New here!!!

Re: New here!!!

Yi_Ling;354141 said:
MoRnInG aLl,
AlL oF yOu ArE sO fRiEnDlY... :)
Ermm DaDdY jUsT tOoK oVeR hIs fRiEnD’s 530i, aCtUaLlY wE qUiTe DuMb AbOuT cArS, jUsT sTaY hErE to mAkE fRiEnDs aNd gEt tO kNoW mOrE aBoUt tHe cAr..

ur typing so cute. are u like ur typing?

Mockngbrd;354145 said:
HoW ComE YOu TyPe So FuNnY WaN? CaPs On & OfF ?

urs not cute one
Re: New here!!!

bobbytay27;354173 said:
HI yILing CaN i InViTe u 4 A dRiNk!!!

You? Drink? Lim guni ah? :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

DrINk At COFFeBEan 0R somEtINk!!
I dUN dRInK Or Sm0ke....S0rRy...
anY tiNk BuT aLcOhol
Re: New here!!!

bobbytay27;354178 said:
...anY tiNk BuT aLcOhol

You go and drink your spa pool water lah.... lots of 'ho liao' from all the bodies that soaked in it, plus chlorine flavouring... hehehehe
Re: New here!!!

y U keEP rEplyiNG me!!!!
plS fANG le WO!!!
YiLINg WAre R u???
Re: New here!!!

bobbytay27;354183 said:
... YiLINg WAre R u???

Bwahaha!! Yi Ling already offline lah.... you wait long long lah. :nehnehhh:
Re: New here!!!

U AGAIN!!!!!!!!
I QUIT.....
YilING CAN call ME ....97425808
Re: New here!!!

think her dad took over eggz car
Re: New here!!!

bobbytay27;354183 said:
YiLINg WAre R u???

Now should be on the way to school...afternoon session for Pri.1,3 & 5.
Pls wait for her to return at about 6.30pm, have dinner and finish homework first.
( Can log on earlier if today teacher no give any homeworks)
Or..she may reply u if she have time in the morning before preparing to go school...I guess!

Coffeebean..should still can .. but need to wait weekend and must be accompanied by either parent . ( Maybe Swensen better..):lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

j8833t;354198 said:
... Coffeebean..should still can .. but need to wait weekend and must be accompanied by either parent . ( Maybe Swensen better..)...

You took over eggz' car is it? :lol2::lol2::lol2:
Re: New here!!!

JEFF u sure she s00000 young meh.....ok bye now going to swim lioa
Re: New here!!!

Breyton;354200 said:
You took over eggz' car is it? :lol2::lol2::lol2:

If I am her daddy and botay start horsing...I send her oversea immediately :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

j8833t;354203 said:
If I am her daddy and botay start horsing...I send her oversea immediately

But Roasty can? :lol:
Re: New here!!!

j8833t;354203 said:
If I am her daddy and botay start horsing...I send her oversea immediately :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: serious ah...lucky botay give up....otherwise very expensive to send oversea...:lol2: :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

Hi.. WeLcoMe tO thE FoRUm.
CaN i CheCk with yoU, hOW loNG Do u aCtuaLly tAke to TypE ouT oNe sENtEnCe LikE tHIs ?
CaUsE iT DeFinaTelY toOk mE At LeASt 2 MinUtES.
Re: New here!!!

Hi WElcomE AbOArd. EnJOy Yr StAy.

DuN WorRY, tHe BoYS hERe ArE FUn ANd HArmLEss :)

Gee, I wonder how she can type in such a format. I had difficulty even attempting to type as above :confused:
Re: New here!!!

j8833t;354203 said:
If I am her daddy and botay start horsing...I send her oversea immediately :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Not need IF............ i think u r her daddy......... :nehnehhh:

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