Hello all=)

Re: Hello all=)

Good Morning Peeps:)

How's your morning so far????? Yeah! It's Wednesday!!2 more days to the weekends!!!YAHOO!
Re: Hello all=)

Andally;772537 said:
Good Morning Peeps:)

How's your morning so far????? Yeah! It's Wednesday!!2 more days to the weekends!!!YAHOO!

good morning! im surprised it's so quiet today on this thread. lol.
U attract angry ppl whereever you go duncha?
Re: Hello all=)

marklee said:
I'll be the first to say it.

If a young guy were to come in here and rant about:
1. how you sped in your 335i until you only have 4 points left on your license
2. how your daddy gave you a 740i because of that
3. how you gave the middle finger but didnt have the guts to come out of the car when you got called out
4. how you look down on others who are not as elite as you

the young guy would be flamed like mad.

But because you have boobs and a fairly decent display pic, they all just go "awwwww...poor thing". This forum is starting to disgust me.

Mark, I think points 1, 2 and 4 and "boobs" and "a fairly decent display pic" are irrelevant.... LOL

As for 3. middle finger shown....... is that provocation ?
Re: Hello all=)

Andally;772529 said:
Now am awake! Cause have to head to the office & see how's things etc!
Hope it is not an everyday affair.. or else you surely have wrinkles and eye bags in a week time...

hope draw something keeps you awake though the night... can be a laughing source when you see how your friends drew certain stuffs.. lolz!
Re: Hello all=)

Andally;772322 said:
How to turn off! some all really stupid.. send me porn for what?

Who sent you porn?????? Post out his name..... :helpp!:
Re: Hello all=)

milk15;772602 said:
Who sent you porn?????? Post out his name..... :helpp!:

Confirm is Hitmee :D
Re: Hello all=)

Andally;772535 said:
Hi Mark,

Firstly, if a matured thinking,it's better to stay in the car,what for come out of the car and make a bloody fuss?and moreover she was scolding me vulgarities & wanting to bang her anger on me,what if she hits me and I hit her back?things would stir up!

Secondly looking down on her,because she dumb to make a case and now she wants me to pay for it!

If this forum is starting to disgust you,why still bother to be here?

Firstly, "if a matured thinking" can give middle finger ah?

Secondly, can't be bothered to read through your post again...but it's just a feeling I get from reading it.

Finally, old habits die hard, this forum has been my homepage for many years now, can't help it.
Re: Hello all=)

marklee;772644 said:
Firstly, "if a matured thinking" can give middle finger ah?

hitmee always dig robot with middle finger.......................... :shhhh:
Re: Hello all=)

Yesterday someone horn at me, I pretend to support my middle finger on the window frame when he drive past.

Re: Hello all=)

hitmee;772653 said:
Yesterday someone horn at me, I pretend to support my middle finger on the window frame when he drive past.


I thought you used to show rude drivers your nipples?
Re: Hello all=)

kenntona;772588 said:
Mark, I think points 1, 2 and 4 and "boobs" and "a fairly decent display pic" are irrelevant.... LOL

As for 3. middle finger shown....... is that provocation ?

Yes. Hitmee always show slater's nipples and yandao photo but still kena suan
Re: Hello all=)

i put slater photo so if wobbles wanna hum thumb me, he will hun thumb the wrong person
Re: Hello all=)

marklee;772644 said:
Firstly, "if a matured thinking" can give middle finger ah?

Secondly, can't be bothered to read through your post again...but it's just a feeling I get from reading it.

Finally, old habits die hard, this forum has been my homepage for many years now, can't help it.

As in I just showed middle finger!! At least not childish act like wanting to start a fight:)

Re: Hello all=)

kenntona;772588 said:
Mark, I think points 1, 2 and 4 and "boobs" and "a fairly decent display pic" are irrelevant.... LOL

As for 3. middle finger shown....... is that provocation ?

Firstly a warm welcome to andally.

I think Mark's comment is a reflection of the forum . But frankly this is the way things are... I like to think that , being the gentleman we all are, we are very support of the opposite sex.

I don't think i can comment on andally's behavior bc hind sight is a wonderful thing. I m sure all do things in the spur of the moment, the key is to learn from the experience and maybe the next time andally will either not show her middle finger or choose not to stop.

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Re: Hello all=)

diablo_728;772859 said:
Firstly a warm welcome to andally.

I think Mark's comment is a reflection of the forum . But frankly this is the way things are... I like to think that , being the gentleman we all are, we are very support of the opposite sex.

I don't think i can comment on andally's behavior bc hind sight is a wonderful thing. I m sure all do things in the spur of the moment, the key is to learn from the experience and maybe the next time andally will either not show her middle finger or choose not to stop.

Well,I don't want this thingy to turn into a tiff

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