How to make $500 a day? Share pls!


Well-Known Member
I know it sounds stupid, but who knws, maybe sometimes making money can be reali easy. Sometimes luck though. Meet right ppl at the rite time...? Just for some feedbacks and discussion....

Case Study 1:
I have a frd, his father sells beehoon and mee (raw), to hawker stalls. He is not a supplier, but something like a sub distributor. Drives a van everyday to deliver. He lives is a semi D/terrace worth more than $1M... Selling bee hoon and mee...... hmmmm

Case Study 2:
I have another frd, his uncle used to be a taxi driver. Now drives a lambo gallardo. What he do? He sell rice. As in raw grains. Low grade grains, import from india (ya he is an Idian), and distribute to shops, customers mainly foreign workers.

Case Study 3:
My cousin's bf's uncle, used to work in a BAO making factory. after some arguement, he quit, nearly bankrupt. He started his own bao factory and making BIG BUCKS! Distributing bao to coffeeshops. He just bought a landed property and a porsche...

Case Study 4:
I have 2 frds, opens a printing shop. Print brochures, catalogues, restaurent menu... One of them jus bought aa Audi S5, the other guy jus bought a BMW 7 Series... Damn!!!

My point is, these are all straight forward businesses. But they are reali lucky to get into rite thing at the rite time. I thought of many ways to make money. I don't like investment, insurance, property lines etc. More of the above 4 kinds of related domestic businesses...

Anybody care to share, any ideas to make $200-$500 a day. I consider myself hardworking. Thought of mobile car grooming, but after some calculation, canot reach that target... Thought of being a hawker, char kway teow kind, but I m not a good cook, hah...

How any bro, sis, come across any good stories, maybe can give me some thinker! SHARE SHARE SHARE!!!
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

jackmok;588906 said:
I know it sounds stupid, but who knws, maybe sometimes making money can be reali easy. Sometimes luck though. Meet right ppl at the rite time...? Just for some feedbacks and discussion....

Case Study 1:
I have a frd, his father sells beehoon and mee (raw), to hawker stalls. He is not a supplier, but something like a sub distributor. Drives a van everyday to deliver. He lives is a semi D/terrace worth more than $1M... Selling bee hoon and mee...... hmmmm

Case Study 2:
I have another frd, his uncle used to be a taxi driver. Now drives a lambo gallardo. What he do? He sell rice. As in raw grains. Low grade grains, import from india (ya he is an Idian), and distribute to shops, customers mainly foreign workers.

Case Study 3:
My cousin's bf's uncle, used to work in a BAO making factory. after some arguement, he quit, nearly bankrupt. He started his own bao factory and making BIG BUCKS! Distributing bao to coffeeshops. He just bought a landed property and a porsche...

Case Study 4:
I have 2 frds, opens a printing shop. Print brochures, catalogues, restaurent menu... One of them jus bought aa Audi S5, the other guy jus bought a BMW 7 Series... Damn!!!

My point is, these are all straight forward businesses. But they are reali lucky to get into rite thing at the rite time. I thought of many ways to make money. I don't like investment, insurance, property lines etc. More of the above 4 kinds of related domestic businesses...

Anybody care to share, any ideas to make $200-$500 a day. I consider myself hardworking. Thought of mobile car grooming, but after some calculation, canot reach that target... Thought of being a hawker, char kway teow kind, but I m not a good cook, hah...

How any bro, sis, come across any good stories, maybe can give me some thinker! SHARE SHARE SHARE!!!

i only have this to share: same same slogan from Gold 90 FM, you will only hear the good things from these chaps - they will never tell you that they owe finance 6 months instalments for the Mercs or BMW.

notwithstanding, still possible to make big bucks, or seemingly big bucks.

i am not the guru as i am an obedient subordinate to a big enterprise.

1. must have balls - stay out of your comfort zone.
2. know the right people
3. work smart
4. look like you can make it [see my pt above]

get the book: why is that idiot richer than me [title something like that]

most lines are good but not all can make it - real estate, insurance, blah.

no one will ever share with you a winning formula one, for that matter.

God bless.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Case Study 5

a friend's friend sell shampoo to saloons. Non branded shampoo - so no need to fight for dealership or pay royalty. He drives honda odysey for delivery but got other cars and live in condo. I ever asked to join but then find out the "biz" is very tricky. It involves a lot of KTV & night club activities (non optional) and pay angpow here and there. 1 month net profit is $20K+ and he say got competitor with gangster backing. so now his biz not so good unless you want to go all the way to compete with the competitor
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

wt_know;588927 said:
Case Study 5

a friend's friend sell shampoo to saloons. Non branded shampoo - so no need to fight for dealership or pay royalty. He drives honda odysey for delivery but got other cars and live in condo. I ever asked to join but then find out the "biz" is very tricky. It involves a lot of KTV & night club activities (non optional) and pay angpow here and there. 1 month net profit is $20K+ and he say got competitor with gangster backing. so now his biz not so good unless you want to go all the way to compete with the competitor

maybe can sell car performance parts??? or Join PML since their profit for the F10 is sky high (joking, hehe)

so long one work hard for it, sure to make it somewhere as different people will have different strength so even if i see someone doing superbly well on something but i may not do it that well if i would chip in and do the same thing ............(but at times opportunity do plays a big part)

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

you are right. each person has its strength and limitation. you can't have it all.
actually i'm quite impress with R2D husband+wife team to manage 1 workshop :thumbsup:
but my wife only focus on HK+Taiwan drama series from 7pm onwards ... keke

ac323;588929 said:
maybe can sell car performance parts??? or Join PML since their profit for the F10 is sky high (joking, hehe)

so long one work hard for it, sure to make it somewhere as different people will have different strength so even if i see someone doing superbly well on something but i may not do it that well if i would chip in and do the same thing ............(but at times opportunity do plays a big part)

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Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

wt_know;588934 said:
you are right. each person has its strength and limit. you can't have it all.
actually i'm quite impress with R2D husband+wife team to manage 1 workshop :thumsup:
but my wife only focus on HK+Taiwan drama series from 7pm onwards ... keke

Sounded very familiar ya this thingy.........................i understand

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Check this out:

This one makes so much sense...

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.

A tourist complimented the local fishermen
on the quality of their fish and asked
how long it took him to catch them.

"Not very long." they answered in unison.

"Why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?"

The fishermen explained that their small catches were
sufficient to meet their needs and those of their families.

"But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

"We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children, and take siestas with our wives.
In the evenings, we go into the village to see our friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs.
We have a full life."

The tourist interrupted,
"I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you!
You should start by fishing longer every day.
You can then sell the extra fish you catch.
With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."

Fisherman: "And after that?"

"With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one
and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man,
you c! an then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant.
You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City , Los Angeles , or even New York City !
From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."

Fisherman: "How long would that take?"

Tourist: "Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years." replied the tourist.

Fisherman: "And after that?"

"Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting, " answered the tourist, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!"

"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the fishermen.

"After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast,
sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife
and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends."

"With all due respect sir, but that's exactly what we are doing now. So what's the point wasting twenty-five years?" asked the Mexicans.

And the moral of this story is:

Know where you're going in life....
you may already be there
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Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

ac323;588961 said:
Check this out:

This one makes so much sense...

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.

A tourist complimented the local fishermen
on the quality of their fish and asked
how long it took him to catch them


Not very long." they answered in unison.

"Why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?"

The fishermen explained that their small catches were
sufficient to meet their needs and those of their families.


"But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

"We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children,
and take siestas with our wives.
In the evenings, we go into the village to see our friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs.


We have a full life."

The tourist interrupted,

"I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you!
You should start by fishing longer every day.
You can then sell the extra fish you catch.
With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."

"And after that?"

"With the extra money the larger boat will bring,
you can buy a second one and a third one
and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers.
Instead of selling your fish to a middle man,
you c! an then negotiate directly with the processing plants
and maybe even open your own plant.

You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City , Los Angeles , or even New York City !


From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."

"How long would that take?"

"Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years." replied the tourist.

"And after that?"

"Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting, " answered the tourist, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!"

"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the fishermen.


"After that you'll be able to retire,
live in a tiny village near the coast,
sleep late, play with your children,
catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife
and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends."

"With all due respect sir, but that's exactly what we are doing now. So what's the point wasting twenty-five years?" asked the Mexicans.


And the moral of this story is:


Know where you're going in life....
you may already be there

read this b4 - good post! be contented with all we have. oomph.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

chershen;588962 said:
read this b4 - good post! be contented with all we have. oomph.

That's gooooood!!!

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

work hard, work smart, live within our means, and be thankful for what we have.....:cool:
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

I like the posts so far... very down to earth. Or be like me, work for the government and live within my means..
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

James1500;588965 said:
I like the posts so far... very down to earth. Or be like me, work for the government and live within my means..

Hi James,

that's a goood one and don't forget to vote for them ya...

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

ac323;588966 said:
Hi James,

that's a goood one and don't forget to vote for them ya...


alvin, play so big ah.

( :
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

chershen;588970 said:
alvin, play so big ah.

( :

Hi ST, la......................................................i support PAP too.
cause they support me tooooo!!!

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

chershen;588920 said:
i only have this to share: same same slogan from Gold 90 FM, you will only hear the good things from these chaps - they will never tell you that they owe finance 6 months instalments for the Mercs or BMW.

notwithstanding, still possible to make big bucks, or seemingly big bucks.

i am not the guru as i am an obedient subordinate to a big enterprise.

1. must have balls - stay out of your comfort zone.
2. know the right people
3. work smart
4. look like you can make it [see my pt above]

get the book: why is that idiot richer than me [title something like that]

most lines are good but not all can make it - real estate, insurance, blah.

no one will ever share with you a winning formula one, for that matter.

God bless.

I agree wif ur pt no.1, i m afraid to get out of my comfort zone...
pt 2, i havnt got the luck to mit the rite ppl....
pt 3... still ok....
pt 4.... well i nid more confident!

nice sharing!
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

wt_know;588927 said:
Case Study 5

a friend's friend sell shampoo to saloons. Non branded shampoo - so no need to fight for dealership or pay royalty. He drives honda odysey for delivery but got other cars and live in condo. I ever asked to join but then find out the "biz" is very tricky. It involves a lot of KTV & night club activities (non optional) and pay angpow here and there. 1 month net profit is $20K+ and he say got competitor with gangster backing. so now his biz not so good unless you want to go all the way to compete with the competitor

wahaha... i dont mind doing these kind of things leh... jus no chance only...
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

well def i m not at my target yet... still rather lost at wat i wan to do. i can only do it once do it good. tats my biggest obstacle, i hav difficulty taking the first step...
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

jackmok;589000 said:
well def i m not at my target yet... still rather lost at wat i wan to do. i can only do it once do it good. tats my biggest obstacle, i hav difficulty taking the first step...

Hi Jack,

Probably thru your past jobs/career path that you've been thru, logically by now you should know what's your strength like.....and you are definitely in a better position to use those skills that you've learned and put them into action to materialise your dream job........( although i am not sure what your pasts work that you've done ).
This is just a very general advice...........

happy hunting
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

ac323;588929 said:
maybe can sell car performance parts??? or Join PML since their profit for the F10 is sky high (joking, hehe)

so long one work hard for it, sure to make it somewhere as different people will have different strength so even if i see someone doing superbly well on something but i may not do it that well if i would chip in and do the same thing ............(but at times opportunity do plays a big part)


I do tot of joining Munich Automobile...
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

somehow the stories of the million dollar kopi kid and the million dollar food stall owners have been around for years. Different versions to some extent but the characters are always around the same jobs. Have you heard of those selling plastic bags? And yes having the same success as well. I guess eventually, everyone including them will want to park their success into something more concrete to them for even the "too big to fail" failed as well. The same business model may someday meet difficulties when the rules are changed. So they usually end up buying personal properties and of course indulge in some other luxuries like supercars and such. I thought I saw many of the mates here having multiple properties and making as well. =) different routes but same successes.

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