Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Which is cruel? Bull fighting, or cock fighting?
Both are cruel, enticed by human cruel men.

USA or China for the most gold medals in the olympic?
TripleM said:
Which is cruel? Bull fighting, or cock fighting?
Both are cruel, enticed by human cruel men.

USA or China for the most gold medals in the olympic?
Not following too closely, but there are already quite a few missed gold medals by China thus far...
TripleM said:
USA or China for the most gold medals in the olympic?

China. One way or other, they are in the competition, wearing the China flag or some countries that worship foreign talents......

Inclusion - 9-ball Pool, or F1 racing in Olympics?
Ladies & Gentlemen,

You are herewith forewarned that this is a Grudge Match thread. You are supposed to use the thread to play the Grudge Match, not do some casual flirting or movie review. Violation will carry a mandatory concession of a bottle of Chivas Regal, and subsequent violation will be dealt with by the panel of judges at the month-end meetup.

Rodney - now you are down by 2 bottles.
ZiYi - first warning for you. Chicken chop from you this Friday.
Alvin - try harder. You are on yellow card.

You will end each & every thread with a dual-option question. And please, answer the previous question before you proceed.

rodders said:
F1 racing. Cos of the race queens.

Why am I not surprised? Chee Hong.

rodders said:
Fender Strat or Gibson Les Paul?

Gibson Les Paul. How else could you name a guitar after 2 legends?

Riesling or Sauvignon Blanc?
Why am I not surprised? Chee Hong

Bo-pian leh....I'm 100% hot blooded male....what with all the workouts in the gym...

Riesling or Sauvignon Blanc?

Riesling. Find it easier to drink though I'm not a big fan of wines.

Bruce Lee or Jet Li?
Kentonna: My bad! :oops:

Getting caught by the Spelling Police, or the Grammer Police?
kenntona said:
Ladies & Gentlemen,

You are herewith forewarned that this is a Grudge Match thread. You are supposed to use the thread to play the Grudge Match, not do some casual flirting or movie review. Violation will carry a mandatory concession of a bottle of Chivas Regal, and subsequent violation will be dealt with by the panel of judges at the month-end meetup.

Rodney - now you are down by 2 bottles.
ZiYi - first warning for you. Chicken chop from you this Friday.
Alvin - try harder. You are on yellow card.

You will end each & every thread with a dual-option question. And please, answer the previous question before you proceed.


chicken chop no problem... but i thought this friday u not free?
michelle chia or michelle yeoh?

Michelle Yeoh.....older but more class.

Getting caught by the Spelling Police, or the Grammer Police?

Spelling Police! And Caught you!! Your spelling of grammer is wrong!! It should be grammar!!

The Beatles "White Album" or Metalicca's "Black Album"?
Puny said:
Kentonna: My bad! :oops:

Getting caught by the Spelling Police, or the Grammer Police?

both is bad for me cause i always hv spelling n grammar mistake.... but i think getting caught by grammar police more irritating (spelling can learn grammar is habit) so ur question is prefer or dislike?

running under hot sun or swimming in cold winter?
rodders said:
Spelling Police! And Caught you!! Your spelling of grammer is wrong!! It should be grammar!!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

winnercafe said:
running under hot sun or swimming in cold winter?

Running under the hot sun. I shiver at the slightest bit of cold...


On the topic of the Olympics:

- Getting a gold at medal a tender age, then tapering off...
- Slow and progressive battle, earning a gold medal only close to retiring..
On the topic of the Olympics:

- Getting a gold at medal a tender age, then tapering off...
- Slow and progressive battle, earning a gold medal only close to retiring

Getting a gold medal at a tender age. Better collect all the fame, money, opportunities and reputation up front.

BTW none of you have answered my last question.....
Getting a gold at medal a tender age, then tapering off...
did that done tt, can move on to other activity

short interest period ever changing activity or being faithful to the same activity?
running under hot sun or swimming in cold winter?

Swimming in cold winter. Can always swim with a thermal suit on. Besides I can't stand the heat..
rodders said:
On the topic of the Olympics:

- Getting a gold at medal a tender age, then tapering off...
- Slow and progressive battle, earning a gold medal only close to retiring

Getting a gold medal at a tender age. Better collect all the fame, money, opportunities and reputation up front.

BTW none of you have answered my last question.....

i dun know what's the difference how to reply
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