Hello all=)

Re: Hello all=)

Good morning jason.....

Peace to you
Re: Hello all=)

IT tycoon spends $$$$ on lavish wedding dinner.... Invited wedding singer / camera man includes hitmee????
Re: Hello all=)

MW;783003 said:
Please explain how the phrase "run lion" came about...

Sir, I think it's from cantonese term 走私. Aka 走狮。
Why not walk lion? This one must consult Hitmee, our resident lion expert.
Re: Hello all=)

walk is too slow scare kena caught so have to run
Re: Hello all=)

There's another hokkien phrase which has no apparent meaning, and thats KNN which is a short form of Fcuk Your Mother

For eg u ask someone "today u singing at the seafood meet up ahh?" and the reply could be..

"knn lah, ppl say my mic is micro how to sing?"

How come someone's mother got involved?
Re: Hello all=)

Hokkien is the most vulgar dialect la. And it doesn't help that most of our ancestors are farmers and catch fish one (knn what do you call those? Suddenly can't remember, knn.)
Re: Hello all=)

Oh I remember liao, fisherman.

Re: Hello all=)

hitmee;783071 said:
Is from hokkein
Zhao sai
So run lion lor

Typo: Hokkien

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