New here!!!


Active Member

GoT tO kNoW tHiS sItE fRoM a FrIeNd, :cloud9:
NeW tO tHiS fOrUm, :eek:
HoPe CaN mAkE mOrE fRiEnDs :)
Re: New here!!!

Welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy yourself here.
Re: New here!!!

Welcome to and enjoy your stay. Is your CaPsLocK or sHifT key spoilt?
Re: New here!!!

Welcome in, Yi_Ling.

Cute avatar, sure attracts horsins. I'm the 3rd one :yummie: Enjoy your stay.
Re: New here!!!

kNoW fr0m wHich FrieNd????

AnYwAy........ WeLc0m3 wElc0Me...........

**** horsin all playin Futsal.......... this thread will be at least 5 pages....:lol2: :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

nYteMarE;353944 said:
Welcome to and enjoy your stay. Is your CaPsLocK or sHifT key spoilt?

*Sound of fly buzzing*

Welcome Welcome....

Like Nytemare says, I think you have a sticky shift or capslock key.... :lol2:

Is your friend Tiffany a.k.a. Illuxionbaby? She also has a sticky shift/capslock key.... hehehe
Re: New here!!!

Welcome!! And oh ya what happen to illuxionbaby? I really can't remember which to CAPS and which not to... Is that her nick? Did i get it right?
Re: New here!!!

fiercepink;353979 said:
Welcome!! And oh ya what happen to illuxionbaby?...

I think Illuxionbaby either got pissed off or scared off by Terry.... hehe....
Re: New here!!!

Hello! What r u driving?
Re: New here!!!

Welcome Yi_Ling, I am new here too.
Looks like all newbies do received lots of welcome messages from the warmth in this forum.

Hope you'll enjoy your stay here.
Re: New here!!!

MoRnInG aLl,
AlL oF yOu ArE sO fRiEnDlY... :)
Ermm DaDdY jUsT tOoK oVeR hIs fRiEnD’s 530i, aCtUaLlY wE qUiTe DuMb AbOuT cArS, jUsT sTaY hErE to mAkE fRiEnDs aNd gEt tO kNoW mOrE aBoUt tHe cAr..
Re: New here!!!

I'm having a headache.

My eyes! My eyes!

Think i'm having a hangover...

Why do I feel that Yi Ling may be someone we all know but don't know exactly who?

Welcome Yi Ling! Join us for our monthly meetup... You'll enjoy it.

Nope, I'm not a horsin. I don't qualify.
Re: New here!!!

Ha Ha..

So ThAt YoU aLl WiLl KnOw Is Me!! :p

DifFiCuLt To ReAd? iF yEs, I wIL cHaNgE tHen.

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