Khang Auto

Re: Khang Auto

anyway, this episode just serves as another knife into the heart of PI bmws and other makes.
slowly, ppl are trying to give PI dealers a chance, but here we can see warranty issues, close down, members complaining abt not so honest PI choice gotta go back to PML even though how shitty it might be for some of the bros??
Re: Khang Auto

sszone;721879 said:
anyway, this episode just serves as another knife into the heart of PI bmws and other makes.
slowly, ppl are trying to give PI dealers a chance, but here we can see warranty issues, close down, members complaining abt not so honest PI choice gotta go back to PML even though how shitty it might be for some of the bros??

Bro, don't be sad. I believe there are still some good shoes around. But nowadays the machine getting higher end with computer here n there, is safer buying from ad if the different is below 20k.
Re: Khang Auto

Terry;721835 said:
thats why.... buy from PML best!!!! hitmee say one

i bought from pml leh but warranty ended 2+ yrs later so LL go twm buy more warranty. oh well, at most lose 1k.
Re: Khang Auto

SCT is a better option. Get judgment and then you can go do a Writ of Seizure and Sale quickly. Take their car jacking equipment and you can do servicing yourself in your own garage.

Pte company or sole proprietor or partnership, anyone can be brought to SCT as long as its a claim for goods and services and under 10k.

Those dunno one dun anyhow say
Re: Khang Auto

The real legal expert speakth............
Re: Khang Auto

This warranty episode will not discourage me from buying from PI. The reasons are (I learn from Ken one, bullet points):

- We pay a lower price for PI's rides. There must be a trade off somewhere. Cannot be a perfect world ya. So for that cheaper price, I am willing to take on a bit of risk on the warranty part. (Actually warranty is not the only risk, but there are other risks involved.)

- Not all PIs give crap warranty. I just have to be careful of which PI I will buy the car from. Open my robot eyes big big that is.

- I will take into account the risks of something major breaking down within the first 3 years. Very likely, likely, or remote? Then I weigh this risk vs the lower price I will be paying vs the risk of the warranty becoming worthless (i.e. in TWM's case).

So it's actually risk taking. Vs the cost saving.

I talk like I am going to buy M3 when in reality I am just looking at 328 where the savings is probably $20k :p
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Re: Khang Auto

When Lehman went down, all panicked, even doubting the likes of DBS and UOB. Khang might be a black sheep, but that does not stop me from considering PIs for future car purchases, unless I have so little faith in BMWs. What matters is the cost savings.

We get mods from "alternative" sources rather than oriiginal manufacturers, and no doubt some "PIs" are black sheeps, there will still be good sources like sszone. Are we gonna say ALL TAIWANESE MADE STUFFs are shitty?
Re: Khang Auto

I dispute that whole heartedly...TW MM are not shitty but slutty!

Re: Khang Auto

I think what is relevant in this issue is a constructive collective effort in seeking a recourse, rather than bitching about Khang. I see no point crying over spilled milk.

My previous 335 had a 3-year extended warranty with TWM.......... felt cheated, but that was the best available alternative for extended warranty before Khang went down.......
Re: Khang Auto

kenntona;722080 said:
Are we gonna say ALL TAIWANESE MADE STUFFs are shitty?

\\of cse not but its a car we r talking abt here. If the PI car came w lemon engine, u cant just forget abt it n buy another right? These r not cheap commodities like handphones which we can change from HTC to iPhone anytime we like.

Of cse for sportscars, the savings upfront is probably halfway to the price of a new engine so hope that nothing major breaks down, otherwise yes cost savings.
Re: Khang Auto

when i go for PI cars i will at least do some research on the cost savings versus the risk involved and whether outside workshop is competent to service and repair the car, if its quite a popular model and there's no lack of outside workshop capable to repair/service i will go for PI if the saving is aobve 30k so far my buying experience with PI is quite positive as i tell myself incase anything happen or no warranty the saving i got will be use to offset the repair. My 2 cents worth.
Re: Khang Auto

I supposed if I am buying an M (robust engine block), my PI savings of say $80 - $100K justify the risks? Else, if I could not stomach the risks, I would have gone AD route.

My suspicion is that even the PIs are snooked in this Khang incident.
Re: Khang Auto

PI route for Japs car makes sense because oh high reliability and easy maintenance and also for some high end sports cars that have termendous upfront savings...For conti cars that has less that 20k savings, its wiser to get from AD and not to forget the resale value is also higher unless u drive for at least 7 years.
Re: Khang Auto

true for Jap car better to go for AD unless some rare model that AD doesn't bring in.
Re: Khang Auto

kenntona;722087 said:
I supposed if I am buying an M (robust engine block), my PI savings of say $80 - $100K justify the risks? Else, if I could not stomach the risks, I would have gone AD route.

My suspicion is that even the PIs are snooked in this Khang incident.

i guess so i also am driving a PI BMW & bought mine in 2009 so also am "protected" by COE price. Servicing in independetn workshops is great too coz i just need 2 call a few days ahead sure got space one & always done within the day so no worries of mechanics racing the car etc.

i always worry abt a major engine problem... but mine coming to 3yrs so warranty over already & so far v solid.

Yes if saving is big then the risk is partly justified...
Re: Khang Auto

1. angbrian
2. a1vin1981
3. Monfreeze
4. XooX (Left 10 months)
5. cps7733
6.Srad (shld have another year too!) NB!
7. leekokshiong (3 years!) SHIT!!!
8. mapleleaf
9. Trask - 3 years
10. arowana1 - left 1.5 years or 35,000km
11. omshks (left 4.5 years! ultra shit...)
12. CityTypeZ - ard 5 mth (not that bad but still pissed)
13. Slayermarc - 4.5 years
14. wlkoh - 3 years
15. robing888 - 3years. shit...
Re: Khang Auto

actually, i think there is something very wrong with the business model for this PI cars warranty biz.
as per my layman understanding, they are running it like an insurance biz, ie collecting warranty fees from owners and then theoratically delivering its warranty service.
but given the occurence rate of breakdowns and/or costs of parts replacements etc.....i think its not enough to cover unless the premium charged is really substantial. given this premium to liability/claim rate, the chances of the biz going down is more or less something thats coming sooner or later.

just my 2 cents

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