Re: JaZZMaTaZZ, how did you choose / get your nickname?
Oh! just that I love to listen to JAZZ alot when cruising with my cabrio when I am back in town. Due to work committment, I am always outstation, anyway thanks a millions for all the update from your guys.......CHEER!
I use to be a part time dj by that name. that is how i got my nick. Anyway i am new here, currently driving a z3. Hope to meetup with more z3 drivers. Cheers
i find one of the best bmw magazines to be BMWCar Magazine and me being totally un-imaginative, i just selected bmwcar as my nick for most bmw related forums......and since bmwcar was taken up, i just added a 3 which happens to be my favourite number......
Re: Popeadrian, how did you choose / get your nickname?
Its was a nickname from Uni... used to get utterly sloshed on Saturday nights (and ending up having theological discussions with the Philosophy Majors) and still make it to Mass on sunday mornings....hence the Pope....Adrian's my first name. Voila!
Re: fishmaster, how did you choose / get your nickname?
Greetings to all,
I am a sports fisherman so that is how the nick comes about. I have just booked a 320 sports edition during the Expo campaign...... will be getting my ride in the month of August....
Used to be in the Mazda Club Forum pretty often..... looking forward to see you guys soon....
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