Improving the Handling of E46 318i valvetronic

More gold nuggets for you to archive Ryan! 8) I'm amazed at the very practical and clever info provided - it's like going to the doctor with a unique affliction (mod virus) and coming out with a customised prescription, based on the patient's needs and lifestyle. :thumbsup: TobyNik, sorry I didn't sell you my M Tech II kit in the end.... :| you see what this forum has done to me (and lots of others) heheheh! :twisted:

So if i summarise the advice given, based on my budget and aim of "enthusiastic street driving", with looks and ride comfort being secondary, the suggestions are (in order of priority) as follows :-

1. Upgrade anti roll bar first

2. Then salvage used 4 cyl coupe springs and shocks (possible to use cabrio springs and shocks?)

OR upgrade springs, keep original shocks until worn out, then replace with used 4 cyl coupe shocks or new aftermarket ones

Then if I want to spend more,

3. Go for complete spring/shock set eg Sachs Perf or KW

4. Or even better, go for less hardcore Coilovers - eg PSS9, KW var 1 & 2

5. upgrade to 18" rims

...which takes me to the "occasional motorsports" category. 8) Correct if me I'm wrong! :)

Any thoughts on doing no 2 first, then no 1, ie upgrade springs first, then if the effect is not satisfactory, add on ARB. I understand that changing the ARB is a much more aggressive mod compared to changing springs, as the ARB could cause some drastic changes eg cause the car to be very twitchy.

Now about the ARB brands...I'd like to consider the cheaper ones which would be :

- Eibach (approx. $750+ based on current Euro rates) Who supplies Eibach in Singapore?

- UUC sways (approx $850 confirm exact price with Wilson)

My driving style....more like a swing out sister, :p so perhaps I should dial in more understeer and go for the Eibachs...but the UUCs seem to be a good deal with the USD relatively low at the moment...

OT a bit, I haven't upgraded my air filter as I don't want to compromise low end torque, but I was told that the K&N drop in filters DON'T affect low end torque - can I confirm this has been your experience ?

Wow!! So many ppl respond to you eh......

oh yeaaah...everyone has been so helpful...thanks a million, guys! :wavey:
g0yogi said:
1. Upgrade anti roll bar first

2. Then salvage used 4 cyl coupe springs and shocks (possible to use cabrio springs and shocks?)

OR upgrade springs, keep original shocks until worn out, then replace with used 4 cyl coupe shocks or new aftermarket ones


Any thoughts on doing no 2 first, then no 1, ie upgrade springs first, then if the effect is not satisfactory, add on ARB. I understand that changing the ARB is a much more aggressive mod compared to changing springs, as the ARB could cause some drastic changes eg cause the car to be very twitchy.

If your long-term aim is to do both 1 and 2, you shouldn't be too concerned about which one comes first. In fact, since you're probably looking to buy/get used parts for 2, timing and availability becomes more important. Used parts, when they become available, must always grab first. New ones can always get at your own time. Just a thought.
Changing spring will improve the ride a little but not a lot....

Been there done that liao...

I started from changing spring from a coupe, then upgrading my rim size then ARB. The last was the most significant.... More significant than adding the spring and upgrading rims together..

Since u have got the 17" oredi, ARB is the way to go, if still not enuf, then a struct bar, then if still not enuf, look for ADT, then IDT kekeke !
:thumbsup: TobyNik, sorry I didn't sell you my M Tech II kit in the end.... :| you see what this forum has done to me (and lots of others) heheheh! :twisted:
No worries lah! Glad that you are keeping your ride anyway! :thumbsup:

Like what DJ advocates - Just Mod It!

Cheers! :wavey:
Huh? Swing-out sister - isn't tt the name of a has-been 80s girlie group?? :| Tsk tsk tsk... *disapproving tone*

g0yogi said:
My driving style....more like a swing out sister, :p
Used parts, when they become available, must always grab first. New ones can always get at your own time. Just a thought.

Mmm...very good point, thanks!

Huh? Swing-out sister - isn't tt the name of a has-been 80s girlie group?? Tsk tsk tsk... *disapproving tone*

Ah, you remember them! 8) Actually, right through the 90s and even recently....check out their latest album.

As for the disapproving tone...don't tempt me to be a swing out sister when rollerblading...especially when one is convalescing... :twisted:
Spelling police is konfused - "convalescing"?? :whattheh:

Nyah, rock is more my cuppa ice milo! :laughlik:

g0yogi said:
Ah, you remember them! 8) Actually, right through the 90s and even recently....check out their latest album.

As for the disapproving tone...don't tempt me to be a swing out sister when rollerblading...especially when one is convalescing... :twisted:
Dear Mr Konfused, it refers to a certain person who is convalescing (recovering) after a major dental operation. 8)

And this is specially for the spelling polis :


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the

frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses

and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh?
goyogi... think you need to upgrade your suspension as you are one hell of a quick driver for a lady.....! thru my experience, my car is equipped with acs suspension, and when i tried a stock 318, it felt a whole lot of difference.......! i didn't even have aftermarket roll or strut bar installed.... wonder what it would have been like if i have the roll bars installed....awesome.....for that i have to look for wilman soon for the UUCs.....

axl.....where have you been evoMR oredi never join us liao...hehe also....rollarbladding more than driving..haa....
" you also....rollarbladding more than driving..haa...."..

Have to do justice to the roller blades oso lah bro..
Speaking of that, I need to rotate the wheels..
" you also....rollarbladding more than driving..haa...."..

Have to do justice to the roller blades oso lah bro..
Speaking of that, I need to rotate the wheels..

Your sig very menacing looking man!!! hehehe :twisted:

'The Great White'
wilman2772 said:

Your sig very menacing looking man!!! hehehe :twisted:

'The Great White'

Really huh?..Thanks bro
She is actually like this shy pussy cat...
goyogi... think you need to upgrade your suspension as you are one hell of a quick driver for a lady.....! thru my experience, my car is equipped with acs suspension, and when i tried a stock 318, it felt a whole lot of difference.......! i didn't even have aftermarket roll or strut bar installed.... wonder what it would have been like if i have the roll bars installed....awesome.....for that i have to look for wilman soon for the UUCs.....

Oops..... :oops: how come u know ah...were u the one behind me when we convoyed to Beach Bar ? Terence, right ? Hehe..can only afford one or the other lah, so maybe I'll go for the ACS anti roll bar - simply because it won't void my warranty. (BTW, anybody wants to sell me a used ACS anti roll bar ?? :) ) Otherwise, UUC is good value for $$. I think some bros here have installed UUC sways...and reported very good results.

Really huh?..Thanks bro
She is actually like this shy pussy cat...

...who turns into a roaring cheetah when unleashed on the North-South highway...pussy cat, my foot! :naughty: Don't believe a word of it, still waters run VERY deep...heheh :dance:
yeah goyogi....i was the one behind you the other day during the convoy....was wondering" were we late for F1? why she drive so fast ah!!!"

how much does the acs roll bar cost new? UUC should be pretty good rite.....? upgrade to PSS9 regrets man after that......

i really wonder how much diff can the strut and roll bar make to the what all the other bros said....interesting....!

if you fit the bars....let me noe k.....would like to have a test ride.... hee
....was wondering" were we late for F1? why she drive so fast ah!!!"

Heheh, I was just keeping up with the convoy leader...Mr Piggy. And of course, I didn't want to miss Race Day! 8) Sigh, have had to really curb my speed these last few weeks cos of the blasted new the only option is to go up north... :|

how much does the acs roll bar cost new?

I got a quote for about $960 incl installation, but one of our bros got it for $800 during a PML sale last Dec. The only reason I'm considering the ACS ones over the UUCs are because I don't wanna void the warranties - I've a good 2 years to go yet.

i really wonder how much diff can the strut and roll bar make to the what all the other bros said....interesting....!

Pretty significant you know...I haven't yet come across anybody who's regretted installing an ARB (would be glad to hear any alternative views tho) Why don't you take a taxi ride in a couple of our bros cars during the next meetup...I'm hoping to do the same myself. Then can make a more informed decision lor.

upgrade to PSS9 regrets man after that......

PSS9 damn ex lah...I'm even looking for used ARB by the way...anyone out there want to sell me their Anti Roll Bar?? :)
A lot of ppl in the forum goes for ACS coz they scared the warrenty will be void. But the chances of this happening is actually very slim. If ACS after discount works out to be the same price as the other aftermarket ones, then all is well, but if it is substantially more expensive, dont let the warrenty part stop you from choosing the better alternative.

of course shit occassionally does happen so dont quote me on this, and i guess there's always this weighing of cheaper-option-but-void-warrenty vs expensive-but warrentied, but do think carefully since ACS is not cheap.

If you go for sach or eibach or anything else, your warrenty for those is void anyway.
I got a quote for about $960 incl installation,

Hi ! I am also keen to install the ARB.

Do you think we can reduce the price lower if we purchase together :)

We are organising a group buy - check your pm from Dreamdriver. Anyone else keen, please indicate your interest. :thumbsup:

Racebred - the price diff is actually not very much, the ACS one is only slightly more expensive, so might as well not void the warranty. 8)

g0yogi said:

We are organising a group buy - check your pm from Dreamdriver. Anyone else keen, please indicate your interest. :thumbsup:

Racebred - the price diff is actually not very much, the ACS one is only slightly more expensive, so might as well not void the warranty. 8)


Hi ! gOyogi.

Yes ! I have already contacted Dreamdriver.

Need your help to purchase the ACS ARB :)

See you around :)

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