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MWTS M5/M6 steering

Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

ahem, may I take this wonderful Wednesday morning to remind the potential "buyers" out there...

This is not a fire sale....please do not PM me offering to "take if off you at $1500 if there are no takers..."

This is not an Auction...please do not ask me "Bro, what's your start bid?"

This is ALSO not a Want to TRADE thread...please do not ask me "Bro, willing to exchange with my iphone 5s Gold 64GB? I am recontracting tomorrow, can deal same day"

Most importantly, I am not your Bro...
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

MW;1042191 said:
ahem, may I take this wonderful Wednesday morning to remind the potential "buyers" out there...

This is not a fire sale....please do not PM me offering to "take if off you at $1500 if there are no takers..."

This is not an Auction...please do not ask me "Bro, what's your start bid?"

This is ALSO not a Want to TRADE thread...please do not ask me "Bro, willing to exchange with my iphone 5s Gold 64GB? I am recontracting tomorrow, can deal same day"

Most importantly, I am not your Bro...

Hahaha... kana low balled... orr bee goot!!!
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

MW;1042191 said:
ahem, may I take this wonderful Wednesday morning to remind the potential "buyers" out there...

This is not a fire sale....please do not PM me offering to "take if off you at $1500 if there are no takers..."

This is not an Auction...please do not ask me "Bro, what's your start bid?"

This is ALSO not a Want to TRADE thread...please do not ask me "Bro, willing to exchange with my iphone 5s Gold 64GB? I am recontracting tomorrow, can deal same day"

Most importantly, I am not your Bro...
Feel your pain with low ballers........
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

Centurion9990;1042196 said:
Hahaha... kana low balled... orr bee goot!!!

May your car go into a long kang today...
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

MW;1042198 said:
May your car go into a long kang today...

You still haven't pm me on the m5 steering. You rude swine.
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

u got money to buy meh?
MWTS M5/M6 steering

Centurion9990;1042200 said:
You still haven't pm me on the m5 steering. You rude swine.

Don't say I not bro. MW is tired of BMW. Buy a brand new Kia and offer to swap with his sart sart used yaMW5. Your loss is his gain!

*I never say an invitation to treat constitutes a contract hor!
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

congrats on your new.....M5 performance steering wheel with alcantara..... cos alcantara FTW!!!

Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

MW;1042201 said:
u got money to buy meh?

centurion buys...I TOK!
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

u tao ka pai! who say I tok kkj?
I tok cucumber .
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

congrats MW for the new upgrades , damn cool , even for my car there is a lot of parts to change to fit this alcantara steering wheel with OLED lights.

View attachment 55979
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

douggie;1042243 said:
How come you stop at the slope to take this picture?

I couldn't wait to take pic and boh hiu those cars behind me.... car pics more important
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

Reeve;1042257 said:
congrats MW for the new upgrades , damn cool , even for my car there is a lot of parts to change to fit this alcantara steering wheel with OLED lights.

I no money to buy tat ler!
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

don't pretend bro, I heard u ordered liao
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

pointless mod.....since TS does not rev his engine past 2.5k rpm so that he can haolian his FC is unbeatable.....damn sart.
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

just cut open the current steering wheel and install some LEDs can liao ... chop chop 20mins job

** run away

MW;1042259 said:
I no money to buy tat ler!

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