Help With Insurance Claim


Well-Known Member
Hi all I need some advice on insurance claim. I was caught in a traffic jam along Republic Avenue, my car was stationary but the car behind me bumped into me.

I dont know how the fella was driving or why he can bump into my STATIONARY VEHICLE in a traffic jam, but there was only slight damage to my rear bumper.

I filed the accident report at Comfort Delgro and was also asked if i wanted to make a third-party claim on the other drivers insurance. I said go ahead as I did not want to claim under my own insurance as it was an open and shut case.

Comfort Delgro now is claiming on the other partys insurance to replace the rear bumper. They told me they already ordered the replacement bumper but when i asked them whether they have approval from the other party's insurance to proceed they said no....

My concern is what happens if the other insurance company refuse to pay? I dont want to pay for the whole rear bumper and i also dont want to claim on my own insurance.

Shouldnt comfort delgro get the approval from the other insurance company first BEFORE they proceed to order the bumper?

Thanks again for all your help bros
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

Open and shut case usually nothing to worry about. Did you get the other party to acknowledge fault? If so, all you need to do is wait... Remember, insurance companies are like banks - when taking your money, they fast hand fast leg. When giving out money, it'll be easier to squeeze blood out of a stone... Or milk out of Guni's breasts.....
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

Nightwind;903523 said:
Hi all I need some advice on insurance claim. I was caught in a traffic jam along Republic Avenue, my car was stationary but the car behind me bumped into me.

I dont know how the fella was driving or why he can bump into my STATIONARY VEHICLE in a traffic jam, but there was only slight damage to my rear bumper.

I filed the accident report at Comfort Delgro and was also asked if i wanted to make a third-party claim on the other drivers insurance. I said go ahead as I did not want to claim under my own insurance as it was an open and shut case.

Comfort Delgro now is claiming on the other partys insurance to replace the rear bumper. They told me they already ordered the replacement bumper but when i asked them whether they have approval from the other party's insurance to proceed they said no....

My concern is what happens if the other insurance company refuse to pay? I dont want to pay for the whole rear bumper and i also dont want to claim on my own insurance.

Shouldnt comfort delgro get the approval from the other insurance company first BEFORE they proceed to order the bumper?

Thanks again for all your help bros

didnt the other driver offered to settle privately since its only slight damage?
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

The other party verbally acknowledge fault but he was driving a company car so he would not give me his insurance.

And what u say about insurance companies is very true....thats why i worry when my workshop (Comfort Delgro) say they order the replacement bumper even before they get the money or a approval from the other insurance company.

what if the other insurance company dont pay? I dont wana be left footing the bill and i also dont want to make a claim under my own insurance and forfeit NCD and increase my premiums....this was totally his fault...broad daylight in traffic jam and can runinto my rear....

N delgro also have little experience with e92 car kits so they may have problem getting the right rear bumper with matching quad diffuser.....

why do these things happen to me....sheesh

wobbles;903533 said:
Open and shut case usually nothing to worry about. Did you get the other party to acknowledge fault? If so, all you need to do is wait... Remember, insurance companies are like banks - when taking your money, they fast hand fast leg. When giving out money, it'll be easier to squeeze blood out of a stone... Or milk out of Guni's breasts.....
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

No, he was some PRC guy driving a company vehicle...he did not even give me his insurance as he say it was a company car....but i got his singapore drivers licence and vehicle number

yeshe;903535 said:
didnt the other driver offered to settle privately since its only slight damage?
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

...police report filed ? Think must right?

...vehicle knocked u from behind, quite straight fwd, tt vehicle's fault. Keep tab on progress though & Check ur NCB , should not be reduced , no claim from yr insurance and no fault of yrs, if I remembered correctly. The only thing I will be concerned, will be tt they claim directly from yr insurance first.

...All the Best. If hve pictures, beta .
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

According to my insurance people no need to file police report, minor case no death involved...just file accident report at authorised workshop (Comfort Delgro).

Yes I have pics at the accident site too, but delgro never even bother to ask me....are they so confident of the sucess of the claim or is this just bo chap type complacency....
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

If the other side refuse to pay then that's where your insurers lawyer comes in......
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

Chocs;903562 said:

...police report filed ? Think must right?

...vehicle knocked u from behind, quite straight fwd, tt vehicle's fault. Keep tab on progress though & Check ur NCB , should not be reduced , no claim from yr insurance and no fault of yrs, if I remembered correctly. The only thing I will be concerned, will be tt they claim directly from yr insurance first.

...All the Best. If hve pictures, beta .

No need police report, cause not hit n run, damage to government property, any pedestrian involved or medical leave

This case both party got each other name and contact, and license, up to insurance company to pursue the matter, but well as they say , very the slow:eek:
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

Yah u r right it will be slow...i dont mind waiting as the damage is minor and i already patched the hole with some black tape...

But as i said before shouldnt comfort delgro get the nod from the other partys insurance before they spend money to order the replacement bumper....

i am worried if the other partys insurance dont pay i end up having to pay, or having to claim on my own insurance...

SapphireSpite;903583 said:
No need police report, cause not hit n run, damage to government property, any pedestrian involved or medical leave

This case both party got each other name and contact, and license, up to insurance company to pursue the matter, but well as they say , very the slow:eek:
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

Last time something like this happen to me, I went to Fulco where I bought the car from. They said they will call the other party's insurance and if all clear they will proceed. I think they have links to each other to get this going if open and shut case.

I think Comfort is doing the same.

Re: Help With Insurance Claim

That sounds most sensible. The problem with my case is that Delgro never even got the all clear from the other partys insurance company before they ordered the replacement bumper. That means only two things,


a) They are so confident about the claim that they proceed with full knoqwledge that it will be a sucess in due course;


b) They could not care less and if they cant get the money from the other insurance company they will refer the costs to me or to my insurance company.

anyway i am going to call up my insurers for advise. Thanks every one for all your help.

SpoiltBrat;903598 said:
Last time something like this happen to me, I went to Fulco where I bought the car from. They said they will call the other party's insurance and if all clear they will proceed. I think they have links to each other to get this going if open and shut case.

I think Comfort is doing the same.

Re: Help With Insurance Claim

Not wanting to scare you but there's not such thing as sure-win in insurance claim. My experience will faint you dude.
Anyway just to let you know, insurance co, lawyers and workshop are all biz entities and no charity saints. Job done,
payment must be collected by all means and avenue. If 3rd party claim fails for whatever god-knows-ridiculous out of the world reason...they will come after you for payment. My 2008 case still pending hearing.
Re: Help With Insurance Claim

Ok thanks...I spoke to Tenet my insurer and they confirm Delgro cannot order the new replacement bumper without first getting an agreement from the third party insurance surveyor that the damage cost is acceptable.

But can you share with us your experience pls?

And yeah i dont trust any of them...all of them are just sharks...

naan1974;903927 said:
Not wanting to scare you but there's not such thing as sure-win in insurance claim. My experience will faint you dude.
Anyway just to let you know, insurance co, lawyers and workshop are all biz entities and no charity saints. Job done,
payment must be collected by all means and avenue. If 3rd party claim fails for whatever god-knows-ridiculous out of the world reason...they will come after you for payment. My 2008 case still pending hearing.

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