Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

For a snake, u hv to do straight motion coz snake is better in winding and hence can catch you....Now I owe u 1 kopi only

Pick up line:
Where have u been all my life...., great start to kick off conversation after that...hehe

What kind of condos u prefer:
Huge estate with all u name it facilities wise
Small estate with less than complete facilities?
kenntona said:
Which pick-up line will turn you off?

"Hi, I'm an incredibly rich stud" to the wanton girls or wanting gerbils." or

"Your place or mine?"

"Your place or mine?"
more turn off..... dun like pple who just assume everything

Yesterday once more:
a happy or sad ending?
TripleM said:
What kind of condos u prefer: Huge estate with all u name it facilities wise or Small estate with less than complete facilities?

You still miss out one question on pick-up.

Small estate better communal living.

Which is more rare in Australia?

The Sugar Glider, or the Koala?
What kind of condos u prefer:
Huge estate with all u name it facilities wise
Small estate with less than complete facilities?
if u ask me the above i would say a lot of pt to consider....
usually more facilities mean higher m&sf unless there is a lot of units to share the cost of maintenance... but more unit mean more pple using the facilities.... so depend do u use all the facilities available if not they are pai sui onli.... if not it might be better to have less then complete facilities (onli those that u got use can liao, the rest no need)

which do u prefer
swimming pool:
irregular shape or regular olympic pool?
Great white sharks are killin machines... they are born to kill. Its a pile of crap in the scuba bks tat says sharks are unpredictable.. in States, only 2 out of 10 ppl survive from Great white attacks.. the 2 survived had their legs rip off..

winnecafe, I been playing GM (General Manager) for 5 yrs..kekkeke

Ken.. u mus hv missed the runnin winding motion badly recently..ha!

ok.. tis an obvious one.. if you hv a E65.. decided to kit.. go for :

winnercafe said:
which do u prefer swimming pool: irregular shape or regular olympic pool?
winnercafe said:
where to eat ice-cream:
hagen daz at orchard ck tang or swesen crown prince?

Irregular shape. Else can go country club's pool.
Haagen Dazs.

Try to answer our questions before your ask......

Hymics said:
ok.. tis an obvious one.. if you hv a E65.. decided to kit.. go for : Breyton or AC

Tough choice. But after I skimped through the pictures, my choice is......

AC Schnitzer's.

Else, would you rather have on your E65?

Hamann, or Racing Dynamics?
Has to be Flossman GTR Widebody

Now,...19 in set up
1) 235/35 F and 265/30 R
2) 245/35 F and 275/30 R?
MRacer77 said:
Bodykit for e46 M3: Hamann or Flossman GTR widebody

The Flossman GTR widebody. Woo hoo.

Will leave the 19" set-up to Jack.

Time to address those unanswered questions:

MRacer77 said:
Better tax haven, Labuan or BVI?

Has to be the BVI. Labuan simply does not have the financial infrastructure to warrant a premium tax haven status. In fact, in the top private banks, the Labuan-initiated accounts will have some difficulties accessing the credit terms as compared to a BVI account.

MRacer77 said:
to be working for an idiot or to have idiots working under you?

To work for an idiot. It will be long for him to stay as an idiotic boss.

MRacer77 said:
Easier to restructure by: Doing a debt to equity swap or Doing an RTO?

Reverse Take Over.

A restructuring of capital involves creditors transferring credit risks to for share capital. This happens when the going concern of the company (tangible assets plus debt) falls below debt level. No choice but to reduce debt and gearing to a more sustainable level. Financial risk is reduced. But the process is complex, besides the onerous legal and regulatory obligations, especially when the company at issue is listed. There must be a prospect of a corporate turnaround – potential capital appreciation. In most cases, the DE swap is effectively buying time and ensure disposals are not made in a depressed market. The negotiation and completion process is considerably long. Very high execution risk. Plus the swap will often leave a sour note in shareholder’s mind, given the impact of dilution. Bear in mind that effectively the company is transferring credit risks from bondholders to shareholders. In the extreme cases, a management scruffle ensues, as seen in the case of Marconi.

In the case of RTO, the private target company assumes the management of the larger acquiring company, often listed. Cost of listing is saved. Shareholders of the acquirer look upon the management of the target as white knights. It avoid the scrutiny of the capital markets and investment banks in the process.

Winston said:
work from home or work in office alone?
have a condo with underground parking away from the elements of mother nature or landed property with extended basic shelter but still subjected to elements of nature from time to time?
piggyback systems or chip it up?

Home. Is this a stupid question? One kopi on you.
Landed property. Option to extend shelter later.
Why not both? Else piggyback, for new cars with warranty.

SL2 said:
Hugo Boss or Ermenegildo Zegna?

Hugo Boss.

Now, East Asian horror flicks.......

The Ring, or Ju-On?
kenntona said:
winnercafe said:
which do u prefer swimming pool: irregular shape or regular olympic pool?
winnercafe said:
where to eat ice-cream:
hagen daz at orchard ck tang or swesen crown prince?

Hymics said:
ok.. tis an obvious one.. if you hv a E65.. decided to kit.. go for : Breyton or AC

Tough choice. But after I skimped through the pictures, my choice is......

AC Schnitzer's.

Else, would you rather have on your E65?

Hamann, or Racing Dynamics?

Damn.. u read my mind.. my Ultimate choice "AC Schnitzer"..

Dont really noe much abt Hamann n Racing Dynamics.. still newbie lah... I suppose Hamann.. see many bros here mention about Hamann....

Golf rule : when your ball lies on a pile of cow shit after tee-off,

1. Play where the ball lies with the shit covering the ball
2. Pick up the ball, clean the ball than play..
Pick up the ball, clean the ball than play. Don't want to hit the ball then the shit splatters everywhere.

The ring

Whats the final gear ratios for e46 M3:
3.62 or 3.73
cleanin the ball part might want yr caddie to do it... ha... 1 stroke panalty wil be added to yr score when ball lifted.. Tigerwood will play the ball with the shit on..cos 1 stroke might cost him $500K$...

Gear Ratio for E46M3:
I suppose 3.62 depends on which yr the car was manufactured..?

Still golf : After teeoff, couldnt find yr ball on the fairway.. saw a monkey running away with yr ball..

1. Chase the monkey and have yr ball back
2. play with another new ball
Hymics said:
Still golf : After teeoff, couldnt find yr ball on the fairway.. saw a monkey running away with yr ball.. 1. Chase the monkey and have yr ball back or 2. play with another new ball

Play with a new ball first, then turn around and hunt down the monkey. Then hoot the monkey jialat jialat......

Go K-joint with clients, realise cash money not enough......

(1) Sneak out to withdraw, leaving clients there; or
(2) Borrow from MMS first, since she knows you from day one?
kenntona said:
Hymics said:
Still golf : After teeoff, couldnt find yr ball on the fairway.. saw a monkey running away with yr ball.. 1. Chase the monkey and have yr ball back or 2. play with another new ball

Play with a new ball first, then turn around and hunt down the monkey. Then hoot the monkey jialat jialat......

Go K-joint with clients, realise cash money not enough......

(1) Sneak out to withdraw, leaving clients there; or
(2) Borrow from MMS first, since she knows you from day one?

Cannot lose face mah.. so (2) Borrow from MMS first, since she knows you from day one. hahaha!

Wah lau, you all talk about golf I blur liao....

most boring game in the world:
lawn bowling... or ... cricket.
Dont use the word borrow since know her since day one..... I wil ask MMS to foot the bill .. but make sure I already dead drunk and pretend that nothing happens and walk out with client......

A ball from nowhere suddenly flew towards you nearly striking you... did not hear anyone shout "ball".. than a chio bu walk over and claims the ball belong to hers and apologise..

1. Forgive her and proceed with play
2. ##$%^& her and report her to marshal
MRacer77 said:
most boring game in the world: lawn bowling... or ... cricket.

Lawn bowling. Yawn.

Hymics said:
A ball from nowhere suddenly flew towards you nearly striking you... did not hear anyone shout "ball".. than a chio bu walk over and claims the ball belong to hers and apologise..

1. Forgive her and proceed with play or
2. ##$%^& her and report her to marshal

Pretend to ##$%^& her, then fake injury, seek attention, ask for her HP number, tell her you will forgive her and not report to marshal, then ...... hehehe......

This happens to you?

Again, K-joint question...... Bird came in, you nodded, sat besides you...... then you realise that the bird is your niece. Do you......

...... carry on chirping, make it a uncle-niece catch-up session; or
...... pretend you do not know her, ask for a new bird?
Mracer77 : Lawn bowling.... an article quoted:
"Lawn Bowling is a game where a group of people, in teams or individually, attempt to roll croquet-like balls at a white ball in order to see who can get their ball (or bowl) closest to the white ball (or jack). It's a bit of a silly game, but that can be attributed to the funny people who popularized it: Europeans. Enjoy the site (and don't be offended if you're one of those "funny people" listed above.)"

Ken : i wil ...... make it a uncle-niece catch-up session.. Strictly no action! gather from her all chio bus data... sign a black and white with her for "non disclosure" for our sudden meeting and procced to next nearest chain...

In a k-joint, 2 MMS, 1 MMS with Chio bu might "not happening"... another MMS with no chio bus but damn happening..
you will go for :

1. MMS with Chio bu might "no happening"...
2. MMS with no chio bus but damn happening..
OT awhile...

NB with all the Chio bus and K-joint... Itchy liao.. must go chiong 2 nite...
Hymics said:
Ken : i wil ...... make it a uncle-niece catch-up session.. Strictly no action! gather from her all chio bus data... sign a black and white with her for "non disclosure" for our sudden meeting and procced to next nearest chain...

I did not say anything about action leh...... but your actions are damn prudent. Guess the non-disclosure agreement must be signed by you as well.

Hymics said:
In a k-joint, 2 MMS, 1 MMS with Chio bu might "not happening"... another MMS with no chio bus but damn happening.. you will go for : 1. MMS with Chio bu might "no happening"... or 2. MMS with no chio bus but damn happening..

Scenario unfamiliar. CPU cannot generate analysis. Switch to manual over-ride mode......

See the word "happening" - CPU (Cheong Processing Unit) rebooted.

Option 2 selected.

Now......would you rather......

...cage only one (damn chio) bird and sit throughout, paying good tips; or
...cage 2 birds and let them share the feeds?

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