How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

hi friend, how old are you? what's your education background? drop me a pm. i may have something for you. strictly legal and u can sleep well at night.. :)
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Money is not really happiness but luxury of choice.. Prada or Bata? BMW or Toyota?
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

500 A DAY? aim higher pls. try the 4th tile from the ceiling.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

totoseow;589388 said:
500 A DAY? aim higher pls. try the 4th tile from the ceiling.
sibei deep.. simi 4th tiles?.. tat place hitmee kept his used condom.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Well well well.... many thoughts and sharing! thx! but still... anyone got any other success stories to share? I need some inspiration!!!
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

jackmok said:
Well well well.... many thoughts and sharing! thx! but still... anyone got any other success stories to share? I need some inspiration!!!
To be honest, I am an exotic dancer by night, serving female white collar clients. I take pride in my work, and I have been recently promoted to senior executive pole dancer. SMRT banned me from taking their trains though.....

$500 a day? Nah. More like $1,000 a night excluding tips. Other services extra.....

Inspirational? Hardly. But you can do it.....
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

kenntona;589402 said:
To be honest, I am an exotic dancer by night, serving female white collar clients. I take pride in my work, and I have been recently promoted to senior executive pole dancer. SMRT banned me from taking their trains though.....

$500 a day? Nah. More like $1,000 a night excluding tips. Other services extra.....

Inspirational? Hardly. But you can do it.....
Ken is right, i am proud to have him as my most talented student.
He is making more than me now. I retired & sell backside but business back.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

..morale of story...

pt 1) Have Balls an exotica Hot Male gigolo dancer....train abs 1st..nowadays aunties very fussy..

or simply be fisherman..
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

jackmok;589392 said:
Well well well.... many thoughts and sharing! thx! but still... anyone got any other success stories to share? I need some inspiration!!!

you don't need inspiration.
inspiration is for MLM participants & believers in the prosperity gospel.

you need to start with business plan that's grounded in numbers.

What is/are :
- the product/service?
- the cost of delivery?
- the margins?
- the overheads?
- the planned cash flow?
- monthly hurdle rate?

if the numbers don't make sense, don't even start.

fundamentals decide if a business can survive it's first few months.
a whole host of controllable (e.g. positioning/marketing/product etc) and uncontrollable factors (e.g. marketplace conditions/luck/overall consumer sentiment) will decide sustainability.

if it's easily replicable, it'll be copied and done to the death.
(think bubble tea, think portugese egg tarts, think car polishing, think paparoti, think donuts)

don't think what can make $500/day.
think what is sustainable.

Business isn't like being a salaried worker.
It will start with $10 maybe, $50/day

and perhaps become $500/day or more.
OR if you take the wrong steps -$500/day.

Can you afford the worst case scenario?


think what can
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

kenntona;589402 said:
To be honest, I am an exotic dancer by night, serving female white collar clients. I take pride in my work, and I have been recently promoted to senior executive pole dancer. SMRT banned me from taking their trains though.....

$500 a day? Nah. More like $1,000 a night excluding tips. Other services extra.....

Inspirational? Hardly. But you can do it.....
I thought u tio cutterfish by the company already?

I've been offered $5k per night by white collar sexy gal before but i reject becos i take pride in my face. Furthermore, $5k is way too much, $50 i will on her...
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Is easy to earn 500 a day. But u got to be hardworking.
Go to supermarket, offer to push back the trolley for customers.

Each trolley u made $1.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Chocs;589427 said:
..morale of story...

pt 1) Have Balls an exotica Hot Male gigolo dancer....train abs 1st..nowadays aunties very fussy..or simply be fisherman..

how do you know????
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Why use $500 as the benchmark? is $500 the average or something. Then in that case I Garm-Gio liao because I earning $369 per day from a non-pole-dancing job.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

iScoupe said:
Ken is right, i am proud to have him as my most talented student.
He is making more than me now. I retired & sell backside but business back.
Thank you, master. I envy you. You are now the chief exotic dance guru teaching old aunties and Ah Sohs at Chong Pang CC.

hum@n said:
I've been offered $5k per night by white collar sexy gal before but i reject becos i take pride in my face. Furthermore, $5k is way too much, $50 i will on her...
You are someone who could not differentiate between a S$ offer and a Rupiah offer. BTW, that Indon lady...... was not really a lady........

Ahbengdriver said:
Then in that case I Garm-Gio liao because I earning $369 per day from a non-pole-dancing job.
That's because you are not polish.

Article from Bloomberg today, food for thought......

Sex Beats Salary in Quest to Unravel Last Taboo: Matthew Lynn
Commentary by Matthew Lynn

Nov. 9 (Bloomberg) -- We are no longer embarrassed when talking about sex. Death, disease and depression are discussed openly. And there isn’t a single bodily function that a comedian can’t make a joke about on television. But one taboo still remains.

Most people are still reluctant to discuss what they earn, or how much money they have. We know precisely how much most chief executive officers earn. But our co-workers? Our neighbors? Most of us have no idea what they make, how much they owe on their house, or what kind of savings they have.

In reality, we’d all be better off if we revealed our finances. We would get a fairer deal, feel more secure, and be less likely to run up crazy debts.

If we’re comfortable talking about sex or death with everyone, we should be able to talk about money.

Regulations force senior managers to make their earnings public. We know that Lloyds Banking Group Plc CEO Antonio Horta-Osorio will get an annual salary of 1.035 million pounds (US$1.7 million), as well as a bonus, because the bank said so in a statement when he was appointed last week. We know that Willie Walsh, the CEO of British Airways Plc, just received a pay increase of 90,000 pounds because the airline revealed that as part of the process of receiving shareholder approval for its merger with Iberia Lineas Aereas de Espana SA. With a quick search, we can get the same details for just about any corporate executive.

Olympic Salaries: Increasingly, we know top public-sector salaries as well. Earlier this year, the U.K. decided to publish those of the highest-earning executives at government agencies. So we know that David Higgins, the man in charge of delivering the London 2012 Olympics, is being paid 394,999 pounds a year. Scandinavia countries aren’t shy about it, either. In Denmark, details of everyone’s earnings are published online by the tax authorities. Norway does the same.

But almost everywhere else, salaries are still cloaked in secrecy. A survey of 1,392 British adults published last week by the website found that 37 percent of people were happy to tell family and friends what they earned, 20 percent would discuss their bonuses, and 23 percent their debts. But, of course, that still means 63 percent of people aren’t happy to discuss their finances.

American Reserve: A U.S. survey found that Americans were also reticent. A poll by Harris Interactive of 2,257 adults for the website this year found that 17 percent of people wouldn’t discuss their earnings with anyone at all. But of the 83 percent that would, most would share that information only with their spouse or partner. A third would discuss their earnings with their best friend, only 15 percent with a colleague at a similar level in the workplace, and just 5 percent with an acquaintance.

There is still huge resistance to revealing your financial situation to the world. The majority of us just won’t do it. But we should all be completely open about what kind of money we make. Here’s why.

One, everyone would benefit. We can’t really be sure if we are paid fairly unless we know what our colleagues are getting. Our bosses can easily hoodwink us because we don’t have enough information. If we all knew what everyone else was getting paid, we would find it easier to seal a better deal. In the short term, we might suffer some embarrassment if it turned out we’d negotiated only a fraction of what everyone else in the office was getting. In the medium term, we’d come out ahead.

Improved Self-Esteem: Two, since we have no idea what everyone else is earning, we tend to feel insecure about what we are making. We look around us and assume that others are earning much more. The chances are that we get a salary somewhere in the middle. If we were more open, we’d probably be pleasantly surprised, and realize we are doing OK. Our self-esteem would improve.

Three, it will make us more financially responsible. One of the big problems around the world right now is consumer debt. That is partly because we are so secretive about our finances. We show off by spending lots of money. If it was normal to tell everyone how big your mortgage was, or how we had purchased that new car entirely on credit, we might feel a bit uneasy. We would compete on financial responsibility, as well as just consumption -- and feel less tempted to run up unaffordable debts.

True, what we earn is personal information. It reveals much about us and our place in the world. But society is undoubtedly a better place for having swept away Victorian taboos on discussing sex, death, health and emotions.

We should do the same for money as well. How much do I earn? I’ll tell you -- but only if you tell me yours first.

(Matthew Lynn is a Bloomberg News columnist and the author of “Bust,” a forthcoming book on the Greek debt crisis. The opinions expressed are his own.)
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

jackmok;588906 said:
I know it sounds stupid, but who knws, maybe sometimes making money can be reali easy. Sometimes luck though. Meet right ppl at the rite time...? Just for some feedbacks and discussion....

Case Study 1:
I have a frd, his father sells beehoon and mee (raw), to hawker stalls. He is not a supplier, but something like a sub distributor. Drives a van everyday to deliver. He lives is a semi D/terrace worth more than $1M... Selling bee hoon and mee...... hmmmm

Case Study 2:
I have another frd, his uncle used to be a taxi driver. Now drives a lambo gallardo. What he do? He sell rice. As in raw grains. Low grade grains, import from india (ya he is an Idian), and distribute to shops, customers mainly foreign workers.

Case Study 3:
My cousin's bf's uncle, used to work in a BAO making factory. after some arguement, he quit, nearly bankrupt. He started his own bao factory and making BIG BUCKS! Distributing bao to coffeeshops. He just bought a landed property and a porsche...

Case Study 4:
I have 2 frds, opens a printing shop. Print brochures, catalogues, restaurent menu... One of them jus bought aa Audi S5, the other guy jus bought a BMW 7 Series... Damn!!!

My point is, these are all straight forward businesses. But they are reali lucky to get into rite thing at the rite time. I thought of many ways to make money. I don't like investment, insurance, property lines etc. More of the above 4 kinds of related domestic businesses...

Anybody care to share, any ideas to make $200-$500 a day. I consider myself hardworking. Thought of mobile car grooming, but after some calculation, canot reach that target... Thought of being a hawker, char kway teow kind, but I m not a good cook, hah...

How any bro, sis, come across any good stories, maybe can give me some thinker! SHARE SHARE SHARE!!!

$500 a day would not get you a condo/semi-D/porsche/audi. Sad but true.

Short answer to your question -- hard work. Real hard work.

I know a wonton noodle hawker fairly well -- we chat while he prepares my meal. He has saved up $4M dollars over the last 30 years.

How did he do it?
He sells 11,000 plates of wanton noodles a month. Alone. No helper.
$3 a plate. That's $33,000. After expenses, he takes home about $20,000 a month.

Makes me think. Hope it does you too.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

DriveAllDay;589491 said:
$500 a day would not get you a condo/semi-D/porsche/audi. Sad but true.

Short answer to your question -- hard work. Real hard work.

I know a wonton noodle hawker fairly well -- we chat while he prepares my meal. He has saved up $4M dollars over the last 30 years.

How did he do it?
He sells 11,000 plates of wanton noodles a month. Alone. No helper.
$3 a plate. That's $33,000. After expenses, he takes home about $20,000 a month.

Makes me think. Hope it does you too.
u sure or not! $500/day cannot buy condo/porshce!

sell noodles is all abt hard work, luck & location. - chinatown noodles drop in sales aft ERP price up.
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

iScoupe;589501 said:
u sure or not! $500/day cannot buy condo/porshce!

sell noodles is all abt hard work, luck & location. - chinatown noodles drop in sales aft ERP price up.

Confirmed cannot buy Porsche.
At least not 911. Heehee
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

..boh frd's sista,..sell food oso..Catering in fact, last time struggled 4 mny donkey yrs..stayed in 5 room (family of 5) for mny yrs..

..wah lau...last 2 yrs only..(45 yrs old now) a few landed..2 sporty cars..sista buy nobody's biz.... u knw why anot..?!

They hve worked hard for many yrs..even teamed with famous actor for their catering biz..boh lahsa...
..but biz picked up dramatically..really unbelievably...when they went for image change after consultaltion with dunno which firm la...started employing.. Sales Team with good incentives to their Sales Person.. This is strategies..& right Sales ppl..not luck and hard work liow ..

@ [email protected] way a real women will offer u $5K la...i should knw..wahahahaha..aunties very fussy one...wahahahahaha..
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

etan1;589483 said:
how do you know????

....I'm go gym now order to earn over $500 p/d...u wanna knw my trainer..i can intro..aimai?
Re: How to make $500 a day? Share pls!

Chocs;589609 said:
....I'm go gym now order to earn over $500 p/d...u wanna knw my trainer..i can intro..aimai?

I no need go gym.... Muscle solid solid..... One big muscle...!:goodup:

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