Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Winston said:
chris rock "black aren't crazy" or augie march "song in the key of chance"

chris rock, augie march is a very stupid song.....

actually i never heard of them .... just got them from the web

minstry of sound or paul van dyke?

Minstry of sound

Real Player 10 Gold or Media Player 9.0
siao jie... media player version 10 already lah....
ok lar i hungry liao gg for dinner....
u all continue...
des aim for ur target.... hope u mk it....

for me i will just try to be in top 10 by end oct can liao
how cum you know gg? you play wc3 or cs?
MRacer77 wrote:
PvD man... he rules...

Bush or Kerry... hahaha!

has this been asked b4?

of course.... 1 prata kosong on you bro....
Ok........first GM question for the day:

Flying in a budget airline


Flying in some Chinese domestic airline ?
Budget airline...
Chinese domestic airlines bit dodgy....scared the hell outta me coz the pilots brake v early as if parachute braking is used.. :laughlik:

McD breakfast:
Big Brkfast
Big breakfast. Gotta have my eggs!!

Carrying an umbrella during a light drizzle


Keeping your hands free and not carrying anything?

BTW how was your movie?
Hands free mate...
Dont like the trouble of carrying umbrella..If rain is heavy, then just stay indoors...

Spring water:
Evian ....if any different ? :screwedu:
You can taste the difference........Evian.

To be caught in the middle of a sandstorm


In the middle of a typhoon ?

Wonder whatever happened to Ken..............
Both equally devastating..
Sandstorm...can get buried, assuming in desert..
Typhoon..can get blown plus all those falling objects u dunno where they are coming from..

Ken's internet surfer was down hasnt paid up the bill..?

Assuming same start up capitals, which biz would u own:
Pub ?
Restaurant. And I'll serve only healthy food. Pub business is too short lived.

Everything else being constant, Who would you rather service your line:

A local broker


A Ang Moh broker ?
Guess mix of both for diversity sake..
I don't have local brokers at all at mom.....All Brits, Kiwi and Aussies
I look for quality brokers who get deals done..will be jia lat if I start playing GM with brokers hahaha...

Recyle ur grocery shopping bags
Get new ones in every purchase ?
Guess mix of both for diversity sake..
I don't have local brokers at all at mom.....All Brits, Kiwi and Aussies
I look for quality brokers who get deals done..will be jia lat if I start playing GM with brokers hahaha...

Thats why I said everything else being constant, you toot.

Recyle ur grocery shopping bags
Get new ones in every purchase ?

Get new ones in every purchase. Too lazy to carry old ones there. Beside I'll have more bags for my rubbish.

If you could be one of these tyrants, who would you be?



Chairman Mao ?
Hitler... cos cheena not in for me....

Who would you be if you could be a world class footballer

Michael Owen


David Beckam?
Chairman Mao man...
Hitler too cruel man, killing innocent Jews...

Apartment living:
Cheap maintenance fee but unsheltered parking
Twice as much but sheltered parking?
Welcome to the GM Yuen. Fancy meeting you here. Really trying hard huh? kekekeke

Don't know anything about football, but I'll go for Owen. To me Beckham is such a show off.

Fear factor question for you:

To go to the dentist to have your wisdom tooth extracted


Doing a bungee jump off a bridge (assuming you're scared of heights) ?
Apartment living:
Cheap maintenance fee but unsheltered parking
Twice as much but sheltered parking?

I'll take the sheltered parking please? Thank you. Must pamper my other half....kekeke

In signing your cheque book, which ink colour would you normally use:



Black ?

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