Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

ot... me first to reach 201... sigh... just like page 101.... muahahaha .... end ot....
Along the highway… suddenly very bad headache hit you.. cannot even drive… but than again your wife can drive but no license…. How?
Leave your car along highway and get a cab
Take the risk.. ask wife to drive? (anyway only less than 10km away to hme)
Definitely have her take over....sshh...

Spend now , enjoy high life but no savings in the old days
Dont spend now and retire with plenty of cash but too late to cheong anymore..?
strike 4d, keep quiet and don't buy any round of drinks or go out and have a jolly good time!
Who's the bugger??
Of coz buy the buddies a round of drinks lah..
Winston said:
ot... me first to reach 201... sigh... just like page 101.... muahahaha .... end ot....

Pick tio "Gu lan huh" so happy :screwedu: :lol:

"Spend now , enjoy high life but no savings in the old days
Dont spend now and retire with plenty of cash but too late to cheong anymore..? "

I will pick Dont spend now.. spend later...
I am going to retire early than most of you.... My kids are 6/9/12 years liao.. So when I retire, still can cheong and go garden!!... How old your kids now???? :laughing:

Your 5 yrs old kid ask you whats the meaning of "KNN"..
Explain to him that "KNN" is a undiserable word to use and explain in detail the meaning of "KNN"
Just tell him undesirable word... dun use?
Your 5 yrs old kid ask you whats the meaning of "KNN"..
Explain to him that "KNN" is a undiserable word to use and explain in detail the meaning of "KNN"
Just tell him undesirable word... dun use?

just point to yourself lor! :laughing: :lol: :laughing: :lol: :laughing: :lol:

:furious: :furious: :furious:

Seriously better to explain than just tell him to buzz off.....

big group in a rest. do you split up half half and let everyone be comfortably snug in or you squeeze every joker together and have hell'of a fun...
Winston said:
big group in a rest. do you split up half half and let everyone be comfortably snug in or you squeeze every joker together and have hell'of a fun...

Squeeze together...
but hor.. what kind of fun can a group of guys have together :screwedu:

Attending a very high class dinner... those attending the dinner are like super rich kind except you cos invited by a friend. During the meal,
Must act like super rich too and follow table manners and etc..
Be yrself... dig yr nose when necessary...?
The King is back......

shutterbug said:
Falling in love with a hostess or a chio butch?!(Not that I've any experience!)
Chio Butch. Depending on your skills, you might be able to convert her into a bitch. But you have to share the hostess with some hum-sup-loh, who could pay some tips and touch her all over…… unless you could take that……

shutterbug said:
Wokring for a Japanese firm that makes you clean toilet bowls with your BARE hands or working in Iraq as a contractor(given you won't be killed, kidnapped or maimed.)
Working in Iraq then, if immunity is granted. Looks good on the CV as well.

shutterbug said:
hacked to death or mauled to death?
Morbid, morbid. Equally painful. Perhaps hacked to death faster.

shutterbug said:
Infected with West Nile Disease or SARS?
West Nile Disease.

shutterbug said:
BMW being bought by the British or BMW bought by the Japanese? (Both are bad scenarios..
Would rather it be bought by Japanese. If the British takeover, it will be a brand decadence – or goodwill erosion for that matter.

shutterbug said:
Puffing a Cigar or smoking a pipe?
Puffing a cigar. Me no Sherlock Holmes.

shutterbug said:
Factory 330Ci and I mean everything original, including rims) or worked out 320Ci with bodykit, HID, big rims, sound system, neon lights(optional if rice boy), aftermarket brakes, can dump in supercharger etc.. ?
Modded 320i. One, I could not exceed the speed limit – only 6 demerit points left. Two, I will be paying lesser road tax. If buay song, then lup one 330 engine in your 320 lor.

Itch from mosquito bite - scratch, or apply lotion?
Winston said:
more bling: diamond on 3 fingers, white gold chain with big carat and blasting superstar OR nicely suited in 3 button zegna suit, step out of car with spinning rims?
Yo, bro. Are you Blackie Chan? Or Schwarzenegro? For bling effect, do the former.

Winston said:
harrier or rx300?
RX300. Unless the price differential is too huge.

Winston said:
to have a head bigger than your body or much much smaller than your body?
Bigger head. You can always improve on your body, toot.

Winston said:
got a new chick, forget about brothers and spend all your time with her or tell her up front, that brothers are also important, gotta allocate some time there...
Why do you not shorten the GM question to – Be Chee Hong or Not? Answer depends the prospects. If she could be permanent, then brothers should understand.

Winston said:
use bar of soap or some soap gel?
Use Gel. Incidentally, gel was invented because some army chap drops the soap……

Winston said:
in a public swimming pool toilet, do you wrap yourself in a towel or strut around stark naked...
Struct naked. Nothing to be ashamed of. Unless Bru Anaconda is around……

Winston said:
east coast carpark or sembawang end?
I like to jog at East Coast Carpark. Fresh air.

Winston said:
but mine was rumoured longer and bigger recently...
Your ego is bigger. Your kopi session is longer. That’s all. Don’t believe what Joey says…… Hurts but true……

Winston said:
which is worse: nosy neighbours who cares or smiling neighbours who don't give 2 hoots about you...
Arms’ length, please. Smiles are enough.

Winston said:
more scary to the eye: cobra or phyton?

Winston said:
more poisonous snake: mamba or inland taipan?
Mamba, I’d think. For venomous snakes, ask Bru, a.k.a. Peter.

Winston said:
you prefer disco era or rave generation?
Disco era. Nostalgic about it. Rumours, Fire, Warehouse, what have you……

Winston said:
Who will reach page 201 first? K, J, H, or W?
You win lor......

Winston said:
strike 4d, keep quiet and don't buy any round of drinks or go out and have a jolly good time!
You talking about Porchay? Sigh. Me still waiting for his call leh.

Winston said:
big group in a rest. do you split up half half and let everyone be comfortably snug in or you squeeze every joker together and have hell'of a fun...
Squeeze. Like the K-room......

One tyre burst.

Stick to the original CSCII for $400 for one tyre; or

Change both sides to brand new Falken for $195 each?
SL2 said:
Which is worse: Drowning or burnt to death?
Morbid thoughts again. Drowing should be less painful.

SL2 said:
30th night before CNY after reunion dinner: Prefer stay at home or go Chinatown?
Stay at home. It is a nightmare fighting for parking, fighting for goods……

SL2 said:
1st date with chio bu: Pub or movie?
Movie. Seow ah, go pub. What is she is the decent type.

SL2 said:
Honda Accord or Toyota Camry?
Accord. Camry quite Ah-Chek, IMO.

SL2 said:
CNY: Play mahjong or poker cards?
Ban Luck – velocity is the key. You want turnover, do you not?

SL2 said:
Volvo XC 90 or BMW X5
X5 lah.

SL2 said:
Vodka with lime or orange?
Vodka Lime.

SL2 said:
Which is more of a stress reliever: KTV or Massage Parlour?
Dunno. Never been to one before.

SL2 said:
Which has more features and still is more user friendly: Nokia or Sony Ericsson?
Question asked before. One more kopi on you. Don’t “siam” hor.

SL2 said:
In relevance to tonight's match: Manchester United or Liverpool?
Whaddya think? Of course Red Devils lah. Loyalty pledged.

SL2 said:
Which is more regretful: Parachuting out of a prefectly working aeroplane only to find the parachute is not working OR Bungee jumping and the rope snaps?
Bungee. Your anticipation for death is shorter.

SL2 said:
Which is more "siong" in the army: Bayonet fighting or Rifle PT?
Rifle PT.

SL2 said:
Bonus: Prefer to get it quarterly in smaller amount OR one lump sum at the end of the year?
Quarterly. Consistent modding throughout the year.

SL2 said:
Prefer working for company with REAL prospects of advancement but with below market rate salary for all tiers OR Work for a company with not much chance for advancement but paying above market rate for your type of position
Prospects. Unless you are a good-for-nothing. It all depends on your relative standings against your colleagues. Are you standing on higher grounds? If so, should not mind starting lower. Under-promised, over-delivered.

SL2 said:
Which is a better buy, in terms of economical reasons versus fashion sense: Giordano OR Bossini?
Bossini. Lately, the froggie’s design a bit obiang.

SL2 said:
Weekend outings with family to town: Prefer shirt and jeans or just plain t-shirt and bermudas?
T-shirt & bermuda. Dress down.

SL2 said:
Fully kitted M3 or stock M5?
M5. Stupid question.

SL2 said:
Getting a tattoo..Prefer it to be obvious or hidden?
Subtle is sexy.

SL2 said:
You have been given a free ticket to Europe but only one. Given that you have a wife and kid, will you buy the additional 2 tickets OR sell the free ticket to someone else?
Sell the tickets, and mod the car. Swee swee. The most drive to Malacca or Kuala Lumpur.

SL2 said:
Maid: Prefer to hire Indonesian or Filipino ones?
Indonesians can cook. But not those with a Hartini last name.

SL2 said:
Getting the DVD Shutter: Do you watch with some of the bros together OR watch it with a chio bu?
What show will that be? AV – watch with brothers. Romantic comedy – watch with chio bu.

SL2 said:
Sunglasses: Prefer brown lenses or blue ones?
Generally blue lens.

SL2 said:
Which is worse: A neighbour that plays mahjong almost every night or one who parties at home at least twice a week?
The farker who plays MJ every night. At least the farker who parties would have invited me over……

SL2 said:
Which is more pleasant looking to the eye: Bling bling look aka American beng OR local beng look aka cauliflower beansprout hairstyle with baggy 3/4 pants?
Bling Bling lah. Just look at Winston.

Kopi but must wait for the jio-er until 11 plus, or

Go Bala and meet the jio-er's boyfriend?
Hymics said:
Yr ride only for street driving (No tracking).. want to lower yr ride cos u jus change to bigger rims so inorder to looks chio... Change the whole suspension so you can adjust to your desire height but cost u few thousand... or jus change the spring but only can lower by merely 20mm that cost u only less than 1 k...?
Change the whole suspension. Wanna group buy?

Hymics said:
Movie with new fling... 1st Horror movie or Comedy
Comedy. Must enchant her first. First date she will not grab you even if you watch horror flicks.

Hymics said:
Quit smoking for Health Reasons or Price increase?
If it is really for health issues, quit drinking as well.

Hymics said:
Go massage parlour... errrr.. those with attached toilet ones... during the session, Switch on mobile or switch off
Dunno. Have never been to one.

Hymics said:
Final Whistle blows... ManU 2, Liverpool 1, U Stands up and run ard the kopitiam shoutin Man U Man U Man U to celebrate.. or Just sit down and drink beer to celebrate....
Sit down, but need no celebration. Man Utd always beat the Reds. Used to it liao.

Hymics said:
Chio bu stats... prefer 33C / 24 / 33 or 36D / 24 / 35
33C/24/33 enough. Anything bigger and gravity will come into play.

Hymics said:
Rav 4 or Hyundai Tucson
Ask for fark? Don’t buy don’t ask hor. I would take a second look at the Tucson.

Hymics said:
In need of money.. Pawn your rolex or look for loan shark
Compound interest – pawn shop is charging lower. Plus you need no redemption.

Hymics said:
Say your 1st car is Black.... 2nd car will you still buy Black or other colour
Other colour. Say your first underwear is Black……

Hymics said:
Bring your kids to watch Circles with animals and clowns doing their tricks or Disney on ice with all the cartoon characters....
Circus is a no-no. Entertaining, but zero value-add. Disney on ice at least can byo Snow White.

Hymics said:
Prefer to work in American Firm or Japanese Firm
American. Ang Mor Tua Kee.

Hymics said:
When using the toilet bowl (sitting type) to shit.. Sit or squad on the edge..
Sit. Unless it is public toilet.

Hymics said:
Massage parlour.. dip in hot pool or cold pool
Dunno. Never been there.

Hymics said:
Massage parlour.. go for those with attached toilet or without attached toilet
Si mi attached toilet? Dunno.

Hymics said:
Taxi yr kids to school in the morning or pay $38 mthly to take the school bus.. (School is less than 10km from hse).
Taxi your kids. Build relations and intimacy.

Hymics said:
Single... ur galfred wants u to buy her a Rolex ($10k) for her birthday... but the 10K u have plans for long time to buy a new sets of rims for ur ride ... Buy Rolex for galfred to please her or Buy rims..
Material gal? Dump her. No gal dares to request me to buy things for them. Unless it is a special request……

Hymics said:
Which more thrilling.. Do it in the car or Codominium staircase...
Pee in the staircase. How to pee in the car?

Hymics said:
Break dance or Lambada
LampaTua. More intimate.

Hymics said:
Along the highway… suddenly very bad headache hit you.. cannot even drive… but than again your wife can drive but no license…. How? Leave your car along highway and get a cab Or Take the risk.. ask wife to drive? (anyway only less than 10km away to hme)
Get wifey to drive.

Hymics said:
Your 5 yrs old kid ask you whats the meaning of "KNN".. Explain to him that "KNN" is a undiserable word to use and explain in detail the meaning of "KNN" or Just tell him undesirable word... dun use?
Don't explain. It will lead to more questions......

Hymics said:
Attending a very high class dinner... those attending the dinner are like super rich kind except you cos invited by a friend. During the meal, Must act like super rich too and follow table manners and etc.. or Be yrself... dig yr nose when necessary...?
Be proper, but need not act high-class. And if you Or-Pee-Sai, be tactful hor.

Or Pee Sai - Use index finger, or last finger?
TripleM said:
If u have $$$, would u prefer to collect: Watches or Paintings?
Watches. More liquid. Not as “perishable.”

TripleM said:
As far the profession goes, which gal would u rather marry: The one that travel quite a bit ( make u feel like a free man ) or The one that hardly travels at all?
The one that travels quite a bit. Short separation actually enhances the relationship.

TripleM said:
Now... 2 gorgeous women: Charlize Theron or Ashley Judd?
Question asked before. Kopi on you. Ashley Judd was my pick.

TripleM said:
Now:... Peugeot 407 or Honda Accord ?
Accord. Never trust French cars.

TripleM said:
Which sea animal will scare more the shit outta ya when u are swimming: Shark or Jelly Fish?
Shark. Jelly fish could be invisible, unless in schools.

TripleM said:
Rav4 AWD 2.0 Borneo Motor (89k) or PI one 1.8 FWD (81k) ?
Take that from Borneo.

TripleM said:
Which one scares the s*** outta ya more: Centipede underneath your bed or Black widow spider in your closet?
Centipede underneath your bed. Creepy crawly.

TripleM said:
UK car mag: BBC Top Gear or CAR mag?

TripleM said:
Chio bu with bi-xenon but stock rear bumper or Chio bu with halogen but nicely kitted rear bumper?
I am a xenon person.

TripleM said:
For 7K difference... Hyundai Tucson 2.0lt 4pot ( FWD no passenger airbag) or 2.7 V6 (AWD and got passenger airbag) ?
Take the V6 lah.

TripleM said:
What's good Valentine's gift this year: Designer hand bag or Watch?
Watch. Can last for few years.

TripleM said:
2nd car care: Maintain it like the first car (wash urself, wax urself) all regularly or Send for washing and wax probably when there is full moon.?
Wash yourself. Wash until tua lum par.

TripleM said:
If u find out that your chio rims have some saliva of your dog, whose saliva is it: Spike's or Snow's?
What if it is not saliva? Mating season……

TripleM said:
How bout: Model or Actress?
Actress. More talent needed to be one.

TripleM said:
Now... No base salary but all commission based income or High salary but peanuts size bonus?
High salary. Security first.

TripleM said:
Which one would u choose: PML's driver training 330 for 100k (2.5yrs old) or Regular used 2.5 yrs 320 for the same price?
Will take the 330. Then sell after 2 years……

TripleM said:
Bitch wear....oops I mean beach wear: Quick Silver or Billabong ?
Spellcheck – Quiksilver (ask DK). But prefer Billabong.

TripleM said:
The upcoming BMW M6 or Maserati 4200 Grandsport?
The Maserati 4200 GS.

TripleM said:
Scrap ur idea of buying the GruppeM and buy a used set of Xenon or continue to wait n pray for its arrival?

TripleM said:
Offsite in New York at end of month which coincides with the meet up Shud I go or Stay back and go for the meet up?
Go for the offsite. Leave your car with me. The Yam Tree.

TripleM said:
If u have to eat the same food for one whole week which one would u choose: Char siew and duck rice or Nasi Padang rice?
Nasi Padang. Can pick right?

TripleM said:
Hire a maid: Chio one but less experienced or Bo chio one but very reliable?
Reliability more important. But must be at least presentable.

TripleM said:
U r driving ur galfren, suddenly, she sneezes very hard , kinda too late and dirty ur dashboard a bit (may some 3 drops like that ).. Do u pretend not seeing it or Immediately pull a tissue paper and wipe it off?
Pretend not to see it. If she does no damage control, kick her out.

TripleM said:
Martin Scorcesse's movies: Gangster in NY or Aviator?...both staring Leo
Gangster in NY.

TripleM said:
U goin for HO or V-Kool?

TripleM said:
Glasses: Frame or frameless?
Frame. Frameless like strapless bra – very flimsy.

TripleM said:
Assuming flying to KL is now offerd at 150bux return and you are thinking of goin with your buddies Will you take the flight or Suggest drive up in an MPV ?
MPV. More fun along the way. So, when are we going?

TripleM said:
Which one scares the hell outta ya more: A burglar is hiding inside your closet or A cobra snake is hiding underneath your bed?
You having nightmares lately? The cobra scenario would be more scary.

TripleM said:
If u have to fight with these 2 animals ,which one would u choose: A black mumba or An anaconda?
Anaconda. The mumba is too deadly.

TripleM said:
Which one is more is more panicking when u r driving fast: Ur front bonnet flips open up or One of ur tires burst?
Tyre burst. Car might swerve.

TripleM said:
Which incident is scarier? U wake up realzing that u lost one of ur kidneys? or U wake up realizing that u lost one of ur testicles?
Kidney can buy in (India’s) black market. But testicles – specifications different leh……

TripleM said:
Spend now , enjoy high life but no savings in the old days or Dont spend now and retire with plenty of cash but too late to cheong anymore..?
Spend now, if no moderation is allowed. What if you kenna stroke tomorrow?

Which sound nicer - Tyres, or Tires?
calvin said:
if you have lots of time after work, will you: go date girl ? or stay home relax ?
Stay home relax. Cannot afford to go dating so often. Quite sian liao.

calvin said:
Race Queen ? or Model ?
Model. Higher pay and more contracts.

calvin said:
How about u like: Asian girl ? or Ang Moh girl ?
Asian. Petite and shapely. Ang Mor like Xena - sibey big frame.

calvin said:
Will u let go ur shit in public toilet ? or lun til back home sweet toilet ?
Depends. Is the toilet roll single ply or twin ply?

calvin said:
smoke b4 eat ? or afer eat ?
3 best time to smoke - after meal, while shitting, and after sex.

ryan said:
Green face in the window of your bedroom before you sleep, or black shadow in the reflection of the mirror?
You also claustrophobic, or just too paranoic? Green face is scary. Stop watching The Ring.

ryan said:
Digging pi sai more shiok OR Digging he sai(ear) more shiok?
Are you tasting them after you dig?

Nuke said:
Sexy nympho but relationship hazard n high maintenance or Obedient wife type, smooth sailing till old age?
Consistency if you gonna talk about relationship. The nympho will be exciting only for few months.

Watching Tiger Cup at Kallang Stadium to support the Lions; or

Watching Chelsea versus Arsenal at Changi Village?
U si beh free at work man, answered all those rubbish above...
You are too overpaid for the little work u do liao.... :shoot:
Which sound nicer - Tyres, or Tires?


Which one is better?
Print money in large denomination like our SGD10,000
small like the greenback, max USD100?
Which one is better?
Print money in large denomination like our SGD10,000
small like the greenback, max USD100?

I'll take the latter..easier to change at any shops when you buy things.

Be an extremist for BMW cars only OR be more open minded and receptive to other marques as well?
Be an extremist for BMW cars only OR be more open minded and receptive to other marques as well?
Is BMW that great meh? :silenced:
Anyway, shud be open minded too like me...downgrading to Tucson... :thumbsup: :wavey:

U r in public toilet that has run outta tissue paper and suay enough, also no water from the tap...
U r passing urine and stoopid n careless enough u peed ur hands
What do u do?
Wipe ur hands off your pants/shirt
Wipe ur hands off the wall?
By the way lads,
I m playing the GM alone and I hv just reached page 202 hoorayy.... :screwedu: :laughlik:

Be an extremist for BMW cars only OR be more open minded and receptive to other marques as well?

Is BMW that great meh?
Anyway, shud be open minded too like me...downgrading to Tucson...

U r in public toilet that has run outta tissue paper and suay enough, also no water from the tap...
U r passing urine and stoopid n careless enough u peed ur hands
What do u do?
Wipe ur hands off your pants/shirt
Wipe ur hands off the wall?

Wah, you downgrade a few more times and your condo mgt will chase you out for hogging all the carparks...

wipe your hands off a 2 dollar bill, than go outside and buy a drink... :errr: :silenced:

wiping off the wall may well get you stains that you may not have noticed in the public toilets... :verysad:

congrats on reaching page 202... this thread is very long do we hold a jeopardy for newbie and ask questions from 202 pages of the GM or initate a newbie to compile all the GM questions accordingly to taste, color, animals, planes, geographics, chio bus, mistresses dates, car wash?
congrats on reaching page 202... this thread is very long do we hold a jeopardy for newbie and ask questions from 202 pages of the GM or initate a newbie to compile all the GM questions accordingly to taste, color, animals, planes, geographics, chio bus, mistresses dates, car wash?

Thank you....
Looks like the 1st choice is easier to do..

A chio-bu drops her wallet when she is walking, u open it and see 1000bux in it
Do u immediately run to her and return it
Hmm.....looks like no upside so just keep it?
TripleM said:
Thank you....
Looks like the 1st choice is easier to do..

A chio-bu drops her wallet when she is walking, u open it and see 1000bux in it
Do u immediately run to her and return it
Hmm.....looks like no upside so just keep it?

keep it first then try to contact the chio bu by phone to return it at a more "convenient" time. if return immediately might not get to meet her again! :twisted:


California fitness or
Planet fitness?
California fitness or
Planet fitness?
Tried both but stopped goin coz too many homos there kekekekeke...

Work on public hol n claim extra holiday
Prefer not to work at all on public hol?

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