Help! Illegal left turn

Re: Help! Illegal left turn

MapleLeaf said:
Don't get angry; get even.

The last time they summoned me for parking "too long" at loading bay (I was there for like one hour. HDB estate.), I paid the fine.

But for the next three months, everyday, I make sure TP, LTA, Town Council and HDB ensured the roads are cleared of illegal parkings. I installed a temp CCTV at the balcony and called them whenever I see a car there.

On at least 20 occasions when they did not come promptly, I submit written complaints to the two Ministries and PMO.

Town Council officers finally came to meet me to "explain" their difficulities - crap manpower shortages etc. They also showed me figures that in those three months, they summoned at least 300 illegal parkings and another 300 warning.

Don't get angry. Get EVEN. I'm a taxpayer. F--k them where it hurts.

Why were you angry when you were fined for parking in loading bay? How about handicap lot?
Re: Help! Illegal left turn

Noop;906632 said:
Help guys, I accidentally made an illegal left turn, and a police van non tp kept looking at my car, guess he took down my plate. Please advise ! I did some reads say mail will arrive in 2 weeks. Whats the penalty and demerit points.

my ex neighbour got the same thing. next day he was taken away...never to be seen. some said he was hung. cos its a very serious offence. but one friend who works in prison told me in secret. such cases normally they r taken to unit 731. they conduct vivisections on these offenders.
Re: Help! Illegal left turn

Noop;906632 said:
Help guys, I accidentally made an illegal left turn, and a police van non tp kept looking at my car, guess he took down my plate. Please advise ! I did some reads say mail will arrive in 2 weeks. Whats the penalty and demerit points.

You will surely get the summon from TP because illegal turns are high on there "NO NO" list. Demerit Points sure have one.

Penalty is probably equivalent to one full tank of 98 petrol. Demerit points maybe 4 or 6.
Re: Help! Illegal left turn

MapleLeaf;906980 said:
Don't get angry; get even.

The last time they summoned me for parking "too long" at loading bay (I was there for like one hour. HDB estate.), I paid the fine.

But for the next three months, everyday, I make sure TP, LTA, Town Council and HDB ensured the roads are cleared of illegal parkings. I installed a temp CCTV at the balcony and called them whenever I see a car there.

On at least 20 occasions when they did not come promptly, I submit written complaints to the two Ministries and PMO.

Town Council officers finally came to meet me to "explain" their difficulities - crap manpower shortages etc. They also showed me figures that in those three months, they summoned at least 300 illegal parkings and another 300 warning.

Don't get angry. Get EVEN. I'm a taxpayer. F--k them where it hurts.

taxpayer can park loading bay ah. sibei sart. orbi kenna fined
Re: Help! Illegal left turn

totoseow;907670 said:
my ex neighbour got the same thing. next day he was taken away...never to be seen. some said he was hung. cos its a very serious offence. but one friend who works in prison told me in secret. such cases normally they r taken to unit 731. they conduct vivisections on these offenders.

And when he was returned, he never walked or talked the same way... ever. Somesay "things" were done to him. "Things" involving cattle prods and lots of hot, melting wax.....
Re: Help! Illegal left turn

Are you guys talking about Man With comb?

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