Need 3 Series Driver Help

Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

highbury;643939 said:
Next season, Arsenal win BPL and I'll become even more long story for you.

Ok sorry OT

If you need someone to jog with let me know, you look so lonely jogging alone in the pic...keke. Btw, are you going to this weekend Sundown?? Sorry OT OT...
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

jseah_70;644033 said:
If you need someone to jog with let me know, you look so lonely jogging alone in the pic...keke. Btw, are you going to this weekend Sundown?? Sorry OT OT...

Ha Ha jseah,
That pic was taken a long time ago when training for SCSM07. After that I stopped running.Busy and lazy. Haven't put on my jogging shoes for years and I've put on a lot, lot of weight. Horrible. I'm not doing sundown or any runs now. To be frank, I think even 2.4k would be a struggle for me now. That's how much I've dropped. If you run seriously, don't stop or slack, otherwise become like me.

At some point in the future, I may wanna do a sundown (never tried before) or another SCSM. When I decide to start running again, I'll look you up. Just to let you know. I'm very, very slow.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

cordone19;642821 said:
ya, currently i am still not married.

actually my concern is, to get marry first, then get a house. but in 4 yrs time, i'll to start paying for my own house, my wedding ( which i've already save 3/4 of it), renovation, then by then my rex also going to scrap already.

dunno will it increase my burden by then be it i get a jap or conti car. whereas if i change now, maybe by then i dont have to be so siong cos i can still drive my car for another 3-4 yrs before COE?

i like yr limiting the wants today so that you can enjoy a better quality life in future.

my other half is from the government sector so our combine income for now is not yet 10k. it flucate alil. maybe 7-9k?

mostly importantly i dont wanna get a car and become so in debt to everything.

actually my rex now is servcing me well. but the petrol ( around $100 every 3,4 days) and the maintenence alil high.

Bro, my view on what is affordable is as follows.
Place 30% d/p on the car loan.
Loan 7 years, if the installments are 10% or less of your monthly income not including bonus, then it is comfortable.
In your case, paying almost 60-70% percent of your salary on a car doesn't seem very prudent.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

tedlhw;646725 said:
Bro, my view on what is affordable is as follows.
Place 30% d/p on the car loan.
Loan 7 years, if the installments are 10% or less of your monthly income not including bonus, then it is comfortable.
In your case, paying almost 60-70% percent of your salary on a car doesn't seem very prudent.

Like that he needs to earn ~17k/mth leh...

Current 3 series price: $203,800
After overtrade: $203,800 - $30,000 = $173,800 (I tink overtrade is very high now... check with PML)
30% downpayment: ~ $52,000
Balance: $121,800
Loan interest, 7 yrs @ 1.88%: $16,029
Total loan: $137,829
Monthly: $1,641

if $1,641 = 10% of take home pay,
100% of take home pay = $1,641 x (100/10) = $16,410

Current employee's CPF contribution limit: $4,500 x 20% = $900

Actual salary required: $16,410 + $900 = $17,310
Maybe should join TPL :p
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Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

TPL just quitted her E&Y job and MP's pay of 15k/month should see a reduction with the new scheme so TPL cannot afford a 320i. unless she join another co as a director...

detach8;646734 said:
Like that he needs to earn ~17k/mth leh...
Maybe should join TPL :p
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Jonnybravo;646830 said:
Hahaha... i cannot believe so many people actually responded to this thread.

Hi Johnny,

why not???

* sold your SLK?
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Hi Alvin,

Nope, no one wants to buy. Think it may be the color. I don't even bother advertising anymore. Maybe just keep first. its sitting there like 6.9/7 days a week tho.:boring:
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Jonnybravo;646856 said:
Hi Alvin,

Nope, no one wants to buy. Think it may be the color. I don't even bother advertising anymore. Maybe just keep first. its sitting there like 6.9/7 days a week tho.:boring:

Oh i see, park my place....i help you drive this powerdeful roadster.......

Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

detach8;646734 said:
Like that he needs to earn ~17k/mth leh...

Current 3 series price: $203,800
After overtrade: $203,800 - $30,000 = $173,800 (I tink overtrade is very high now... check with PML)
30% downpayment: ~ $52,000
Balance: $121,800
Loan interest, 7 yrs @ 1.88%: $16,029
Total loan: $137,829
Monthly: $1,641

if $1,641 = 10% of take home pay,
100% of take home pay = $1,641 x (100/10) = $16,410

Current employee's CPF contribution limit: $4,500 x 20% = $900

Actual salary required: $16,410 + $900 = $17,310
Maybe should join TPL :p

LOL didn't realise the 3 is now so ex....

Last time 170K can buy 5 series liao..

Oh well, but seriously i don't feel its too far off.
Cos to buy a almost 180K car, you should be earning around there monthly
Alternatively can down pay a lil more...
My rule of thumb always brings it to around 1 year of basic salary, which is very safe to commit on a depreciating expense.

Well, thats just my view..No right or wrong with these things, just like to be really comfortable when buying "wants".
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Maintenance for a WRX shldnt differ much from a 3 series. As long as you are comfortable with the instalments I dun see any problem with it. My basic principles of comfortably buying a car is always down at least 20% and never loan the full term. :)
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

tedlhw;647181 said:
LOL didn't realise the 3 is now so ex....

Last time 170K can buy 5 series liao..

2 years ago, $170K could buy a 525i with COE $53K. E90 320i was $107K with OMV >$35K. This may happen again when the next financial tsunami hits us.

TS mentioned he is looking at 2009 320i which is selling at the same price when it was new. Might as well save up and buy a new one at the same price when the opportunity strikes again.
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Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

The current LCI 320i has OMV ~38-40K
The bulk of the price went to COE
But don't forget, when COE
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Even at car loan rate of 1.88%, the effective interest rate is more than 3%. Saving up now to buy later is still the best option. After saving for 10 or 20 years, and investing wisely along the way, the investment returns alone could fetch a new car :D
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Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

3k per month isn't a lot of money.. moreover you mention that your income fluctuates depending on your sales performance..

on the other hand, you've to consider miscellaneous expenses such as

- personal life/term insurance
- family household income
- phone/internet bills
- shopping/movies/dining

The above can easily take up 1K at the minimum so you're left with 2K to juggle with your car.

You might be single now, but will you be a bachelor for the next 5 years?

BTW, how much do you plan to set aside for savings each month?

Don't spend everything you earn!

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