Let's talk stocks & IPO

Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

rodders;651346 said:
Buy this stock
wow this is a tough hint... understand u need keep financial secret..

let me guess.. geylang corporation pte ltd stock?

Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

iScoupe;651350 said:
wow this is a tough hint... understand u need keep financial secret..

let me guess.. geylang corporation pte ltd stock?


It should be Geylang Copulation Pte Ltd stock. :lol2:
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

weird thread - can't imagine getting such advice from the internet, esp. from people whom you don't know.

BUT i doubly love the replies from the BROs in this forum.


to TS, buy these stocks, i say one:

1. Willy Pte Ltd (registered in Lor 28)
2. Take 5 Pte Ltd (registered in East Coast Rd)
3. Poseidon Entertainment (registered in Ratchadapisek, Bangkok)

in order of priority, 3 being the best. buy big time, trust me cos i say one.

Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

** piangz... sorry tht i start the stock trade :p haha.

but i do mean good and wanna get opinions :p
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

It is hard to give ideas, given the:

- current state of market + rapidly changing fundamentals
- different risk profiles of everyone, different risk tolerance
- different timeframe of analysis
- different definition of risk-adjusted returns

At best, create a list of defensive stocks, but even then, the visibility is so short-term it makes no sense to put a long term target to it..... I am amused by market practitioners who could tell 12 mth's target but they cannot see price movement beyond the week.....loads of craps.
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

Does dollar cost averaging still applies on present market next 3yrs?
E.g. I have 300,000 I switch $10,000 every month & buy a list of stocks for next 30mths

can work? I have a risk profile of adventurous.
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

iScoupe said:
Does dollar cost averaging still applies on present market.
E.g. I have 300,000 I switch $10,000 every month & buy a list of stocks for next 30mths

can work?
Dollar averaging works only in an uptrend market.

In a downtrend market, dollar averaging is practically good money chasing poor stocks, given that fundamentals are deteriorating. If a business venture is approaching you for funds, and you know that its outlook is declining rapidly, would you pump in more $$$ in the hope that it could recover? Not so clearcut, ya?

Even dollar-averaging on blue chips can kill you, if you apply it on wrong stocks or wrong timeframe.

Example 1. wrong stock - Chartered. Imagine you use dollar averaging on this stock since 2000..... you will have lost 90+% on a Temasek-linked company.

Example 2, wrong timeframe - imagine you use dollar-averaging strategy on Cosco since 2007..... it was close to $8.00 then..... today it is 1.75.......

Assuming "mean reversion" is very dangerous in ANY investment.
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

rodders;651346 said:
Buy this stock

This kind of thread also can OT...*faint*
Btw...I found some cash in my closet...how many lot to buy on this "stock" ah...IPO in Geylang is it??
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

europe soars!!! finally a nice bounce!!!!
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

I rather hold on a little longer to cash and wait for the sky to be clearer. Alan Greenspan says Greece will very probably default. The proverbial horse not wanting to drink water, 90% fail if not now sooner or later.

Commercial REITS seem relatively safer in this climate...
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO


Think Bailout and QE1 QE2 QE3, awesome names, bestwords markets like to heard.....say bail up 1% say OUt another 1%, BAilOUT rally 5%, mkt where got problem.....print print!!!
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

Samsonite IPO tumble in Hong Kong debut

Shares of luggage maker Samsonite International S.A. plunged on their first day of trading Thursday, amid waning investor interest in IPOs as global stock markets slide.

Samsonite shares fell as low as 12.96 Hong Kong dollars, or 10.6 percent, from their offer price of HK$14.50. They closed HK$1.12 or 8 percent lower at HK$13.38.
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

$0.135 settle-price

Got friend says can look at Nordic Group too, they a vendor to marine and offshore industries
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

The last thing you ever wanna do when you trade stocks is to rely on "tips". You'll neve rknow how far down the line you are before receiving the "tip"
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

ok thanks for info and advice.
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

Price action rules, not newsflow or tips......so OPEN EYES, CLOSE EARS, and keep your mind open, just in case you are wrong......
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

The problem with the typical retail investor is that they don't wanna do their homework. They only want free tips from their friends, relatives and stock brokers. People are especially selfish when it comes to stock trading. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

This mth like collection, next month lei, i like tips.
Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO

The longer you are in the market, the more sceptical you will get on tips and inside scoops...... cause the risk/reward ratios never tally up.......

There are people who speak to impress, not necessarily they are the savvy ones. Most of the time, it is hindsight talk.

There are people who speak to buy connection and recognition, and by selective perception, they seemed to be correct most of the time. Most analysts fall into this category.

And there are people who speak because they have the opposite agenda. They wanna offload, but tell you to buy........ seen this for too many years.....


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