Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

TripleM said:
Now... The American baseball calls the final game The World Series... Does the "World" refer to : The World (as in world championship thingy) or Some marketing brand name called World ?

Should be the World Championship thingy.

Food in China, which is true?

The Chinese are raising St. Bernard dogs for food.

Chinese restaurants use cat meat in their entrees.
I dont owe u any more kopi...Period

The World refers to some local newspaper media back in many many years ago and The World was apparently was some kind of major sponsor of baseball game...hence became the World Series..

Now, I am taking a stab....
Gotta be that cat for entrees...

Goin home...GM continued, tata
TripleM said:
Now, I am taking a stab.... Gotta be that cat for entrees...

Wrong. The Chinese ARE raising these huge dogs for entrees....... damn

You owe me one kopi again, bro.

Myth in the business world:

American Express issues a special black card that allows its holders to buy anything.


Designer Tommy Hilfiger announced on a TV talk show that he does not want blacks and Asians to buy his clothes.
That Tommy issue was real, caused some controversies...products were boycott..

Which one is fact:

The phrase "guinea pig" originated when a tax was imposed on powder for Whigs in England to help pay for the war with Napoleon. The list of those who had paid the guinea (one pound, one shilling) was posted on their parish church door. As they were the wealthy of the day, they became known as the guinea pigs.


In the spring of 2000, it was reported that a 25-year-old Tehran transsexual, who had just undergone extensive surgery to become a woman, said he never regretted being a "woman"
TripleM said:
That Tommy issue was real, caused some controversies...products were boycott..

Wrong. One more kopi from you. Plus 2 telur prata.

TripleM said:
Which one is fact:

The phrase "guinea pig" originated when a tax was imposed on powder for Whigs in England to help pay for the war with Napoleon. The list of those who had paid the guinea (one pound, one shilling) was posted on their parish church door. As they were the wealthy of the day, they became known as the guinea pigs.


In the spring of 2000, it was reported that a 25-year-old Tehran transsexual, who had just undergone extensive surgery to become a woman, said he never regretted being a "woman"

Wa liao. Tough leh. My guess is, on a contrarian basis, that the Tehran transsexual story is true.

Downside risk - one kopi. You owe me more.

Which is true?

Charlie Chaplin once lost a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

Marilyn Monroe had six toes on each foot.
U wrong...the Tehran statement was wrong. He regretted it after he then realized how poorly treated women are in Iran...
So only owe u Kopi...No more prata with eggs.

"Marilyn Monroe had six toes on each foot" This one is wrong

NOW...which on is true?
The soft mass of the adult brain is motionless. Though it consumes up to 25 percent of the blood's oxygen supply, it does not grow, divide, or contract.
The average 60-minute audio cassette tape has 450 feet of tape in it ?

going with "The soft mass of the adult brain is motionless. Though it consumes up to 25 percent of the blood's oxygen supply, it does not grow, divide, or contract. "

you all growing to cheem for me lah.. i so stupid how to answer all these new GM questions...

which is true?
the adhesive used on 3Ms post its were discovered by accident


the paper was never patented by the original inventor and as a result he died in poverty
TripleM said:
NOW...which on is true? The soft mass of the adult brain is motionless. Though it consumes up to 25 percent of the blood's oxygen supply, it does not grow, divide, or contract. OR The average 60-minute audio cassette tape has 450 feet of tape in it ?

Yawn. Jack. You are making me sleepy.

MRacer77 said:
which is true? the adhesive used on 3Ms post its were discovered by accident or the paper was never patented by the original inventor and as a result he died in poverty

The accidental discovery of 3M post-it notes is true.

PRC chicks - who is prettier? From Shanghai, or Suzhou?
The tape one is wrong, it should be about 560 feet
One McD iced tea on you this Sunday if you are coming

From Suzhou..well known for it, rite?

Another yawning one for u big boys...
Which one is true?

The human tongue tastes bitter things with the taste buds toward the back. Salty and pungent flavors are detected at the tip, sweet flavors at the middle of the tongue.
A bird’s eye takes up about 20 pct of its head size so comparatively to a human, our eyes should be about the same size as a baseball.
TripleM said:
Another yawning one for u big boys... Which one is true?

The human tongue tastes bitter things with the taste buds toward the back. Salty and pungent flavors are detected at the tip, sweet flavors at the middle of the tongue. OR A bird’s eye takes up about 20 pct of its head size so comparatively to a human, our eyes should be about the same size as a baseball.


"The human tongue...... middle of the tongue ......bird ...... head......" is all I could read......

Chinese Cuisine - Cantonese, or Hakka?
ken.. Cfm Shanghai... they serve best "Shanghai pau". yummy!!

Flirting with yr galfriend along orchard road holding hands… yr wife’s best friend saw you from far and you saw her…..

1. Pretend didn’t notice her and walk off calmly still holding yr galfred hand..
2. Approach her and give her a unbelievable story line..
Hymics said:
Flirting with yr galfriend along orchard road holding hands… yr wife’s best friend saw you from far and you saw her…..

1. Pretend didn’t notice her and walk off calmly still holding yr galfred hand..Or
2. Approach her and give her a unbelievable story line..

Pretend you are indifferent. Walk off calmly.

Straight away call your most powerful alibi (example your sister or your mum). Ask them to call your wife and claimed that you are injured while shopping with them.

Then arrange to meet your alibi straight away. Then ask your wife to come to pick you up.

How could your wife believe her best friend's story?

Swee swee.

Similar situation.

You were driving your wife around town, searching for dinner. Then the handphone rings. Your fling is on the line. Would you......

......tell her that you are in a meeting, and will call her back; or to her, pretending that she is just another friend?
The baseball one is true
Cuisine..Gotta be Cantonese, How's Hakka's anyway?

The 2nd one is a suicidal story so stick to the 1st and walk off

Which one is worse
U wife's best friend caught sending a chio-bu home, got invited to come up and stayed out till mid night
Ur wife smells women's perfume on your shirt?
......tell her that you are in a meeting, and will call her back; or to her, pretending that she is just another friend?

Siao can say the 1st one while your wife is next to you unless after that your wife blur blur and u told her that it was one of your friends who asked you out to Simpang Bedok and you pai seh turning em down by saying you are in a meeting...

2nd one is a safer option, act normally, don't panic and jam brake your car hahaha....
kenntona said:
Hymics said:
Flirting with yr galfriend along orchard road holding hands… yr wife’s best friend saw you from far and you saw her…..

1. Pretend didn’t notice her and walk off calmly still holding yr galfred hand..Or
2. Approach her and give her a unbelievable story line..

Pretend you are indifferent. Walk off calmly.

Straight away call your most powerful alibi (example your sister or your mum). Ask them to call your wife and claimed that you are injured while shopping with them.

Then arrange to meet your alibi straight away. Then ask your wife to come to pick you up.

How could your wife believe her best friend's story?

Swee swee.

Similar situation.

You were driving your wife around town, searching for dinner. Then the handphone rings. Your fling is on the line. Would you......

......tell her that you are in a meeting, and will call her back; or to her, pretending that she is just another friend?


Both dont work......
Trust me... when your fling on the other line,.... dont spil a word.. u will talk like Cartoon.... "Damn it.. another insurance agent calling.."

Jack.. Having perfume is not worse cos the perfume is on yr body nt your shirt... kekekeke
You Zao sai, feel guity towards wify…

Shower her with gifts
Mod your ride more to take away yr guilt
TripleM said:
Which one is worse U wife's best friend caught sending a chio-bu home, got invited to come up and stayed out till mid night OR Ur wife smells women's perfume on your shirt?

Hakka dishes are nice. Should have a night out tasting Hakka food.

Smelling perfume is a sign of physical intimacy committed with another bu. No way you could wriggle your way out.

The other scenario needs no explanation. It is gentlemanly gesture.

Try this one:

Your wife is supposed to be on an overseas biz trip. You jio your fling out, went to the secluded country club you frequent with your wife, jumped into the pool with your fling, then saw your wife hanging around in the gym. Not sure if she saw you. Do you:

......signal to your fling that the climate is coded red; or
......try to sneak out of the country club, evading detection?
If in my case, must do first one
Modding my ride will end up getting my head chopped

Regularly wash your car 2times a week
Wash it whenever it is dirty?
Hymics said:
You Zao sai, feel guity towards wify… Shower her with gifts
Or Mod your ride more to take away yr guilt

Never ever show a change of behaviour after breaching the boundary. Women have a guilt radar. You will be exposed. Mod more. Have more kopi session with Wilson.

You are caught holding hands with your fling when your wife met you at your country club. Both went home. No exchange of words. The first word that came out of her mouth is "divorce." To save the marriage, do you:

......plead guilty and appeal your way out with sympathy tactics; or
......plead not guilty and turn defensive on your acts?
TripleM said:
......tell her that you are in a meeting, and will call her back; or to her, pretending that she is just another friend?

Siao can say the 1st one while your wife is next to you unless after that your wife blur blur and u told her that it was one of your friends who asked you out to Simpang Bedok and you pai seh turning em down by saying you are in a meeting...

2nd one is a safer option, act normally, don't panic and jam brake your car hahaha....

Bro, the second one is riskier. (1) Her voice might be heard in the car. (2) Your behaviour - in the intention to pretend talking like a friend - might give you away.

The first option is clearcut. Hang up. Turn to your wife and said, "Damn it. These clients. Weekend also must bother me."

You were watching movie with your wife. You left your handphone in her handbag. SMS came in. You suspect it's from your fling. Do you:

...... tell your wife to switch it off, read after the show, and take the risk that she might read it; or

...... ask for the phone, read it pretending to be normal, taking the risk that she might peep?

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