How did you choose / get your nickname?

Re: spyglass, how did you choose / get your nickname?

well nothing special, just my callsign when doing military service many years ago
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

hi there, this is my name. hence no fuss. cheers!
Re: Playtennis, how did you choose / get your nickname?

I love tennis and used to play lots of it. That's how I came up with my nick.

Cheers, :D
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

ar chose it cos it was easily available and sounded alright infront of a domain name.. it would make sense eg .. ie it would read
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Had a black mondeo and went by the name black mamba in the ford forum. Thought of shortening it :) Sold the car and thinking of a beemer. The best way to know about the car is from the forum i guess....Hello everyone
Re: MysticBlue, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Just the color of my car. surprised no one used it. :confused:
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Greetings to all from Fabian, across the causeway... More like 3 hours across the causeway...

My name is Fabian, Fabian is my name..

I know some of u guys here are always forum members in the bmwclubmalaysia forum. I had been here occassionally but didn't take the time to register. Now that I have registered, would be here more often...
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

wushu2008 - I am a proponent for the Wushu in 2008 Beijing Olympics (long story).
Specialty - rope dart...almost killed me once.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

sorry, i never did check back on this forum for long.

I used to be in the genral trading line. into much wholesale and distribution. therefore my nick.

used to use "angusmoo" because my ex girlfriend told me that "angus" is a species of cow rember black angus? heheh... but found it to childish to continue using when i first started doing business. (i got screwed upside down by my 39 year old partner, i was only 17 then)

ever since, whatever account that i have i will use anguswholesale for memory sake.

Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Sorry for MIA for so long... okay about my nickname...err...

well, at the time I was registering, I was renovating my house and my interior designer chose a Zen concept for me.. so I just simply use Zen as my nickname.. and 17th is my birthday .. so zen17 !! ..heeehee...
Re: jamesis, how did you choose / get your nickname?

interesting explanations.
just put ridiculuz as xbox gamertag cos accusd of just being anal with my car to the pt of being ridiculous :yikess:
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

ooo... now only i no... hahaha... sorry for late reply.

i got my nick name from de idea of coloring my future cafe. :)

so paiseh to say, hahaha...
Re: kahtuck, how did you choose / get your nickname?

hi all,

my nick is my chinese name. jus got an e46. was advised to take a peek here.

Re: tennizbal, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hello Ryan,

Guess I took too long to reply. My apologies ...
My nickname ... where should I begin .. hah !
First of all, my nickname is definitely not related to BMW or any other cars :lol2:
I started playing tennis when I was a kid.
Why ball ? :juggle:
I'm sure you should have come across keychains with a mini-sized tennizbal hung.
Yes, that was one of my first present when I started picking up this game.
When I register for an yahoo email account for the first time, I thought for a while of what name to use for this email account. With the keychain lying in front of me, there it goes .. tennizbal.

Well...Thats about all I can remember until today. :)

CheeRz !!
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

i chose the nickname "tyk3" coz i was a spoilt lil brat as a lil kid...
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Father choose my name

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