Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

winnercafe said:
sorry forgot abt he question
to dance or to drink in a clubbing session

err..we actually do both...

to go back alone after pubbling or just grab another one of the opposite sex for a quickie
winnercafe said:
i know we do both but what if u can onli choose 1? drink or dance answer my previous question
i think u will get a more interesting answer from a guy... we shall wait n see who will reply.... cannot think of a good question to ask
winnercafe said:
what is zhang jui?

Zhang Jui is a practice of watching Zhang Yi Mou's movies while drinking (hence "Zhang" as in namesake and "Jui" as in drunkedness). The later days sinners associate Zhang Jui with drinking and watching Zhang ZiYi at the same time. This is the correct version of Zhang Jui. Do not be deceived by the rest.
MW said:
Mac and Esti cos he lost his underwear...

Yeah. And the supper session with the sparstic-faced child......

MW said:
Chilli crab for my dinner or Curry fish head?

Chilli crab. Save some for me.

Kenna STD from a chio bu, or becoming impotent from abstinence?
winnercafe said:
to dance or to drink in a clubbing session

Both are not mutually exclusive. Most of the time, it will be be both. We can multi-task.

Clubbing alone in a place with nice music, hunks and babes; or

Hanging in a shabby pub full of friends?
MW said:
to go back alone after pubbling or just grab another one of the opposite sex for a quickie

What sort of stupid question is that?

In theory, the expected utility of both outcomes are not the same. Go back alone (Use Your Hand Campaign) yields zero utility. Grabbing another one of the opposite sex yields two outcome - (1) Chio - 100% expected utility; (2) Cannot-Make-It - 0% - 50 expected utility. Unless it is so CMI that it yields negative utility (super duper turned off), then it always make sense to take the gamble.

When the opposite sex is not chio, but you'd realised until she's in your house,

Drink until you are so drunk that you could not visualise her; or

Switch off the lights and rather not see her nice body?
Hanging in a shabby pub full of friends

drinking n chatting w friends or drinking w chio bu whom dun seem to share any of ur interest
winnercafe said:
i know we do both but what if u can onli choose 1? drink or dance

If you are so insistent, then......drink.

Now take this......

Marrying a good-looking impotent gay who is not interested in you; or

Marrying a fugly chap but well-equipped?
winnercafe said:
if i believe u then i must be ..... rodder defination look more accurate

Then trust Rodder's version lor. You can choose to Zhang Jui with him if you want to.
winnercafe said:
drinking n chatting w friends or drinking w chio bu whom dun seem to share any of ur interest

Drinking & chatting with friends.

I hate drinking against a wall of beautiful portraits.

A happening guy who dance, smoke cigars, drink, and crack jokes; or

A decent chap who does not do anything at all?
winnercafe said:
fugly meaning ? can dun be so chim or not

Fugly is short for "farking ugly." Pai seh, but no other ways to quench your thirst for knowledge.

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