How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Before you credit the success stories, you have to assess the following:

(1) What are your strengths? Weaknesses? Your personality, suitable to be an employee or an entrepreneur? Not everyone can run a business, BTW. Else, everyone would have given it a try..... and not everyone can be in the front line, doing sales.......

(2) What are your vision(s)? Could you spot any opportunity at all? It is useless looking at all the success stories and try to replicate it. Many people would love to "make it big", but the difference is the vision over opportunity..... Opportunity means potential success.... do not replicate a business model blindly.... go figure out what happened to those bubble tea stalls few years back.....

(3) What are your capital base? Higher capital base means an ability to stomach unforeseen risks, such as external shocks. Rental costs in Singapore is mad, so without a capital base, you will have to resort to leverage...... this assumes you have assess your personal attributes in (1) and spotted an opportunity in (2)..... many entrepreneur could not gather adequate capital base to start a biz. or do not have adequate to maintain it..... An easier route would be to franchise on an already succeeded platform, example Kiliney Kopitiam or what not, but we are talking about $$$.....

Your "assessment" on the success stories:

(4) What are the success rate amongst their peers? Example - what % of all the BAO sellers "made it" to the state you mentioned? How many has failed? Why have they failed? How did your cited example succeed? The top % of any industry probably qualifies to success as defined by you - example the top property agent, top insurance salesperson, top dealers/remisiers, top bankers, top hawkers - but what are the % of success in each line as defined by you?

(5) What are the consistencies of these success stories? You are looking at these stories at the tailwind of an economic boom, but where were they before the boom? The last thing you wanna be in is a one-off business or a biz doomed to fail. Nothing is too big to fail..... Emporium, Yaohan, Wang Computer.... they were huge, but are gone..... what happened? Do you know? Nothing is certain in these times. Few years ago you swore by Nokia, now it is iPhone.......

(6) New business opportunities are ever-present, but you would still need to be visionary to spot it, and you will need some success elements to be successful..... contacts, charisma, capital, creativity, personality, perseverance...... what have you learnt?

Last but not the least, I agree with chershen, do not believe in the stories on a superficial level. Many Singaporeans are so leveraged to the brim, they are stretched to the limit they will avoid paying for a pint of beer ...... but they do look good on the surface.......
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Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Kenn, salute! Can part time lecturer yeah .... hehe but I think you concentrate on your day job for the best return :lol:
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

wt_know said:
Kenn, salute! Can part time lecturer yeah .... hehe but I think you concentrate on your day job for the best return :lol:
No lah, most aspirations are hatched without considerations to other practical factors and risk considerations ...... it is actually the practical factors which determine success in most cases, not the ideas......
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

ac323;588961 said:
Check this out:

This one makes so much sense...

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.

A tourist complimented the local fishermen
on the quality of their fish and asked
how long it took him to catch them.

"Not very long." they answered in unison.

"Why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?"

The fishermen explained that their small catches were
sufficient to meet their needs and those of their families.

"But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

"We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children, and take siestas with our wives.
In the evenings, we go into the village to see our friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs.
We have a full life."

The tourist interrupted,
"I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you!
You should start by fishing longer every day.
You can then sell the extra fish you catch.
With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."

Fisherman: "And after that?"

"With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one
and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man,
you c! an then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant.
You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City , Los Angeles , or even New York City !
From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."

Fisherman: "How long would that take?"

Tourist: "Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years." replied the tourist.

Fisherman: "And after that?"

"Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting, " answered the tourist, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!"

"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the fishermen.

"After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast,
sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife
and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends."

"With all due respect sir, but that's exactly what we are doing now. So what's the point wasting twenty-five years?" asked the Mexicans.

And the moral of this story is:

Know where you're going in life....
you may already be there

This story does swing both ways, while 1 way to look at it is to be contented and not focus too much on material gains, it is impt to work hard and save for a rainy day :)
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

i want to have entire fleet of supercars... hypercars...classic cars... luxury cars... all bearing number 1 .... then i want a few private jets.... all bearing my name... i also want to have a few skyscrapers in the CBD.... and also a few yachts bearing my name...

also alot of women... all calling me darling...

500 bucks a day where got enuff
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Terry;589035 said:
also alot of women... all calling me darling...

500 bucks a day where got enuff
This one u spend $100 to $200 a nite can liao ;)
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

haha. where got enough.
I read MJ news that b4 he went broke when he go shopping, he buy the whole shop so that he don't have to choose what item to buy. hehe
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Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

wh0cares;589036 said:
this one u spend $100 to $200 a nite can liao ;)

last week the charbor ask for 800 to call me darling... I tell her my hand also can call me darling
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Sidetrack a bit, and I have to disclaim the following example from threading the rascist line, but the Malay soccer players in my team are despatch drivers and all earning a miniscule income. Their entire family will come to the soccer matches in the company vans, have picnic and fun. Family of 6 live in a 3-room flat, but very happy and carefree. At times I wonder how they could survive on that income, but they are always happy..... many rich families do not even have dinner together that often...... contentment is so subjective.......

There was a biblical verse that says, "I was angered, for I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet."
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

jackmok;588906 said:
Case Study 4:
I have 2 frds, opens a printing shop. Print brochures, catalogues, restaurent menu... One of them jus bought aa Audi S5, the other guy jus bought a BMW 7 Series... Damn!!!


i also do printing... but i dont drive S5 and 7 series.... life is unfair
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

still fresh reading a post that if you were born in spore is considered kena lottery liao. then live comfortably and drive nice conti car equal kena 2nd lottery!
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Terry;589038 said:
last week the charbor ask for 800 to call me darling... I tell her my hand also can call me darling

Mrs Palmer can be comfort at times LOL!!!!! :lol:
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Terry;589035 said:
i want to have entire fleet of supercars... hypercars...classic cars... luxury cars... all bearing number 1 .... then i want a few private jets.... all bearing my name... i also want to have a few skyscrapers in the CBD.... and also a few yachts bearing my name...

also alot of women... all calling me darling...

500 bucks a day where got enuff

Cannot. later kena suan jialat jialat like that rich kid in the other thread with a fleet of his own supercar. hehehehe i want a whole fleet of 318i just to be different.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Last week when i was in China i order KFC to my room but the serbit fark dup....

I realise 1 cannot buy happiness.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

hum@n;589077 said:
Last week when i was in China i order KFC to my room but the serbit fark dup....

I realise 1 cannot buy happiness.
the KFC cannot blow ur mind off?

earn $500 very easy... spend $500 in one hour lagi fast.

e.g. those Mbenz taxi uncle confirm got $500 a day but they spend in casino lagi fast..
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

money cant buy u happiness but for sure it can get you closer to it
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Money may not buy happiness but without money you sure got no happiness.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

zorro;589143 said:
Money may not buy happiness but without money you sure got no happiness.

$ is always a good tools to channel or bring happiness but must use it wisely/properly........

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

With Health and Money chances you will have some level of happiness..

When you are 20+ to 30+ you trade your health and time to make $$$
When you are 40+ and beyond you trade $$$ for health and time.....

ac323;589145 said:
$ is always a good tools to channel or bring happiness but must use it wisely/properly........

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

zorro;589147 said:
With Health and Money chances you will have some level of happiness..

When you are 20+ to 30+ you trade your health and time to make $$$
When you are 40+ and beyond you trade $$$ for health and time.....

true true....

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