Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

Minister's pay reduction is insignificant to them...With the amount of information they can easily make up for the reduction in salary unless their brain is the size of their nuts....
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

MW;725684 said:
Many will tua this NDP cos pay cut sibeh xian

cannot tua like bmwsg meetup or else kena fired ah...hehe

now must more prominent, on the ground, show ppl they work but very ironic indeed as what Mr Brown pointed out: Ministers show up where most don't expect to find them

Ministers show up where most don't expect to find them… doing their jobs

From ST: Do-it-yourself ministers gaining notice

In recent months, a few ministers have turned up unannounced at places where most would not expect to find them.
Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew went to MRT stations and rode the trains. Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Chan Chun Sing dropped in on homes for the destitute and disabled.

Erm, isn't a Transport Minister EXPECTED to go to MRT stations and ride the trains on their own?

What's next? Minister of Information actually reads a newspaper?
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee


our MRT SAW will laugh at them, pay as high as you hor......bad mgmt still nothing happen to me......i think they will switch camp to join stat board leow...:)
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

I'm not that optimistic about the review committee's findings. Don't forget, this is just a RECOMMENDATION. It is still due for debates in Parliament. The proposed plan may still be overturned. If there is a mass exodus of ministers or MPs walking out or some guys not happy and giving PM the pressure, then LPPL, we are back to square 1.

So it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Cast it in Black and White. Enter the terms and conditions into the constitutions whatever. Then we citizens can rejoice!

And tamade useless guys like MBT, Raymond Lim, WKS actually got away with this. The review committee should look into ways to clawback the incompetent ministars' earnings. They made 10+ years of bonus by doing nothing and worse, digging the shiteholes deeper.
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

Good news DRK
anyway, its still showtime and the public are watching so they will most likely accept the cuts.
any MP that opposes probably will be thought of as a villain so nobody in his right mind would object.
only thing i might foresee is perhaps WP etc will say its still not enough....hehe

PM Lee: Gov't plans to accept salary cut proposals - Yahoo!


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says the government plans to accept the recommendations made by the Ministerial Salary Committee, reported Channel NewsAsia (CNA).

In a letter to the committee head Gerard Ee after he had submitted his team’s report, Lee said his government will publish the report as a White Paper, and will initiate a motion in Parliament to use it as a benchmark for setting salaries for political appointment holders, CNA reported.

The Committee has proposed a 36 per cent pay cut for the Prime Minister, a 51 per cent cut for the President and a 37 per cent cut for entry-grade ministers.

These proposed cuts mean the Prime Minister’s annual salary will be cut to $2.2m from $3.07m, the President's will be down to $1.54m from about $4.3m and junior ministers' salaries will be $1.1m, down from $1.58m last year.

(Read more about their recommendations here, and the committee's full release here. Its report is also available in full here.)

The proposed cuts will be debated over two to three days in Parliament on its 16 January sitting. Parliament will also convene next Monday but will be focusing on questions posed with regard to the recent train breakdowns and floods.

Lee expressed his gratefulness to the salary review committee for taking the time to conduct the review, taking into account fundamental principles and the long-term interests of the country, reported CNA.

In the meantime, People’s Action Party (PAP) members of parliament and cabinet ministers were briefed on Tuesday over a two-and-a-half-hour-long meeting, where MPs and ministers present reportedly were not surprised by the recommendations made, and had no major disagreements with what was proposed.

The Straits Times reported that MPs also discussed during the meeting how best to communicate the report to the public effectively.
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Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

Given current political climate, it would be wise to adopt it. In fact, backbencher/opposition should suggest bigger cut. Force field of their reality distortion is fading over the years.
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

big bro said "accept" recommendation liao. who dare to challenge, not scared kena party whip and sent into cold palace ar ... hehe

DrK;725729 said:
I'm not that optimistic about the review committee's findings. Don't forget, this is just a RECOMMENDATION. It is still due for debates in Parliament. The proposed plan may still be overturned. If there is a mass exodus of ministers or MPs walking out or some guys not happy and giving PM the pressure, then LPPL, we are back to square 1.

So it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Cast it in Black and White. Enter the terms and conditions into the constitutions whatever. Then we citizens can rejoice!

And tamade useless guys like MBT, Raymond Lim, WKS actually got away with this. The review committee should look into ways to clawback the incompetent ministars' earnings. They made 10+ years of bonus by doing nothing and worse, digging the shiteholes deeper.
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

sszone;725735 said:
Good news DRK
anyway, its still showtime and the public are watching so they will most likely accept the cuts.
any MP that opposes probably will be thought of as a villain so nobody in his right mind would object.
only thing i might foresee is perhaps WP etc will say its still not enough....hehe

PM Lee: Gov't plans to accept salary cut proposals - Yahoo!


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says the government plans to accept the recommendations made by the Ministerial Salary Committee, reported Channel NewsAsia (CNA).

In a letter to the committee head Gerard Ee after he had submitted his team’s report, Lee said his government will publish the report as a White Paper, and will initiate a motion in Parliament to use it as a benchmark for setting salaries for political appointment holders, CNA reported.

The Committee has proposed a 36 per cent pay cut for the Prime Minister, a 51 per cent cut for the President and a 37 per cent cut for entry-grade ministers.

These proposed cuts mean the Prime Minister’s annual salary will be cut to $2.2m from $3.07m, the President's will be down to $1.54m from about $4.3m and junior ministers' salaries will be $1.1m, down from $1.58m last year.

(Read more about their recommendations here, and the committee's full release here. Its report is also available in full here.)

The proposed cuts will be debated over two to three days in Parliament on its 16 January sitting. Parliament will also convene next Monday but will be focusing on questions posed with regard to the recent train breakdowns and floods.

Lee expressed his gratefulness to the salary review committee for taking the time to conduct the review, taking into account fundamental principles and the long-term interests of the country, reported CNA.

In the meantime, People’s Action Party (PAP) members of parliament and cabinet ministers were briefed on Tuesday over a two-and-a-half-hour-long meeting, where MPs and ministers present reportedly were not surprised by the recommendations made, and had no major disagreements with what was proposed.

The Straits Times reported that MPs also discussed during the meeting how best to communicate the report to the public effectively.

Hmm.. that is a good sign. But why do they still need to debate about this in Parliament on 16th Jan before the white paper? To negotiate the cut proportions?

The next thing govt should do is to review the pays of CEOs in sovereign funds like Temasek and GIC as well as SMRT. The poor records speak for themselves. They should be subjected to similar treatments. Want to run the country like a Inc right? Apply the same rules to the govt subsidaries and stat boards too.
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

Just wonder..does the CEO of Temasek earns more than her husband with the paycut? Anyone knows how much the chairman Dhana earns sitting at the top and enjoying the loss?
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

Things are as transparent as taxi fares nowadays.

No one could tell me to the nearest 50 cents a taxi trip on a weekday 5 pm from Raffles Place to Sin Ming........
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

Just read most of the article, everyone gets pay cut, old minister and new minister, speaker to Mp. Only thing I don't understand is if mps are getting an allowance and not salary why do u need performance bonus n benefits. It shd be nett fig x12. Most of them hold other appts in addition to their day jobs lots of passive income.
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Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

plus many hold multiple directorship simultaneously
need to send them to enrichment centre for "entry test" to evaluate their multi-tasking capability

diablo_728;725790 said:
Just read most of the article, everyone gets pay cut. Only thing I don't understand is mp is getting allowance and not salary why need performance bonus n benefits. It shd be nett fig x12. Most of them hold other appts in addition to their day jobs lots of passive income.
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Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

wt_know;725793 said:
plus many hold multiple directorship simultaneously
need to send them to enrichment centre for "entry test" to evaluate their multi-tasking capability

wow, do they have time for all their apointment they each hold??? Salute....
that means C3PO maid should be paid higher......must do so many things (Multi-port folio too)

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Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

hitmee;725754 said:
tony tan sibeh tulan

From Mr Brown websiite

Somewhere out there, S R Nathan may be laughing secretly at Tony Tan. And Tony Tan may be asking "Why Am I Here?"

S R Nathan's next book is rumoured to be "Heng, I Was There Earlier".
Re: Ministerial pay review committee submits report to PM Lee

ipoh-horfun;725955 said:
From Mr Brown websiite

Somewhere out there, S R Nathan may be laughing secretly at Tony Tan. And Tony Tan may be asking "Why Am I Here?"

S R Nathan's next book is rumoured to be "Heng, I Was There Earlier".

Wait till our PE hears that the booted-out Yeo ministar is now a board of director of a MNC and probably earn more than his $1.5m doing nothing! All the stress and accusations bombarded at him because of his son's alleged non-NS time... is it worth it? Time to bang lampar!