicked out some incumbent ministers and then show to the people of Spore what the new Opps team can do vs the PAP and if they really perform next GE will be a different story...

hitmee;634808 said:
everybody loves the chef, but would love the restaurant to serve some other dishes too.
end of the day, may be 84 - 0

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